Hi crew,
Please find attached the very first draft of our rewrite of the mission statement. I see this as an important document for our RP, as it will help to clarify what our prime goals are and to avoid losing focus in the coming years.
Please provide your feedback, and feel free to completely rewrite this mission statement in your own words/style and submit to me. I will do my best to incorporate all the views that I recieve from members.
I look forward to hearing your responses!
Jaye Jeffries
The USC Relliketh roleplay group exists to provide a friendly and collaborative atmosphere for the creative and diverse expression of imagination through the avenue of Trek based roleplay.
The Relliketh roleplay group strives to achieve an immersive, creative, freeflowing atmosphere that operates within the reasonable confines of social discourse.
An adult group, aimed at adult, constructive, fun and friendly roleplay that is a source of inspiration and creativity, emphasising the importance of real life relationships with our Second Life roleplay companions, we continue to develop, evolve and create dramatic, complex, intertwined, immersive and involving roleplay.
We believe that as our roleplay characters grow, as our skills in roleplay grow, as our ability to creatively express ourselves within this constructive and ordered environment grows, so too do our RL personalities.
We bring with us our creative energy, and empty it as completely as possible, opening up a space within ourselves for something bigger and even more wonderful.
We have a mission,
It is the USC Relliketh.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Chatlog 15th August 2009
Malcolm Sholokhov nods, "We picked up a few from DS9 somehow, they keep chewing on the EDN conduits. Most of them I find already cooked.".
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: Weren't we at DS9 a really long time ago?
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: ::looks over at malcome. "How many have there been?"
Talon Lardner: "Aye, it's the warmpth of the station that attracts them... I thought we were at DS9 just a week or so ago to pick you guys up... I could be wrong, though, I was busy wrangling some paperwork
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: "Ah, yes, well it's my Angosian impatience..a week to you is a year to me." She smiles
Malcolm Sholokhov shrugs, "How many? I found 15-20, I think. The other guys tell me they're all over the place.".
Takira Sukra is Online
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: "That sounds like something that will take signifcant resources to clear up." she says looking at malcome.
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: "Maybe we could get like, space raiid."
Malcolm Sholokhov "Well, we have a few ideas. We've been phasering a few of them, but if it gets bad we're gonns seal the jefferie's tubes, and blow out all the external panels. Blow the lil buggers into space.".
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: "That sounds like quite a job."
Malcolm Sholokhov nods, "Yeah, I'll find out if the Engineering boss is gonna go for that plan."
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: "THa'ts Zatysev coorecct?"
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: "The Chief Engineer Imean?"
Malcolm Sholokhov ponders, "Uhhh, I think so? I haven't screwed up bad enough to have a face to face with him yet, but I'm sure we'll meet soon."
Hladson Kappler: Counselor
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: "Well that's good." replies Em.
Takira Sukra: Hello Mr. Kappler
Hladson Kappler: how are the files on the new crewmembers coming along?
Emberzzz Mendelsohn thinks
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: Hello Counselor Sukra
Takira Sukra: The are coming along fine
Hladson Kappler: good to hear ::looks down at his padd::
Malcolm Sholokhov says quietly, "We have a shrink on board?"
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: yes. Sukra
Takira Sukra: Anything in particular
Malcolm Sholokhov nods, "Hmm."
Takira Sukra: You came by.
Emberzzz Mendelsohn cringes...
Hladson Kappler looks around the room
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: stands
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: may aI get you a drink sir?
Malcolm Sholokhov looks around, "Hmm? Ohh."
Talon Lardner tends to her drink quietly, unable to help but listen in a bit
Emberzzz Mendelsohn reaches across the counter hands happler spoon.
Hladson Kappler: Thanks
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: sure sir
Hladson Kappler munches his Ferengi Flakes
Takira Sukra finishes up her monthly report to be submitted to the Federation Council
Malcolm Sholokhov looks over at Talon, "So, is your husband on board, too?" he asks.
Emberzzz Mendelsohn sits looking at the flakes falling on the floor.. thinks:: more work for me.
Takira Sukra makes a note regarding Hlad's addiction to Ferengi Flakes
Talon Lardner shook her head politely, then closed her eyes. "That... is a long story, to tell the truth."
Emberzzz Mendelsohn looks up, interested
Malcolm Sholokhov ahhs, and nods, "I'll probably hear it sometime." He dosen't want to go prying quite SO soon...
Emberzzz Mendelsohn tried to block out the infernal crunching of frenegi flakes
Hladson Kappler slurps the remaining milk
Talon Lardner: "Well... the husband is... well, he was transfered recently away from here." she stated simply, avoiding some of the more... confusing facts
Emberzzz Mendelsohn hears malcome's thought and thinks she'd like to pry about him.
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: Mal, waht about you?
Malcolm Sholokhov hmms? "What about me? Oh, I'm not married." he admits. Though he considers that he does drift around a lot with ladies....
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: ::looks at trail of ferengi flakes on the floor.
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: fumes
Hladson Kappler puts his used bowl in the replicator
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: Officer KApPLer
Hladson Kappler looks up
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: I've told you not to do that
Hladson Kappler: not to do what?
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: "Do not leave teh bowl in the replicator sir!"
Malcolm Sholokhov chuckles, "Oh wait, let me take care of that..."
Hladson Kappler sighs
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: :even more angrey
Malcolm Sholokhov: "computer. Recycle." The bowl dissapeers in a shower of particles. "There, done." He dosen't see the big deal...
Hladson Kappler nods
Hladson Kappler: thanks, I guess ::walks out the room::
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: "OH. That man" she whispers with a strained hiss.
Malcolm Sholokhov chuckles, "It's just a bowl..."
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: "Yes thank you Mal I know that... however, it's the same bowl, everyday..."
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: "He listens to nothing I say. leaves messes every where...inconsiderate... frustrating....ugh."
Hladson Kappler looks over the duty roster
Malcolm Sholokhov shrugs, "Well, that's why we have people working in the mess hall?" he offers unhelpfully.
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: "When I'm on his bridge, he takes every opportunity to put me in my place." she says. Then smiles. "This is my kitchen. I return the favor."
Emberzzz Mendelsohn Looks at him blankly.
Talon Lardner listens quietly, as if a bit lost on the whole affair
Malcolm Sholokhov chuckles, "Ahh, so it's NOT just a bowl then."
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: "I suppose that is true. But If I were on the engineering deck would you want me to leave warp coils all over your console?"
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: No, it's now.
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: *not
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: *smiles
Malcolm Sholokhov laughs! "No, because a warp coil is 2 meters long and weighs 1.5 tons.".
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: "Well Ferengi Flakes stink and they stick to everything like theta radiation." she says under her breath
Emberzzz Mendelsohn cleans the flakes
Malcolm Sholokhov shrugs, "I prefer waffles, myself." he admits.
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: "Well I shall make you some then." smiles
Talon Lardner: "Why not Bacon?" The doc asked politely.
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: I'm running a bit low on some supplies,
Malcolm Sholokhov shakes his head, "I had breakfast in my quarters, thanks. Hmm, bacon? Well sometimes I have bacon, too."
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: "I'm hoping to add more meats and kettlefish to the offerings here."
Emberzzz Mendelsohn senses Kappler on the bridge. Cringes.
Malcolm Sholokhov ahhs, "I grew up on replicated food, so it's all fine with me.".
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: "Oh, Where ? ON a ship?"
Malcolm Sholokhov: On a ship, on a station, in the academy...
Talon Lardner: "Meat is always good, gets one extra protien, boosts the immune system, and improves morale." She stated simply. "Even replicated meat works just as well."
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: "Well I will requisition some." looks at the dr. "May I sign it with doctors orders?"
Talon Lardner nods solemly. "Feel free... "
Emberzzz Mendelsohn thinks that is of course if we dont' aggrivate teh anomoly again.
Emberzzz Mendelsohn makes a note
Malcolm Sholokhov nods, "Nothing like a good cheeseburger for that. I guess you'll need another stasis storage pod, then?".
Jaye Jeffries: ::leaves his quarters, rubbing some sleep out of his eyes and preparing himself mentally to resume their mission. Jeffries hoped that the science officers had managed to acquire some information to help the crew escape this odd 'taffy' like seciton of space, which appeared to have trapped the Relliketh for the time being.
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: "Yes, that would be very helpful, could you get it for me mal?
Emberzzz Mendelsohn senses the captain. rises to get his usual fare.
Malcolm Sholokhov hmms, "Yeah, I think we got some open ones. There's two large stasis units in the mourge we're not using yet.".
Jaye Jeffries: ::nods to Kappler as he raises from the Captain's chair, Jeffries nods and takes his seat
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: "well thank you, that would be wonderful" she says.
Hladson Kappler: Nothing new to report, sir. We contintue to scan the anomaly, but aren't any closer to determining what causes it
Jaye Jeffries: ::taps his badge "first shift bridge crew please report to the bridge"
Malcolm Sholokhov puts down his mug, and stretches, " I think I hear duty calling."
Hladson Kappler: We did get a couple odd transmissions,but they were too weak to make out more than a couple words
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: here, I'd better go get dressed for teh bridge shift
Talon Lardner gets up to stretch a bit, rolling her neck before looking over to Malcom. "Please excuse me.. that's my call..."
Jaye Jeffries: ::nods to Dr Lardner and engineer Sholkhov as they enter the bridge
Talon Lardner offers a PADD to Hlad. "Sir, here's the weekly crew health report."
Hladson Kappler: Doc. thanks :;takes a look::\
Hladson Kappler: I see Culama is still not feeling well.
Malcolm Sholokhov turns on his console, "Engineering reporting. Sensor #3 is back online, all the lights are green.".
Jaye Jeffries: ::raises his eyebrow at Dr Lardner's casual attire on the bridge "Dr? Perhaps into your uniform?"
Talon Lardner: "And Major... permission to man a science station? I need bridge hours badly." She asked the Major politely, before looking down to Hlad. "And yeah... just a simple flu; he's in quarters right now, resting up."
Emberzzz Mendelsohn finishes cleaning the stations. Closes the bar. Changes for duty
Jaye Jeffries: "That would be fine Dr, in fact our two science officers appear to be awol today, and I desperately need that report on the anomoly we find ourselves mired in"
Malcolm Sholokhov calls towards the Skipper, "Uhh, yeah skipper. The Doc is having a wardrobe malfunction. I'm working on it.".
Takira Sukra stifles a yawn realizing she has been able to meditate lately nor get a good night of sleep lately. Thinks maybe she might consider seeing medical about something for sleep.
Takira Sukra enters the bridge, looks briefly around and heads to the chair
Talon Lardner nods politely. "All part of that flu that's going around. It's harmless, though will mess one up for a bit."
Hladson Kappler hands the padd back to the doctor.
Hladson Kappler: Well let me know when he's back on his feet
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: walks to perform securit scans.
Talon Lardner: "Will do, sir." She nodded politely, before ducking to the Science Station
Jaye Jeffries: ::notices counsellor Sukra yawn widely as she enters the bridge "Too early for you counsellor?"
Malcolm Sholokhov: /looks towards Talon, "Hey doc. The Science guys was asking me for the sensor logs from the #3 sensor. I send all that to your station.".
Emberzzz Mendelsohn thinks about the anomoly and how tedious being stuck in one place has been. Seems almost like being trapped on the Penal colony on Lunar V where she grew up. Suddenly wishes she could fly off the ship to the closest moon.
Takira Sukra: Been up a bit late catching up on some work Major
Talon Lardner nods politely to Malcom. "Sweet... I'm a little rusty on my stellar phenomenon, but I'll see what I can make of it over here."
::comms officer:: Major, I've been able to clean up that transmission. It's still pretty garbled, but I can play it for you.
Jaye Jeffries: ::looks towards the comms officer "Transmission? I though the anomoly was dampening all external communications, where is this transmission coming from ensign?"
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: title Security/Bar
Malcolm Sholokhov 's idea of prison is a bit diffrent, 30 days in a Federation rehab facility spent talking about his feelings and gluing macaroni onto paper with glitter glue...
::comms officer:: It's coming from within the anomaly sir
Jaye Jeffries: ::looks over his shoulder at the security chief "Anything out there chief? I thought we were alone in this anomoly, where could this signal originate from?"
Jaye Jeffries: ::looks over to Ember as the chief leaves on urgen intraship business - "Ms mendelsohn, are there ships in this anomoly with us?"
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: No sir.
Talon Lardner rubs her forehead in frustration... "Very rusty..." she muttered, trying to analyze what she could of the signal.
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: but there seems to be a relay drifting about 2 parsecs from us
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: "The transmission could be from this device.
Jaye Jeffries: ::looks over toward Dr Lardner, hoping she was able to make some sense of these signals.
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: "no life signs. there sir"
Talon Lardner: "And it seems fresh too..." The doctor noted. "From what I can make of it, it only really formed in the past few weeks, at latest."
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: Looks to the engineer station. "Malcome, do you think you could analyze it"
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: "The energy readings are quite unique:
Malcolm Sholokhov hmms, "Yeah, send me what you got."
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: Certainly.
Jaye Jeffries: ::looks over his shoulder toward Malcolm "Lket me know as soon as you have something mr Sholokhov"
Malcolm Sholokhov hrrms, looking over the data, "Well, it's definately not Federation technology. One sec...."
Jaye Jeffries: ::stares at the distortions of the anomoly on the viewscreen, hoping that this signal will provide some clue for the Relliketh crew
Talon Lardner leans over to Emberzz, whispering "Hey... um, what submenu was it again to look at magnetic fields only? I haven't worked on a bajoran computer in quite a while..."
Malcolm Sholokhov ahhs, "Yeah, it has a quantum sigularity powering it. My guess; It's Romulan.".
Jaye Jeffries: "Romulans? out here? What in the name of the Prophets could they possibly be doing in this sector of space"
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: ::S miles at Talon. USe the quazi-self modulating menu set
Jaye Jeffries: ::looks toward the comms officer Fairweather "try to signal the Romulan vessel"
Comms Officer: Sir I am getting a response, it's very week though
Jaye Jeffries: ::nods "put it through ensign"
::comms:: .....ommander T'kesh of the Romu..............Survivors. Attempting to........Diverting energy to life supp..........Do not.............Repeat, If anyone can hear us.............
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: ::looks at Sec. Chief Xander "Shall I change the cloaking sesors sir?"
Comms Officer: I'm sorry sir, it's cut out again
Jaye Jeffries: "send a reply ensign, let them know that we are sending over a shuttle, the transporter....drat"
Talon Lardner starts to work more frantically, attempting to try and peek through the murk, so to speak, to find this shuttle. "I wish I knew if they were injured aboard..."
Jaye Jeffries: "Can we locate the vessel within the anomoly? What is the best form of transport? I'm assuming the transporter are unsafe in this region?"
Malcolm Sholokhov kinda fills in the blanks for himself, thinking they are warning to 'Do not approach'. Of course now with a broken ship they need to send an engineer, and who's the only one here?....
Hladson Kappler: I would reccomemd against it
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: "Sir I do see now, a vessel, small.. but the readings are very strange sir.. it's like this sticky space is pulling the singnals apart before they reach us."
Jaye Jeffries: ::sighs slightly, thinking on the situation "Peculiar that there are Romulans stuck in this odd anomoly, of all the races we could find here." looks toward the engineer, and Lardner at science "could it be that they Romulans have something to do with this anomoly? Investigating it or...something more?"
Malcolm Sholokhov shrugs, "They could be stuck here accidentally, like we are.
Talon Lardner: "Attempting to help isolate..." The doc stated as she worked on trying to figure out how this void worked. "I'll try to boost any signals I find. Right now, I'm more worried about potential patients than I am them being a potential threat."
Jaye Jeffries: ::thinks "ok, I want an away team - commander Kappler, take Dr Lardner, engineer Sholkhov, and two security officers. Counsellor Sukra and I will remain onboard with the replacement crew to monitor the situation from over here"
Hladson Kappler: Away team to shuttle bay 1
Talon Lardner nods politely, closing off her station
Malcolm Sholokhov ponders And awayyy we go...
Emberzzz Mendelsohn feels nervous,but ready to get out of cabin
Talon Lardner: Allright crew, who here knows Triage?
Jaye Jeffries: "let me know as soon as you have the ROmulan crew safely onboard the shuttle Mr Kappler"
Hladson Kappler nods to the Doctor
Hladson Kappler: aye sir
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: I
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: ve taaken medial at the academy mam
Hladson Kappler enters the shuttle and takes helm
Malcolm Sholokhov uhhhs, "I'll just worry about the engineering problems. I'm not good with blood."
Hladson Kappler: everyone in?
Talon Lardner: "I'll handle the blood... if it is a mess down there, I'll have to borrow one of you for triage... any volunteers?
Hladson Kappler: ::engages engines, departs Relliketh and heads to the small Romulan vessel::
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: ::cringes "I will mam"
Hladson Kappler: Check for a docking port
Malcolm Sholokhov points out, "We got 2, Port and starboard. Starbord looks least screwed up.".
Hladson Kappler avoids the worst of the distortions, but still feels like he's flying through a swamp
Hladson Kappler: okay first make sure the ship is secure
Hladson Kappler: find crew and assess the damage
Malcolm Sholokhov heads to an engineering station.
Hladson Kappler looks at the flickering consoles
Talon Lardner nods solemly, looking around the room in slight worry. "Too clean.."
Malcolm Sholokhov tries to get into the computer files, "My Romulan is rusty so it's gonna take a bit to get a full damage report."
Hladson Kappler: these consoles are mostly fried. I"m not sure how reliable they are
Talon Lardner nods solemly, peeking over Malcolm's sholder. "Mine's not much better... though everything looks like they left in a hurry..."
Jaye Jeffries: ::watches his armchair console, monitoring whatever readings are making it through the distortion
Malcolm Sholokhov hrrms, "Yeah, most of these say they lost connection wit hthe main computer. I don't think I can do anything here.",
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: ::looks around relieved, "no injured.."
Hladson Kappler: ::comms:: Major we are aboard. There is no sign of the crew.
Jaye Jeffries: ::comms:: "....hear you correctly.....crew onboard?"
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: "I think I can find out how long they've been here, in the anomly, Romulan beer orders come in their language."
Hladson Kappler: ::comms:: Repeating. We have found no crew onboard
Jaye Jeffries: ::comms:: "...derstood commander, keep me upd...."
Jaye Jeffries: ::comms:: "...and investigate what happened to the...."
Hladson Kappler: Mr. Sholokhov, let's check engineering
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: "OH NO." Em gasps. "The ships been here 18 months.
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: It never got out."
Malcolm Sholokhov nods, "Aye."
Malcolm Sholokhov: Ahh, here we go...
Talon Lardner sighs a little in frustration, pacing a bit in thought. "The air's stale... it should be fine, but it does worry me that our being here may throw an already fragile life support system over the edge."
Hladson Kappler walks into the cloaking device room and is almost pushed back by the heat
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: :looks up. Stands perfectly still.
Hladson Kappler: Whew... it's an oven in here
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: "Doctor, did you hear that?"
Malcolm Sholokhov investigates the panel, "Yeah, is that normal?" he asks investigating the panel. "Hmm, nope...."
Jaye Jeffries: *Odd creaking and groaning noise is heard from the ship*
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: "Doctor, look behind you!
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: "I could have sworn I saw something mam."
Malcolm Sholokhov looks up, "that's not good, sounds like the SIF is failing."
Talon Lardner peeks cautiously behind her, rubbing the back of her neck in confusion... "Strange..."
Hladson Kappler hears something
Hladson Kappler: what?
Malcolm Sholokhov: I think I just heard the sound of the hull contracting. We might want to get some power to the Structural integrity field.
Talon Lardner: "Um... Ms. Mendelsohn, are you sure you're feeling OK?" She asked with worry. "I know this... bridge isn't exactly very good for the nerves."
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: ::seneses something is wrong. Her Angosian instincts cat-like in nature, every hair on her neck stands erect. Her Betazoid senses rialing agaisn them.. voices....I hear them .
Hladson Kappler: that's your top priority
Jaye Jeffries: *odd noises seem to drift through the ship, almost as though voices just on the edge of hearing"
Talon Lardner covers her mouth a bit, trying to calm down as she thinks she sees a strange fog roll in
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: "Nerves?" Her head jerks up.
Malcolm Sholokhov: I'm on it. First thing is to cut power on the cloaking device.
Hladson Kappler: wait a minute
Malcolm Sholokhov looks up, "Huh?"
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: "I can handle it dotor, thank you. ... it's just.... all my senses as once. I can control it. mam."
Talon Lardner nods weakly back. "Aye... nerves... they're affecting me too.." She admitted, then suddenly stumbles as she misses a step down, landing hard on her knees
Hladson Kappler: if the cloaking device is on, why did we have no problem seeing the ship?
Jaye Jeffries: ::comms:: "relliketh to......surge in some odd power signatu..."
Malcolm Sholokhov: Just because it's not on dosen't mean it dosen't have power to it.
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: ::bends to docor's side "are you oka manm?"
Hladson Kappler: I wish I knew more about Romulan technology
Talon Lardner: ::The Doctor here... I, among others are experiencing a bit of disorientation... may just be our nerves, we'll keep you posted.::
Jaye Jeffries: ::looks across at counsellor Sukra who sits next to him, looking less anxious than he but both of them nonetheless sitting on the edge of their chairs, wondering what is happening on the Romulan ship
Talon Lardner nodded weakly as she pulled herself back up. "Well... just feeling a bit off-set too, my balance is completely off."
whispered voice:: .............there it is again.......................
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: :: worries the doctor will blame nerves.
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: "Doctor I hear voices."
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: "Something is here."
Hladson Kappler: what's going on in here?
Malcolm Sholokhov nahs, "It works all pretty much the same way... Redirecting power to the SIF. I'm also taking power from the disruptor capacitor to run life support. "
Emberzzz Mendelsohn nausea sets in. she stedies herself on the wall.
Malcolm Sholokhov looks back ."You say somethin'?"
Hladson Kappler: Does anyone else see this?
Talon Lardner focuses on just breathing nice and slow.. "Perhaps we should head to Engineering.."
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: Yes.
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: "I see the fog.. in each chair."
Talon Lardner nods solemly. "I see it too... I am thinking that they are not as missing as we think they are..."
Hladson Kappler: did we get a scan?
Malcolm Sholokhov heard the voice, but after he turns around... he's alone. "Hmm, fine, I'll just wait here, then."
voice: .............fire on level 3, sending..................
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: :: Recalls the earlier events ... "when we first heard the message, I could not find a reading on the ship...It's possible ... perhaps after a long time in this sticky space ... welll could there have been a time distorion of sorts."
Malcolm Sholokhov taps his communicator, "Sholokhov to away team. We should be good for now. Life support has been stabilized..... Fire? Who said something about a fire?"
Emberzzz Mendelsohn thinks how could a whole crew just disappear?
Talon Lardner shook her head. "What if they didn't? What if this phenomenom just... shifted them somehow?"
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: "WEll doctor, if' that's true... how long untill WE shift??"
Hladson Kappler: Let's see if there is anything else we can find out. Have we gotten their logs yet?
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: "Even if we get them sir, we'll need our ships mainfraime to translate them."
Malcolm Sholokhov moves over towards the main computer, "Hmm, this needs a reboot, looks like it's caught in a loop..."
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: We will have to get the data back to the ship sir
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: AGH! ::feels the dizzyness again. Falls toward Kapplan
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: it's back mam
Talon Lardner thinks a little.. "What if... we were the ones who were shifted, not them?"
voice: ..........Probe launched sir, getting readouts............
Hladson Kappler: are you okay
Talon Lardner carefully reaches out to help keep Mendelsohn stable. "Easy, easy... no rush...."
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: "yes, thank you." A bit embarassed that he of all peple would be helpign her
Malcolm Sholokhov pauses while he works, "Who the hell is launching a probe?"
Jaye Jeffries: ::onboard Relly, Jeffries recieves some odd reports from the tactical officer - an object, perhaps a probe, approaching at high velocity, but then dissipates as it gets closer, seemingly into nothing.
Emberzzz Mendelsohn Breaths deeply.. her vulcan logic battling Angosian flight response, all compounded by emotional waves from her bejoran heriitage... struggling up form the floor, struggling to remain calm. Fighting every instinct for balance.
voice: ...............ship just vanished from sensors..................
voice: .............did you just see that................
Jaye Jeffries: ::recieves another report from the replacement crew "Sir, the Romulan ship appears to be - I think it's disappearing sir, one moment it's there, the next....gone."
Malcolm Sholokhov looks at the computer while it reboots, that voice isn't coming from a log.... He takes out his tricorder scanning for any small recording or playback devices, "What the hell am I hearing?"
Hladson Kappler: how's it going back here?
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: ::senses distance growing from Takira and the captain
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: "Doctor, I feel ... somethign ."
Talon Lardner nods worringly. "Describe it... please..."
Malcolm Sholokhov looks up from his tricorder, "I'm hearing something. I'm running a scan. It could be a PADD or something playing back a log.".
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: "The captain... sukra..... I can't .... I don't .... they're thoughts.... I don't know waht's happening."
Tricorder: Type 'scan' to perform an area scan. Type 's' for sound effects without scripted scan functions
Hladson Kappler: Let's finish up here and get off this ship
Emberzzz Mendelsohn accepted your inventory offer.
Jaye Jeffries: ::looks toward the officer "I want them out of there immediately, send them a stable signal - something to cut through the interference"
Malcolm Sholokhov nods, "I got the computer booting up. Once it's running we can get the logs and scoot. I don't see any bodies."
Hladson Kappler: what's going on
Malcolm Sholokhov: ...The helll?
Hladson Kappler: crew back to the shuttle
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: WE have to get to logs sir
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: "Kappler we can't leave."
Hladson Kappler: These quirks are getting worse
Malcolm Sholokhov: Ok, what the hell is going on? the bridge was just around that corner...
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: Malcome....
Talon Lardner holds her stomach a bit, closing her eyes. "Not... fun..."
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: "Mam, this ship is like a maze""
Malcolm Sholokhov: There. We bugging out?
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: "How many logs did you get mal?"
Hladson Kappler: everyone back on the shuttle
Malcolm Sholokhov: I got the last 3 days worth, the rest I need security clearance for.
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: "The anomoly is now affecting our vision sir."
Hladson Kappler heads to the hatch
Hladson Kappler: everyone out now
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: ::pulls out a phaser and shoots the panel next to the log mainfraime. Grabs the box.
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: "WE may not be able to get back here."
Culama Foxclaw takes a report from the medic "hmmm not another broken cloar bone for brenden"
Culama Foxclaw: the holo novel will be the death of this crew
Culama Foxclaw: oh major
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: sits, exhaused
Jaye Jeffries: "Apparently the away team are on their way back but it's odd...they should have returned by now" taps his comm badge "Shuttle bay, have the away team returned?"
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: drops the comms box on the floor
Hladson Kappler counts his fingers and toes
Culama Foxclaw: that is odd i want to clear them all
Jaye Jeffries: ::comms:: "no sir, there was an odd energy signature which approached the shuttle bay about when we expected the Tolahrehn, but we haven't recieved them yet"
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: Aye captain we are here.
Culama Foxclaw: i have some reports for the doc as well
Hladson Kappler: Major?
Talon Lardner ducks to her desk, fishing around for a vial before slamming it into a hypospray, injecting it into herself. "Ah... there we go, balance restored..."
Jaye Jeffries: :;scratches his chin
Hladson Kappler: we are right here
Jaye Jeffries: "this worries me"
Hladson Kappler waves his hand in front of Jaye's face
Hladson Kappler: Sir!
Culama Foxclaw looks at the hypospray sitting on thew desk
Jaye Jeffries: "nurse I will be on the bridge" Major Jeffries does not notice Kappler, or the returned crwe at all
Emberzzz Mendelsohn thinks the only think worse than being stuck invisible and shifted out would be to do so forever with Kappler
Talon Lardner: "Nice to see you up, Nurse... any reports?" She asked politely, dusting off her uniform a bit
Culama Foxclaw: hey this is a sick bay not a pig pen disposes of used hypos
Culama Foxclaw: yes sir
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: "can they not see us Malcome?"
Hladson Kappler: Okay, okay, let's focus here
Malcolm Sholokhov: /walks in, he was just gonna stand there quietly and wait to be debriefed, but nobody but the away team sees him there. "Uhh, who here can see me?>"
Malcolm Sholokhov: I can see us.
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: The captain... the nurse...
Culama Foxclaw picks up reports " i wish the doc would do some of these be for she takes away missions
Hladson Kappler: It seems we have been affected by whatever was going on over on the Romulan ship
Jaye Jeffries: ::looks toward replacement staff, who provide a report "sir - the Romulan vessel seems to have disappeared completely. We never registered the Tolahrehn leaving...sir...it appears the away team did not make it away from the vessel in time"
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: THey don't SEE us
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: Our telepport never registered"
Culama Foxclaw taps a button
Hladson Kappler: ((we took the shuttle))
Talon Lardner looks on worringly... "Well... this is strange..." She admitted, looking on with frustration. "We can interact with some things... maybe we can use that to communicate."
Culama Foxclaw: ok now who will get to do inventory this week
Jaye Jeffries: ::shakes his head in anger "no, we will retrieve them!"
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: "INVENTORY?"
Hladson Kappler: yes let's try that
Malcolm Sholokhov rubs his face, then goes to lean on a chair, "Are you sure this isn't just a prank for the new crewmwmbers?"
Hladson Kappler raises an eyebrow
Jaye Jeffries: "ensign, send out a probe, hailing frequences on all channels, we *must* retrieve the away team from the vessel!!"
Jaye Jeffries: "try anything!'
Culama Foxclaw: lets see now im did it last week so.....Josen
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: maybe one of the medical bays will register us.
Malcolm Sholokhov smiles, "Ahh, you and the Doc are in on it, aren't you?
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: "Malcome I don't kid, I flirt but I do not joke,"
Culama Foxclaw: well its quiet to night
Hladson Kappler: If I wanted to punish newcomers I"d come up with something that involved more manual labor
Jaye Jeffries: :;looks toward the counsellor, seeing the concern on her face as he storms around the bridge, demanding that the bridge crew provide him with options to rescue the away team, who he doesn't realise are in fact onboard Relliketh, but not able to interact with the crew
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: "Or Freengi Flakes" she glares
Hladson Kappler: let's try interacting with objects, medbeds, consoles
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: Ok
Takira Sukra looks at Jaye with concern and speaks in a calming voice, "Major, your crew is doing everything they can. Yelling at them isn't going to help them concentrate better for a solution."
Hladson Kappler: try to get their attention::ignoring the ferengi flakes comment::
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: Sir do you see any readings?
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: Mam?
Talon Lardner attempts to queue up her own medical profile on the display
Culama Foxclaw taps through a report
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: Nothing
Hladson Kappler taps at a console
Talon Lardner: What readings should I be looking for, Emberzz?
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: any of me... I layed on the medial bed
Jaye Jeffries: ::takes a deep breath, calming himself "you are right of course counsellor, but I need options here. 80% of our regualr bridge crew are missing, and I refuse to accept that we are unable to retrieve them"
Hladson Kappler: hmmmm, lets see
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: Am I here?
Hladson Kappler: red alert
Hladson Kappler: ha, that worked
Malcolm Sholokhov walks over to the desk, and tries to type out a message on a PADD, "Alright." On the top PADD he tries to type out 'The away team is invisible, and inaudible, and in sick bay, SOS.'
Hladson Kappler: yellow alert
Jaye Jeffries: ::looks around, feeling a bit perplexed "who the Pah Wraith initiated an alert?"
Hladson Kappler: blue alert
Talon Lardner: "You're here..." She explained politely, rubbing her forehead. "But the internal sensors don't see us..."
Culama Foxclaw: the panels have been up graded to only register bio readings to to reduce energy sendetur...hmm this should be routed back to engineering not medical
Jaye Jeffries: ::angrily cancels the alert, not realising it is a signal from commander Kappler
Jaye Jeffries: "computer stand down"
Jaye Jeffries: stand down
Hladson Kappler: blue alert
Talon Lardner leans over, attempting to queue up different menus on the PADD he is holding
Malcolm Sholokhov attempts to yank the PADD out of Talon's hand...
Jaye Jeffries: ::looks at the engineer "fix those damned things, it's really the least of my worries right now"
Culama Foxclaw feels the Padd get slightly heavier
Hladson Kappler: stand down
Hladson Kappler: blue alert
Culama Foxclaw: the hell!
Hladson Kappler: stand down
Hladson Kappler: blue alert
Hladson Kappler: stand down
Talon Lardner mutters a bit in frustration... "We'll figure out something... everyone, just remain calm..."
Hladson Kappler: blue alert
Culama Foxclaw: the grav plates must be malfunctioning
Hladson Kappler: stand down
Emberzzz Mendelsohn goes into the bar. looks at the panels. SElects the captains favorite Bejoran Wine
Hladson Kappler: trying to do a sequence
Hladson Kappler: blue alert
Jaye Jeffries: ::feels overwhelmed, annoyed, angry. The bridge crew provide him with various reports, the alert lamps continue to flash on and off seemingly at random, he feels the situation spiral out of control. What will he do?
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: Whispers, "please please please...."
Hladson Kappler: stand down
Culama Foxclaw: i wounder if the doc would mind me hitting up her liqure stach
Talon Lardner waves her hand worringly over the counselor's face, biting her lower lip. "Stay calm..."
Takira Sukra: Maybe the anomoly has affected the ship in some way
Hladson Kappler is frustrated that this isn't working
Hladson Kappler: any luck
Emberzzz Mendelsohn Presses REplicate.... replicators all over the ship start spitting out Bejoran Beliqi Wine
Malcolm Sholokhov keeps trying to mess with Caluma, tugging on his PADD, ruffling his hair, pulling off his combadge. Anything to get his attention... Though things don't seem as... solid as they once did...
Talon Lardner: "Try a yellow alert... I think blue and red is spooking them too much..."
Hladson Kappler: yellow alert
Hladson Kappler: stand down
Jaye Jeffries: ((ok gang I like this twist that we've got so let's try not to resolve it today but keep it for continuation next week - end official RP but stay IC and work on character development.))
Culama Foxclaw: fells odd forces pushing and pulling him
Hladson Kappler attempts to do another alert, but finds the engineer has taken the system offline
Hladson Kappler: ugh
Hladson Kappler: now what?
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: I dont' know sir.
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: It was a good Idea Kappler...
Hladson Kappler looks through the archives for something to play
Culama Foxclaw: looks up "every one out of sick bay take medical equipment we'll set up in the bar"
Hladson Kappler: maybe some music
Jaye Jeffries: ::accepts reports from the bridge crew, some of them telling him that they might *possibly* be able to locate the ship with some extensive scans, but in the mean time they could only wait. Jeffries decided to take the counsellor advice, and try to seek out some calming activities until those scans revealed some useful information.
Malcolm Sholokhov starts to realise the futility of trying to annoy the people who can't see him, and decide to annoy the people who can.
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: Sir, perhaps we should focus on finding out why we are invisible.. wwe may not be able to get tehm to help us sir.
Talon Lardner: "Let's be careful, though... we don't want our efforts to be dismissed as glitches...."
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: malcome
Jaye Jeffries: "counsellor..." Jeffries starts, not sure how to begin this conversation "I think I need your advice, now more than ever"
Takira Sukra: May want to put out a warning buoy Major. AT least warning vessels to steer clear for the time being
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: I took the mainframe box from the othere ship
Culama Foxclaw stands up and evacuates sickbay tapping his badge"sick bay to engineering we need the grav plating fixed up here im evacing to avoid any incidents" leaves sick bay for the bar
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: Can you crack it, with waht tools youc an acces?
Malcolm Sholokhov pinches Emberzz just to make sure she can still feel him. "Oh! Good... Box? Oh that."
Takira Sukra nods sympathetically to encourage the Major to continue speaking
Culama Foxclaw: i should report in with the major on this
Jaye Jeffries: ::nods "good thinking counsellor" Jeffries nods to the necessary bridge crew to carry out the counsellors instruction as they both leave the bridge
Malcolm Sholokhov: Ahhh, that might be a problem...
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: :OUcht!
Culama Foxclaw turns toward the bridg
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: "Ouch! What was that for?"
Hladson Kappler watches as Culama passes through Malcolm
Jaye Jeffries: ::gestures to counsellor Takira from the balcony
Culama Foxclaw: looks at the empty bridge
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: Well it's eitehr that or get used to being ignored.
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: What did the logs you got say?
Takira Sukra follows the Major and then takes a seat
Culama Foxclaw: gusse i'll wait to tell him
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: you said we have three days.
Malcolm Sholokhov smiles, "To make sure I still worked. I spent the last 5 minutes doing things to the nurse that would make anyone kick my ass. I couldn't get a rise out of him. I can't even make a PADD work.
Jaye Jeffries: "counsellor...we have lost 80% of our bridge crew...and I'm honestly not sure what to do..."
Jaye Jeffries: "emotionally...."
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: Well, Mal if you want I will kick your ass the day after we become peopel again
Culama Foxclaw enters the bar weith the med staff following
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: I don't like bein a non-coporeal being.
Malcolm Sholokhov chuckles, "Thanks, but the logs won't help until I can get them in the main computer.
Jaye Jeffries: ::looks down to see nurse Foxclaw enter the bar and is glad that, at the very least, he hasn't lost all of the daycrew under his command
Culama Foxclaw: ok set that over there
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: sees the dr begin to fade abit
Culama Foxclaw: putt those scanners by the window
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: "How long can we saty like this dr"
Hladson Kappler fades out entirely ((for the night, see you all later))
Culama Foxclaw: bye
Talon Lardner rubs her chin... "Indefinably, to be honest..."
Takira Sukra: What exactly do you mean by emotionally? A loss of potential attachment or drained emotionally
Talon Lardner: "As long as we can still breathe the air, and eat food, we should still be fine."
Culama Foxclaw: no no you have to tap power from the consols on this side of the room
Malcolm Sholokhov: You know... What if we're dead, already?
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: :: stares at malcome dumbfounded.
Jaye Jeffries: ::shakes his head "just...all of the above, counsellor. The crew, I rely on them. To have a large portion of them taken away" shakes his head "is incredibly deflating for a captain, disempowering, like being neautered"
Malcolm Sholokhov: You've heard ghost stories. This feels a lot like what ghosts do. We could be haunting the crew.
Jaye Jeffries: "I'm sorry counsellor, I just feel so insecure"
Emberzzz Mendelsohn thinks she does not look forward to being a spector....
Malcolm Sholokhov: I mean, I was messing with the power systems. The ship could have exploded and we would have never known.
Takira Sukra: Everyone understood the risk when entering the service. Unfortantely at times we have to have the consequences of those risks
Culama Foxclaw: yes clear off that table
Jaye Jeffries: ::nods "certainly doesn't make the fact any easier"
Culama Foxclaw: looks around finnally noticing the major and takira
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: Malcom, we don't know what we can and can't effect.... Keppler did initate an alert... maybe lets not toy with things that could destroy the ship.
Takira Sukra: No, it doesn't but we each have to face the fact that there are times, no matter what we do, we can't correct what went wrong
Jaye Jeffries: ::nods as he sees Foxclaw looking up at them, and gestures to the seat beside him "feel free to join us nurse"
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: The doctor said as long as we can eat...we can live. Let's go see if we can eat.
Culama Foxclaw: thank you sir i am sorry but i had to shut down medical
Malcolm Sholokhov nods, "Sure, may as well try something."
Jaye Jeffries: "understood"
Culama Foxclaw sighs and takes a seat
Malcolm Sholokhov gingerly sits down, "Hmm, you know what I'm glad for?"
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: what?
Malcolm Sholokhov: We're solid enough so that we're not stuck mid-deck in the gravity plating."
Takira Sukra: There are some situations which will have no solutions. We each have to understand that, come to grips with it and learn how to move on.
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: :)
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: Well, yes. I believe that is the most positvie thing I've yet observed regarding our curent situation, Bravo.!
Culama Foxclaw: woo! hoo!
Malcolm Sholokhov pushes his hand through the table with some effort, "Cause if we didn't have any cohesion as soon as the ship moved, we'd be left in space.
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: She sees the piles of bejoran wine near teh replicator...shakes her head. Reaches over and cancells the replicator order.
Culama Foxclaw coughs "sorry sir im not sure why i just woo hooed
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: :: walks to the stool and sits down. Dejected. near Malcom
Malcolm Sholokhov: /looks back towards Em, "Can't pick up the bottle, eh?"
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: NO.
Malcolm Sholokhov thinks, "I wonder if we can't just lean into the bottle and suck it out through the glass.
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: "no." she says as she takes down her hair. "Apparently anything we had on us when we went to the Romulan vessel is workable though: " she says looking at the hair pin
Culama Foxclaw: i have a bio bed set out incase we need it while engineering fixes up medical
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: :: feels a pang of guilt :: "Sorry I snapped at you Malcome. You were doing your best. I just don't do well, when I feell .... powerless."
Malcolm Sholokhov hmms, and takes an inventory, placing the items on the table, "Type 1 phaser, tricorder....sonic screwdriver... combadge... Eh? You snapped at me?"
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: "And invisibel is about as powerless as it gets."
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: *smiles
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: "nevermind."
Culama Foxclaw: might you know where doctor Lardener is she hasn't reported in
Malcolm Sholokhov shrugs it off, putting his stuff away, "Alright. I'm sure we'll figure it out... Later, when we get over being freaked out, and maybe after a nap."
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: Ok.
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: "Good night Malcome."
Jaye Jeffries: ::looks across at the nurse "we are trying to retrieve the away team from the Romulan vessel, it appears to have...vanished, taking our team with it"
Malcolm Sholokhov nods, "I'll be in my quarters. maybe I'll wake up and this'll all be a bad dream." He stands up to head out...
Culama Foxclaw: oh my i didnt even know she was off ship....damn medics
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: :: watches malcome leave. Thinks he is a good sort, and a bit hansome as well.
Emberzzz Mendelsohn looks aroudn and starts to notice thngs out of place. Notices a large bio bed near the bar. "How did a biio-bed end up in the bar?"
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: ::Her mind remains occupied. Oh how she wishes she was human sometimes like Malcome, who can just go to sleep, She sits looking into the wine as it drips down teh wall, staining the carpet. This is how it is with thoughts and emotions for someone like her, she thinks....always running, always staining, leaving a mark behind. She thinks back, remembering the rpesencee she felt on the ship.... the voices she heard... the fear that siezed her. Now more than ever, she was trapped alone with her thoughts
Takira Sukra: there is a stool between jaye and culama
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: thanks
Emberzzz Mendelsohn Sits thinking, they can't see, hear, feel or even smell us.... it's like we don't exist. The frustration of this is magnified by her impatience. In some ways I wish I had never seen that Romulan ship she thinks... but what of the crew... Dr Talon said that they may still be on teh vessel, wuld it not be right to try to save them? Yes she thinks, but the logic is contastantly at battel with the emotions inside of her. If only she could make the counselor, or even the nurse hear her thoughts...yes, if only they would understand. She blinks her eyes. looks down at her fingers as tehy brush through the table.
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: "How do you make a mark on the wind?" she whispers.
Culama Foxclaw feels a slight ting of sadness that seems to have permeated the air itself "odd i could have sworn i felt something"
Jaye Jeffries: ::thinks briefly on the missing crew, hoping that the Relliketh will find some way to bring them back home. He tried not to think of the individual members of the away, while at the same time being unable to stop himself, he saw their faces in his minds eyes and felt deeply saddened.
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: ::She drops her head back against the wall, taking a deep breath. Kappler was frustrated with her again...she sensed his dislike for telepaths the day they met. Now he will be even harder to deal with. ..... She stops suddenly jerks her head up and looks at teh nurse intently
Emberzzz Mendelsohn leans closly to her face, just inches from her fragile skin, peering into her vivid eyes.
Culama Foxclaw: gazes off but blinks and looks away
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: "Perhaps there is hope." she says.
Culama Foxclaw leans back rubbing tempels and then tracing the pointed ears
Emberzzz Mendelsohn grows sad over thoughts of the doctors children. ...thinks how scared they must be in quarters below. Then, she remembers the box in medical bay ... the Romulan ship's communications box... if only they could see it.... if only Malcome might be able to get thel log data off.... "but now... i's useless. I'm useless. We all are like this." She looks at Culma, then the captain....
Culama Foxclaw: major what did they go to the ship for anyways?
Emberzzz Mendelsohn reaches out and touches Culama's sholder like a grain of sand sliding through an hourglass.
Jaye Jeffries: "We were under the impression that there were Romulan survivors in distress, our away team went over in a shuttle to provide assistance...but it appears to have backfired on us"
Culama Foxclaw shivers
Culama Foxclaw: feeling a chill
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: :focuses on Culama...."ship...danger...here....ship...here"
Emberzzz Mendelsohn grows weak.
Culama Foxclaw feels a headach comming on
Emberzzz Mendelsohn brushes her hand down the side of Culama's hair, cheek..Shouts "We'er here."
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: :: Falls back in exahustion...fears the sticky space isn't just affecting our physical but also our mental faculties.
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: Weren't we at DS9 a really long time ago?
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: ::looks over at malcome. "How many have there been?"
Talon Lardner: "Aye, it's the warmpth of the station that attracts them... I thought we were at DS9 just a week or so ago to pick you guys up... I could be wrong, though, I was busy wrangling some paperwork
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: "Ah, yes, well it's my Angosian impatience..a week to you is a year to me." She smiles
Malcolm Sholokhov shrugs, "How many? I found 15-20, I think. The other guys tell me they're all over the place.".
Takira Sukra is Online
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: "That sounds like something that will take signifcant resources to clear up." she says looking at malcome.
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: "Maybe we could get like, space raiid."
Malcolm Sholokhov "Well, we have a few ideas. We've been phasering a few of them, but if it gets bad we're gonns seal the jefferie's tubes, and blow out all the external panels. Blow the lil buggers into space.".
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: "That sounds like quite a job."
Malcolm Sholokhov nods, "Yeah, I'll find out if the Engineering boss is gonna go for that plan."
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: "THa'ts Zatysev coorecct?"
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: "The Chief Engineer Imean?"
Malcolm Sholokhov ponders, "Uhhh, I think so? I haven't screwed up bad enough to have a face to face with him yet, but I'm sure we'll meet soon."
Hladson Kappler: Counselor
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: "Well that's good." replies Em.
Takira Sukra: Hello Mr. Kappler
Hladson Kappler: how are the files on the new crewmembers coming along?
Emberzzz Mendelsohn thinks
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: Hello Counselor Sukra
Takira Sukra: The are coming along fine
Hladson Kappler: good to hear ::looks down at his padd::
Malcolm Sholokhov says quietly, "We have a shrink on board?"
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: yes. Sukra
Takira Sukra: Anything in particular
Malcolm Sholokhov nods, "Hmm."
Takira Sukra: You came by.
Emberzzz Mendelsohn cringes...
Hladson Kappler looks around the room
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: stands
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: may aI get you a drink sir?
Malcolm Sholokhov looks around, "Hmm? Ohh."
Talon Lardner tends to her drink quietly, unable to help but listen in a bit
Emberzzz Mendelsohn reaches across the counter hands happler spoon.
Hladson Kappler: Thanks
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: sure sir
Hladson Kappler munches his Ferengi Flakes
Takira Sukra finishes up her monthly report to be submitted to the Federation Council
Malcolm Sholokhov looks over at Talon, "So, is your husband on board, too?" he asks.
Emberzzz Mendelsohn sits looking at the flakes falling on the floor.. thinks:: more work for me.
Takira Sukra makes a note regarding Hlad's addiction to Ferengi Flakes
Talon Lardner shook her head politely, then closed her eyes. "That... is a long story, to tell the truth."
Emberzzz Mendelsohn looks up, interested
Malcolm Sholokhov ahhs, and nods, "I'll probably hear it sometime." He dosen't want to go prying quite SO soon...
Emberzzz Mendelsohn tried to block out the infernal crunching of frenegi flakes
Hladson Kappler slurps the remaining milk
Talon Lardner: "Well... the husband is... well, he was transfered recently away from here." she stated simply, avoiding some of the more... confusing facts
Emberzzz Mendelsohn hears malcome's thought and thinks she'd like to pry about him.
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: Mal, waht about you?
Malcolm Sholokhov hmms? "What about me? Oh, I'm not married." he admits. Though he considers that he does drift around a lot with ladies....
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: ::looks at trail of ferengi flakes on the floor.
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: fumes
Hladson Kappler puts his used bowl in the replicator
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: Officer KApPLer
Hladson Kappler looks up
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: I've told you not to do that
Hladson Kappler: not to do what?
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: "Do not leave teh bowl in the replicator sir!"
Malcolm Sholokhov chuckles, "Oh wait, let me take care of that..."
Hladson Kappler sighs
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: :even more angrey
Malcolm Sholokhov: "computer. Recycle." The bowl dissapeers in a shower of particles. "There, done." He dosen't see the big deal...
Hladson Kappler nods
Hladson Kappler: thanks, I guess ::walks out the room::
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: "OH. That man" she whispers with a strained hiss.
Malcolm Sholokhov chuckles, "It's just a bowl..."
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: "Yes thank you Mal I know that... however, it's the same bowl, everyday..."
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: "He listens to nothing I say. leaves messes every where...inconsiderate... frustrating....ugh."
Hladson Kappler looks over the duty roster
Malcolm Sholokhov shrugs, "Well, that's why we have people working in the mess hall?" he offers unhelpfully.
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: "When I'm on his bridge, he takes every opportunity to put me in my place." she says. Then smiles. "This is my kitchen. I return the favor."
Emberzzz Mendelsohn Looks at him blankly.
Talon Lardner listens quietly, as if a bit lost on the whole affair
Malcolm Sholokhov chuckles, "Ahh, so it's NOT just a bowl then."
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: "I suppose that is true. But If I were on the engineering deck would you want me to leave warp coils all over your console?"
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: No, it's now.
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: *not
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: *smiles
Malcolm Sholokhov laughs! "No, because a warp coil is 2 meters long and weighs 1.5 tons.".
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: "Well Ferengi Flakes stink and they stick to everything like theta radiation." she says under her breath
Emberzzz Mendelsohn cleans the flakes
Malcolm Sholokhov shrugs, "I prefer waffles, myself." he admits.
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: "Well I shall make you some then." smiles
Talon Lardner: "Why not Bacon?" The doc asked politely.
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: I'm running a bit low on some supplies,
Malcolm Sholokhov shakes his head, "I had breakfast in my quarters, thanks. Hmm, bacon? Well sometimes I have bacon, too."
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: "I'm hoping to add more meats and kettlefish to the offerings here."
Emberzzz Mendelsohn senses Kappler on the bridge. Cringes.
Malcolm Sholokhov ahhs, "I grew up on replicated food, so it's all fine with me.".
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: "Oh, Where ? ON a ship?"
Malcolm Sholokhov: On a ship, on a station, in the academy...
Talon Lardner: "Meat is always good, gets one extra protien, boosts the immune system, and improves morale." She stated simply. "Even replicated meat works just as well."
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: "Well I will requisition some." looks at the dr. "May I sign it with doctors orders?"
Talon Lardner nods solemly. "Feel free... "
Emberzzz Mendelsohn thinks that is of course if we dont' aggrivate teh anomoly again.
Emberzzz Mendelsohn makes a note
Malcolm Sholokhov nods, "Nothing like a good cheeseburger for that. I guess you'll need another stasis storage pod, then?".
Jaye Jeffries: ::leaves his quarters, rubbing some sleep out of his eyes and preparing himself mentally to resume their mission. Jeffries hoped that the science officers had managed to acquire some information to help the crew escape this odd 'taffy' like seciton of space, which appeared to have trapped the Relliketh for the time being.
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: "Yes, that would be very helpful, could you get it for me mal?
Emberzzz Mendelsohn senses the captain. rises to get his usual fare.
Malcolm Sholokhov hmms, "Yeah, I think we got some open ones. There's two large stasis units in the mourge we're not using yet.".
Jaye Jeffries: ::nods to Kappler as he raises from the Captain's chair, Jeffries nods and takes his seat
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: "well thank you, that would be wonderful" she says.
Hladson Kappler: Nothing new to report, sir. We contintue to scan the anomaly, but aren't any closer to determining what causes it
Jaye Jeffries: ::taps his badge "first shift bridge crew please report to the bridge"
Malcolm Sholokhov puts down his mug, and stretches, " I think I hear duty calling."
Hladson Kappler: We did get a couple odd transmissions,but they were too weak to make out more than a couple words
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: here, I'd better go get dressed for teh bridge shift
Talon Lardner gets up to stretch a bit, rolling her neck before looking over to Malcom. "Please excuse me.. that's my call..."
Jaye Jeffries: ::nods to Dr Lardner and engineer Sholkhov as they enter the bridge
Talon Lardner offers a PADD to Hlad. "Sir, here's the weekly crew health report."
Hladson Kappler: Doc. thanks :;takes a look::\
Hladson Kappler: I see Culama is still not feeling well.
Malcolm Sholokhov turns on his console, "Engineering reporting. Sensor #3 is back online, all the lights are green.".
Jaye Jeffries: ::raises his eyebrow at Dr Lardner's casual attire on the bridge "Dr? Perhaps into your uniform?"
Talon Lardner: "And Major... permission to man a science station? I need bridge hours badly." She asked the Major politely, before looking down to Hlad. "And yeah... just a simple flu; he's in quarters right now, resting up."
Emberzzz Mendelsohn finishes cleaning the stations. Closes the bar. Changes for duty
Jaye Jeffries: "That would be fine Dr, in fact our two science officers appear to be awol today, and I desperately need that report on the anomoly we find ourselves mired in"
Malcolm Sholokhov calls towards the Skipper, "Uhh, yeah skipper. The Doc is having a wardrobe malfunction. I'm working on it.".
Takira Sukra stifles a yawn realizing she has been able to meditate lately nor get a good night of sleep lately. Thinks maybe she might consider seeing medical about something for sleep.
Takira Sukra enters the bridge, looks briefly around and heads to the chair
Talon Lardner nods politely. "All part of that flu that's going around. It's harmless, though will mess one up for a bit."
Hladson Kappler hands the padd back to the doctor.
Hladson Kappler: Well let me know when he's back on his feet
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: walks to perform securit scans.
Talon Lardner: "Will do, sir." She nodded politely, before ducking to the Science Station
Jaye Jeffries: ::notices counsellor Sukra yawn widely as she enters the bridge "Too early for you counsellor?"
Malcolm Sholokhov: /looks towards Talon, "Hey doc. The Science guys was asking me for the sensor logs from the #3 sensor. I send all that to your station.".
Emberzzz Mendelsohn thinks about the anomoly and how tedious being stuck in one place has been. Seems almost like being trapped on the Penal colony on Lunar V where she grew up. Suddenly wishes she could fly off the ship to the closest moon.
Takira Sukra: Been up a bit late catching up on some work Major
Talon Lardner nods politely to Malcom. "Sweet... I'm a little rusty on my stellar phenomenon, but I'll see what I can make of it over here."
::comms officer:: Major, I've been able to clean up that transmission. It's still pretty garbled, but I can play it for you.
Jaye Jeffries: ::looks towards the comms officer "Transmission? I though the anomoly was dampening all external communications, where is this transmission coming from ensign?"
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: title Security/Bar
Malcolm Sholokhov 's idea of prison is a bit diffrent, 30 days in a Federation rehab facility spent talking about his feelings and gluing macaroni onto paper with glitter glue...
::comms officer:: It's coming from within the anomaly sir
Jaye Jeffries: ::looks over his shoulder at the security chief "Anything out there chief? I thought we were alone in this anomoly, where could this signal originate from?"
Jaye Jeffries: ::looks over to Ember as the chief leaves on urgen intraship business - "Ms mendelsohn, are there ships in this anomoly with us?"
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: No sir.
Talon Lardner rubs her forehead in frustration... "Very rusty..." she muttered, trying to analyze what she could of the signal.
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: but there seems to be a relay drifting about 2 parsecs from us
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: "The transmission could be from this device.
Jaye Jeffries: ::looks over toward Dr Lardner, hoping she was able to make some sense of these signals.
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: "no life signs. there sir"
Talon Lardner: "And it seems fresh too..." The doctor noted. "From what I can make of it, it only really formed in the past few weeks, at latest."
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: Looks to the engineer station. "Malcome, do you think you could analyze it"
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: "The energy readings are quite unique:
Malcolm Sholokhov hmms, "Yeah, send me what you got."
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: Certainly.
Jaye Jeffries: ::looks over his shoulder toward Malcolm "Lket me know as soon as you have something mr Sholokhov"
Malcolm Sholokhov hrrms, looking over the data, "Well, it's definately not Federation technology. One sec...."
Jaye Jeffries: ::stares at the distortions of the anomoly on the viewscreen, hoping that this signal will provide some clue for the Relliketh crew
Talon Lardner leans over to Emberzz, whispering "Hey... um, what submenu was it again to look at magnetic fields only? I haven't worked on a bajoran computer in quite a while..."
Malcolm Sholokhov ahhs, "Yeah, it has a quantum sigularity powering it. My guess; It's Romulan.".
Jaye Jeffries: "Romulans? out here? What in the name of the Prophets could they possibly be doing in this sector of space"
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: ::S miles at Talon. USe the quazi-self modulating menu set
Jaye Jeffries: ::looks toward the comms officer Fairweather "try to signal the Romulan vessel"
Comms Officer: Sir I am getting a response, it's very week though
Jaye Jeffries: ::nods "put it through ensign"
::comms:: .....ommander T'kesh of the Romu..............Survivors. Attempting to........Diverting energy to life supp..........Do not.............Repeat, If anyone can hear us.............
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: ::looks at Sec. Chief Xander "Shall I change the cloaking sesors sir?"
Comms Officer: I'm sorry sir, it's cut out again
Jaye Jeffries: "send a reply ensign, let them know that we are sending over a shuttle, the transporter....drat"
Talon Lardner starts to work more frantically, attempting to try and peek through the murk, so to speak, to find this shuttle. "I wish I knew if they were injured aboard..."
Jaye Jeffries: "Can we locate the vessel within the anomoly? What is the best form of transport? I'm assuming the transporter are unsafe in this region?"
Malcolm Sholokhov kinda fills in the blanks for himself, thinking they are warning to 'Do not approach'. Of course now with a broken ship they need to send an engineer, and who's the only one here?....
Hladson Kappler: I would reccomemd against it
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: "Sir I do see now, a vessel, small.. but the readings are very strange sir.. it's like this sticky space is pulling the singnals apart before they reach us."
Jaye Jeffries: ::sighs slightly, thinking on the situation "Peculiar that there are Romulans stuck in this odd anomoly, of all the races we could find here." looks toward the engineer, and Lardner at science "could it be that they Romulans have something to do with this anomoly? Investigating it or...something more?"
Malcolm Sholokhov shrugs, "They could be stuck here accidentally, like we are.
Talon Lardner: "Attempting to help isolate..." The doc stated as she worked on trying to figure out how this void worked. "I'll try to boost any signals I find. Right now, I'm more worried about potential patients than I am them being a potential threat."
Jaye Jeffries: ::thinks "ok, I want an away team - commander Kappler, take Dr Lardner, engineer Sholkhov, and two security officers. Counsellor Sukra and I will remain onboard with the replacement crew to monitor the situation from over here"
Hladson Kappler: Away team to shuttle bay 1
Talon Lardner nods politely, closing off her station
Malcolm Sholokhov ponders And awayyy we go...
Emberzzz Mendelsohn feels nervous,but ready to get out of cabin
Talon Lardner: Allright crew, who here knows Triage?
Jaye Jeffries: "let me know as soon as you have the ROmulan crew safely onboard the shuttle Mr Kappler"
Hladson Kappler nods to the Doctor
Hladson Kappler: aye sir
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: I
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: ve taaken medial at the academy mam
Hladson Kappler enters the shuttle and takes helm
Malcolm Sholokhov uhhhs, "I'll just worry about the engineering problems. I'm not good with blood."
Hladson Kappler: everyone in?
Talon Lardner: "I'll handle the blood... if it is a mess down there, I'll have to borrow one of you for triage... any volunteers?
Hladson Kappler: ::engages engines, departs Relliketh and heads to the small Romulan vessel::
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: ::cringes "I will mam"
Hladson Kappler: Check for a docking port
Malcolm Sholokhov points out, "We got 2, Port and starboard. Starbord looks least screwed up.".
Hladson Kappler avoids the worst of the distortions, but still feels like he's flying through a swamp
Hladson Kappler: okay first make sure the ship is secure
Hladson Kappler: find crew and assess the damage
Malcolm Sholokhov heads to an engineering station.
Hladson Kappler looks at the flickering consoles
Talon Lardner nods solemly, looking around the room in slight worry. "Too clean.."
Malcolm Sholokhov tries to get into the computer files, "My Romulan is rusty so it's gonna take a bit to get a full damage report."
Hladson Kappler: these consoles are mostly fried. I"m not sure how reliable they are
Talon Lardner nods solemly, peeking over Malcolm's sholder. "Mine's not much better... though everything looks like they left in a hurry..."
Jaye Jeffries: ::watches his armchair console, monitoring whatever readings are making it through the distortion
Malcolm Sholokhov hrrms, "Yeah, most of these say they lost connection wit hthe main computer. I don't think I can do anything here.",
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: ::looks around relieved, "no injured.."
Hladson Kappler: ::comms:: Major we are aboard. There is no sign of the crew.
Jaye Jeffries: ::comms:: "....hear you correctly.....crew onboard?"
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: "I think I can find out how long they've been here, in the anomly, Romulan beer orders come in their language."
Hladson Kappler: ::comms:: Repeating. We have found no crew onboard
Jaye Jeffries: ::comms:: "...derstood commander, keep me upd...."
Jaye Jeffries: ::comms:: "...and investigate what happened to the...."
Hladson Kappler: Mr. Sholokhov, let's check engineering
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: "OH NO." Em gasps. "The ships been here 18 months.
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: It never got out."
Malcolm Sholokhov nods, "Aye."
Malcolm Sholokhov: Ahh, here we go...
Talon Lardner sighs a little in frustration, pacing a bit in thought. "The air's stale... it should be fine, but it does worry me that our being here may throw an already fragile life support system over the edge."
Hladson Kappler walks into the cloaking device room and is almost pushed back by the heat
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: :looks up. Stands perfectly still.
Hladson Kappler: Whew... it's an oven in here
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: "Doctor, did you hear that?"
Malcolm Sholokhov investigates the panel, "Yeah, is that normal?" he asks investigating the panel. "Hmm, nope...."
Jaye Jeffries: *Odd creaking and groaning noise is heard from the ship*
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: "Doctor, look behind you!
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: "I could have sworn I saw something mam."
Malcolm Sholokhov looks up, "that's not good, sounds like the SIF is failing."
Talon Lardner peeks cautiously behind her, rubbing the back of her neck in confusion... "Strange..."
Hladson Kappler hears something
Hladson Kappler: what?
Malcolm Sholokhov: I think I just heard the sound of the hull contracting. We might want to get some power to the Structural integrity field.
Talon Lardner: "Um... Ms. Mendelsohn, are you sure you're feeling OK?" She asked with worry. "I know this... bridge isn't exactly very good for the nerves."
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: ::seneses something is wrong. Her Angosian instincts cat-like in nature, every hair on her neck stands erect. Her Betazoid senses rialing agaisn them.. voices....I hear them .
Hladson Kappler: that's your top priority
Jaye Jeffries: *odd noises seem to drift through the ship, almost as though voices just on the edge of hearing"
Talon Lardner covers her mouth a bit, trying to calm down as she thinks she sees a strange fog roll in
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: "Nerves?" Her head jerks up.
Malcolm Sholokhov: I'm on it. First thing is to cut power on the cloaking device.
Hladson Kappler: wait a minute
Malcolm Sholokhov looks up, "Huh?"
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: "I can handle it dotor, thank you. ... it's just.... all my senses as once. I can control it. mam."
Talon Lardner nods weakly back. "Aye... nerves... they're affecting me too.." She admitted, then suddenly stumbles as she misses a step down, landing hard on her knees
Hladson Kappler: if the cloaking device is on, why did we have no problem seeing the ship?
Jaye Jeffries: ::comms:: "relliketh to......surge in some odd power signatu..."
Malcolm Sholokhov: Just because it's not on dosen't mean it dosen't have power to it.
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: ::bends to docor's side "are you oka manm?"
Hladson Kappler: I wish I knew more about Romulan technology
Talon Lardner: ::The Doctor here... I, among others are experiencing a bit of disorientation... may just be our nerves, we'll keep you posted.::
Jaye Jeffries: ::looks across at counsellor Sukra who sits next to him, looking less anxious than he but both of them nonetheless sitting on the edge of their chairs, wondering what is happening on the Romulan ship
Talon Lardner nodded weakly as she pulled herself back up. "Well... just feeling a bit off-set too, my balance is completely off."
whispered voice:: .............there it is again.......................
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: :: worries the doctor will blame nerves.
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: "Doctor I hear voices."
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: "Something is here."
Hladson Kappler: what's going on in here?
Malcolm Sholokhov nahs, "It works all pretty much the same way... Redirecting power to the SIF. I'm also taking power from the disruptor capacitor to run life support. "
Emberzzz Mendelsohn nausea sets in. she stedies herself on the wall.
Malcolm Sholokhov looks back ."You say somethin'?"
Hladson Kappler: Does anyone else see this?
Talon Lardner focuses on just breathing nice and slow.. "Perhaps we should head to Engineering.."
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: Yes.
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: "I see the fog.. in each chair."
Talon Lardner nods solemly. "I see it too... I am thinking that they are not as missing as we think they are..."
Hladson Kappler: did we get a scan?
Malcolm Sholokhov heard the voice, but after he turns around... he's alone. "Hmm, fine, I'll just wait here, then."
voice: .............fire on level 3, sending..................
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: :: Recalls the earlier events ... "when we first heard the message, I could not find a reading on the ship...It's possible ... perhaps after a long time in this sticky space ... welll could there have been a time distorion of sorts."
Malcolm Sholokhov taps his communicator, "Sholokhov to away team. We should be good for now. Life support has been stabilized..... Fire? Who said something about a fire?"
Emberzzz Mendelsohn thinks how could a whole crew just disappear?
Talon Lardner shook her head. "What if they didn't? What if this phenomenom just... shifted them somehow?"
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: "WEll doctor, if' that's true... how long untill WE shift??"
Hladson Kappler: Let's see if there is anything else we can find out. Have we gotten their logs yet?
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: "Even if we get them sir, we'll need our ships mainfraime to translate them."
Malcolm Sholokhov moves over towards the main computer, "Hmm, this needs a reboot, looks like it's caught in a loop..."
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: We will have to get the data back to the ship sir
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: AGH! ::feels the dizzyness again. Falls toward Kapplan
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: it's back mam
Talon Lardner thinks a little.. "What if... we were the ones who were shifted, not them?"
voice: ..........Probe launched sir, getting readouts............
Hladson Kappler: are you okay
Talon Lardner carefully reaches out to help keep Mendelsohn stable. "Easy, easy... no rush...."
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: "yes, thank you." A bit embarassed that he of all peple would be helpign her
Malcolm Sholokhov pauses while he works, "Who the hell is launching a probe?"
Jaye Jeffries: ::onboard Relly, Jeffries recieves some odd reports from the tactical officer - an object, perhaps a probe, approaching at high velocity, but then dissipates as it gets closer, seemingly into nothing.
Emberzzz Mendelsohn Breaths deeply.. her vulcan logic battling Angosian flight response, all compounded by emotional waves from her bejoran heriitage... struggling up form the floor, struggling to remain calm. Fighting every instinct for balance.
voice: ...............ship just vanished from sensors..................
voice: .............did you just see that................
Jaye Jeffries: ::recieves another report from the replacement crew "Sir, the Romulan ship appears to be - I think it's disappearing sir, one moment it's there, the next....gone."
Malcolm Sholokhov looks at the computer while it reboots, that voice isn't coming from a log.... He takes out his tricorder scanning for any small recording or playback devices, "What the hell am I hearing?"
Hladson Kappler: how's it going back here?
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: ::senses distance growing from Takira and the captain
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: "Doctor, I feel ... somethign ."
Talon Lardner nods worringly. "Describe it... please..."
Malcolm Sholokhov looks up from his tricorder, "I'm hearing something. I'm running a scan. It could be a PADD or something playing back a log.".
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: "The captain... sukra..... I can't .... I don't .... they're thoughts.... I don't know waht's happening."
Tricorder: Type 'scan' to perform an area scan. Type 's' for sound effects without scripted scan functions
Hladson Kappler: Let's finish up here and get off this ship
Emberzzz Mendelsohn accepted your inventory offer.
Jaye Jeffries: ::looks toward the officer "I want them out of there immediately, send them a stable signal - something to cut through the interference"
Malcolm Sholokhov nods, "I got the computer booting up. Once it's running we can get the logs and scoot. I don't see any bodies."
Hladson Kappler: what's going on
Malcolm Sholokhov: ...The helll?
Hladson Kappler: crew back to the shuttle
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: WE have to get to logs sir
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: "Kappler we can't leave."
Hladson Kappler: These quirks are getting worse
Malcolm Sholokhov: Ok, what the hell is going on? the bridge was just around that corner...
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: Malcome....
Talon Lardner holds her stomach a bit, closing her eyes. "Not... fun..."
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: "Mam, this ship is like a maze""
Malcolm Sholokhov: There. We bugging out?
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: "How many logs did you get mal?"
Hladson Kappler: everyone back on the shuttle
Malcolm Sholokhov: I got the last 3 days worth, the rest I need security clearance for.
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: "The anomoly is now affecting our vision sir."
Hladson Kappler heads to the hatch
Hladson Kappler: everyone out now
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: ::pulls out a phaser and shoots the panel next to the log mainfraime. Grabs the box.
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: "WE may not be able to get back here."
Culama Foxclaw takes a report from the medic "hmmm not another broken cloar bone for brenden"
Culama Foxclaw: the holo novel will be the death of this crew
Culama Foxclaw: oh major
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: sits, exhaused
Jaye Jeffries: "Apparently the away team are on their way back but it's odd...they should have returned by now" taps his comm badge "Shuttle bay, have the away team returned?"
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: drops the comms box on the floor
Hladson Kappler counts his fingers and toes
Culama Foxclaw: that is odd i want to clear them all
Jaye Jeffries: ::comms:: "no sir, there was an odd energy signature which approached the shuttle bay about when we expected the Tolahrehn, but we haven't recieved them yet"
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: Aye captain we are here.
Culama Foxclaw: i have some reports for the doc as well
Hladson Kappler: Major?
Talon Lardner ducks to her desk, fishing around for a vial before slamming it into a hypospray, injecting it into herself. "Ah... there we go, balance restored..."
Jaye Jeffries: :;scratches his chin
Hladson Kappler: we are right here
Jaye Jeffries: "this worries me"
Hladson Kappler waves his hand in front of Jaye's face
Hladson Kappler: Sir!
Culama Foxclaw looks at the hypospray sitting on thew desk
Jaye Jeffries: "nurse I will be on the bridge" Major Jeffries does not notice Kappler, or the returned crwe at all
Emberzzz Mendelsohn thinks the only think worse than being stuck invisible and shifted out would be to do so forever with Kappler
Talon Lardner: "Nice to see you up, Nurse... any reports?" She asked politely, dusting off her uniform a bit
Culama Foxclaw: hey this is a sick bay not a pig pen disposes of used hypos
Culama Foxclaw: yes sir
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: "can they not see us Malcome?"
Hladson Kappler: Okay, okay, let's focus here
Malcolm Sholokhov: /walks in, he was just gonna stand there quietly and wait to be debriefed, but nobody but the away team sees him there. "Uhh, who here can see me?>"
Malcolm Sholokhov: I can see us.
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: The captain... the nurse...
Culama Foxclaw picks up reports " i wish the doc would do some of these be for she takes away missions
Hladson Kappler: It seems we have been affected by whatever was going on over on the Romulan ship
Jaye Jeffries: ::looks toward replacement staff, who provide a report "sir - the Romulan vessel seems to have disappeared completely. We never registered the Tolahrehn leaving...sir...it appears the away team did not make it away from the vessel in time"
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: THey don't SEE us
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: Our telepport never registered"
Culama Foxclaw taps a button
Hladson Kappler: ((we took the shuttle))
Talon Lardner looks on worringly... "Well... this is strange..." She admitted, looking on with frustration. "We can interact with some things... maybe we can use that to communicate."
Culama Foxclaw: ok now who will get to do inventory this week
Jaye Jeffries: ::shakes his head in anger "no, we will retrieve them!"
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: "INVENTORY?"
Hladson Kappler: yes let's try that
Malcolm Sholokhov rubs his face, then goes to lean on a chair, "Are you sure this isn't just a prank for the new crewmwmbers?"
Hladson Kappler raises an eyebrow
Jaye Jeffries: "ensign, send out a probe, hailing frequences on all channels, we *must* retrieve the away team from the vessel!!"
Jaye Jeffries: "try anything!'
Culama Foxclaw: lets see now im did it last week so.....Josen
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: maybe one of the medical bays will register us.
Malcolm Sholokhov smiles, "Ahh, you and the Doc are in on it, aren't you?
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: "Malcome I don't kid, I flirt but I do not joke,"
Culama Foxclaw: well its quiet to night
Hladson Kappler: If I wanted to punish newcomers I"d come up with something that involved more manual labor
Jaye Jeffries: :;looks toward the counsellor, seeing the concern on her face as he storms around the bridge, demanding that the bridge crew provide him with options to rescue the away team, who he doesn't realise are in fact onboard Relliketh, but not able to interact with the crew
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: "Or Freengi Flakes" she glares
Hladson Kappler: let's try interacting with objects, medbeds, consoles
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: Ok
Takira Sukra looks at Jaye with concern and speaks in a calming voice, "Major, your crew is doing everything they can. Yelling at them isn't going to help them concentrate better for a solution."
Hladson Kappler: try to get their attention::ignoring the ferengi flakes comment::
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: Sir do you see any readings?
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: Mam?
Talon Lardner attempts to queue up her own medical profile on the display
Culama Foxclaw taps through a report
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: Nothing
Hladson Kappler taps at a console
Talon Lardner: What readings should I be looking for, Emberzz?
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: any of me... I layed on the medial bed
Jaye Jeffries: ::takes a deep breath, calming himself "you are right of course counsellor, but I need options here. 80% of our regualr bridge crew are missing, and I refuse to accept that we are unable to retrieve them"
Hladson Kappler: hmmmm, lets see
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: Am I here?
Hladson Kappler: red alert
Hladson Kappler: ha, that worked
Malcolm Sholokhov walks over to the desk, and tries to type out a message on a PADD, "Alright." On the top PADD he tries to type out 'The away team is invisible, and inaudible, and in sick bay, SOS.'
Hladson Kappler: yellow alert
Jaye Jeffries: ::looks around, feeling a bit perplexed "who the Pah Wraith initiated an alert?"
Hladson Kappler: blue alert
Talon Lardner: "You're here..." She explained politely, rubbing her forehead. "But the internal sensors don't see us..."
Culama Foxclaw: the panels have been up graded to only register bio readings to to reduce energy sendetur...hmm this should be routed back to engineering not medical
Jaye Jeffries: ::angrily cancels the alert, not realising it is a signal from commander Kappler
Jaye Jeffries: "computer stand down"
Jaye Jeffries: stand down
Hladson Kappler: blue alert
Talon Lardner leans over, attempting to queue up different menus on the PADD he is holding
Malcolm Sholokhov attempts to yank the PADD out of Talon's hand...
Jaye Jeffries: ::looks at the engineer "fix those damned things, it's really the least of my worries right now"
Culama Foxclaw feels the Padd get slightly heavier
Hladson Kappler: stand down
Hladson Kappler: blue alert
Culama Foxclaw: the hell!
Hladson Kappler: stand down
Hladson Kappler: blue alert
Hladson Kappler: stand down
Talon Lardner mutters a bit in frustration... "We'll figure out something... everyone, just remain calm..."
Hladson Kappler: blue alert
Culama Foxclaw: the grav plates must be malfunctioning
Hladson Kappler: stand down
Emberzzz Mendelsohn goes into the bar. looks at the panels. SElects the captains favorite Bejoran Wine
Hladson Kappler: trying to do a sequence
Hladson Kappler: blue alert
Jaye Jeffries: ::feels overwhelmed, annoyed, angry. The bridge crew provide him with various reports, the alert lamps continue to flash on and off seemingly at random, he feels the situation spiral out of control. What will he do?
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: Whispers, "please please please...."
Hladson Kappler: stand down
Culama Foxclaw: i wounder if the doc would mind me hitting up her liqure stach
Talon Lardner waves her hand worringly over the counselor's face, biting her lower lip. "Stay calm..."
Takira Sukra: Maybe the anomoly has affected the ship in some way
Hladson Kappler is frustrated that this isn't working
Hladson Kappler: any luck
Emberzzz Mendelsohn Presses REplicate.... replicators all over the ship start spitting out Bejoran Beliqi Wine
Malcolm Sholokhov keeps trying to mess with Caluma, tugging on his PADD, ruffling his hair, pulling off his combadge. Anything to get his attention... Though things don't seem as... solid as they once did...
Talon Lardner: "Try a yellow alert... I think blue and red is spooking them too much..."
Hladson Kappler: yellow alert
Hladson Kappler: stand down
Jaye Jeffries: ((ok gang I like this twist that we've got so let's try not to resolve it today but keep it for continuation next week - end official RP but stay IC and work on character development.))
Culama Foxclaw: fells odd forces pushing and pulling him
Hladson Kappler attempts to do another alert, but finds the engineer has taken the system offline
Hladson Kappler: ugh
Hladson Kappler: now what?
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: I dont' know sir.
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: It was a good Idea Kappler...
Hladson Kappler looks through the archives for something to play
Culama Foxclaw: looks up "every one out of sick bay take medical equipment we'll set up in the bar"
Hladson Kappler: maybe some music
Jaye Jeffries: ::accepts reports from the bridge crew, some of them telling him that they might *possibly* be able to locate the ship with some extensive scans, but in the mean time they could only wait. Jeffries decided to take the counsellor advice, and try to seek out some calming activities until those scans revealed some useful information.
Malcolm Sholokhov starts to realise the futility of trying to annoy the people who can't see him, and decide to annoy the people who can.
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: Sir, perhaps we should focus on finding out why we are invisible.. wwe may not be able to get tehm to help us sir.
Talon Lardner: "Let's be careful, though... we don't want our efforts to be dismissed as glitches...."
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: malcome
Jaye Jeffries: "counsellor..." Jeffries starts, not sure how to begin this conversation "I think I need your advice, now more than ever"
Takira Sukra: May want to put out a warning buoy Major. AT least warning vessels to steer clear for the time being
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: I took the mainframe box from the othere ship
Culama Foxclaw stands up and evacuates sickbay tapping his badge"sick bay to engineering we need the grav plating fixed up here im evacing to avoid any incidents" leaves sick bay for the bar
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: Can you crack it, with waht tools youc an acces?
Malcolm Sholokhov pinches Emberzz just to make sure she can still feel him. "Oh! Good... Box? Oh that."
Takira Sukra nods sympathetically to encourage the Major to continue speaking
Culama Foxclaw: i should report in with the major on this
Jaye Jeffries: ::nods "good thinking counsellor" Jeffries nods to the necessary bridge crew to carry out the counsellors instruction as they both leave the bridge
Malcolm Sholokhov: Ahhh, that might be a problem...
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: :OUcht!
Culama Foxclaw turns toward the bridg
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: "Ouch! What was that for?"
Hladson Kappler watches as Culama passes through Malcolm
Jaye Jeffries: ::gestures to counsellor Takira from the balcony
Culama Foxclaw: looks at the empty bridge
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: Well it's eitehr that or get used to being ignored.
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: What did the logs you got say?
Takira Sukra follows the Major and then takes a seat
Culama Foxclaw: gusse i'll wait to tell him
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: you said we have three days.
Malcolm Sholokhov smiles, "To make sure I still worked. I spent the last 5 minutes doing things to the nurse that would make anyone kick my ass. I couldn't get a rise out of him. I can't even make a PADD work.
Jaye Jeffries: "counsellor...we have lost 80% of our bridge crew...and I'm honestly not sure what to do..."
Jaye Jeffries: "emotionally...."
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: Well, Mal if you want I will kick your ass the day after we become peopel again
Culama Foxclaw enters the bar weith the med staff following
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: I don't like bein a non-coporeal being.
Malcolm Sholokhov chuckles, "Thanks, but the logs won't help until I can get them in the main computer.
Jaye Jeffries: ::looks down to see nurse Foxclaw enter the bar and is glad that, at the very least, he hasn't lost all of the daycrew under his command
Culama Foxclaw: ok set that over there
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: sees the dr begin to fade abit
Culama Foxclaw: putt those scanners by the window
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: "How long can we saty like this dr"
Hladson Kappler fades out entirely ((for the night, see you all later))
Culama Foxclaw: bye
Talon Lardner rubs her chin... "Indefinably, to be honest..."
Takira Sukra: What exactly do you mean by emotionally? A loss of potential attachment or drained emotionally
Talon Lardner: "As long as we can still breathe the air, and eat food, we should still be fine."
Culama Foxclaw: no no you have to tap power from the consols on this side of the room
Malcolm Sholokhov: You know... What if we're dead, already?
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: :: stares at malcome dumbfounded.
Jaye Jeffries: ::shakes his head "just...all of the above, counsellor. The crew, I rely on them. To have a large portion of them taken away" shakes his head "is incredibly deflating for a captain, disempowering, like being neautered"
Malcolm Sholokhov: You've heard ghost stories. This feels a lot like what ghosts do. We could be haunting the crew.
Jaye Jeffries: "I'm sorry counsellor, I just feel so insecure"
Emberzzz Mendelsohn thinks she does not look forward to being a spector....
Malcolm Sholokhov: I mean, I was messing with the power systems. The ship could have exploded and we would have never known.
Takira Sukra: Everyone understood the risk when entering the service. Unfortantely at times we have to have the consequences of those risks
Culama Foxclaw: yes clear off that table
Jaye Jeffries: ::nods "certainly doesn't make the fact any easier"
Culama Foxclaw: looks around finnally noticing the major and takira
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: Malcom, we don't know what we can and can't effect.... Keppler did initate an alert... maybe lets not toy with things that could destroy the ship.
Takira Sukra: No, it doesn't but we each have to face the fact that there are times, no matter what we do, we can't correct what went wrong
Jaye Jeffries: ::nods as he sees Foxclaw looking up at them, and gestures to the seat beside him "feel free to join us nurse"
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: The doctor said as long as we can eat...we can live. Let's go see if we can eat.
Culama Foxclaw: thank you sir i am sorry but i had to shut down medical
Malcolm Sholokhov nods, "Sure, may as well try something."
Jaye Jeffries: "understood"
Culama Foxclaw sighs and takes a seat
Malcolm Sholokhov gingerly sits down, "Hmm, you know what I'm glad for?"
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: what?
Malcolm Sholokhov: We're solid enough so that we're not stuck mid-deck in the gravity plating."
Takira Sukra: There are some situations which will have no solutions. We each have to understand that, come to grips with it and learn how to move on.
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: :)
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: Well, yes. I believe that is the most positvie thing I've yet observed regarding our curent situation, Bravo.!
Culama Foxclaw: woo! hoo!
Malcolm Sholokhov pushes his hand through the table with some effort, "Cause if we didn't have any cohesion as soon as the ship moved, we'd be left in space.
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: She sees the piles of bejoran wine near teh replicator...shakes her head. Reaches over and cancells the replicator order.
Culama Foxclaw coughs "sorry sir im not sure why i just woo hooed
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: :: walks to the stool and sits down. Dejected. near Malcom
Malcolm Sholokhov: /looks back towards Em, "Can't pick up the bottle, eh?"
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: NO.
Malcolm Sholokhov thinks, "I wonder if we can't just lean into the bottle and suck it out through the glass.
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: "no." she says as she takes down her hair. "Apparently anything we had on us when we went to the Romulan vessel is workable though: " she says looking at the hair pin
Culama Foxclaw: i have a bio bed set out incase we need it while engineering fixes up medical
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: :: feels a pang of guilt :: "Sorry I snapped at you Malcome. You were doing your best. I just don't do well, when I feell .... powerless."
Malcolm Sholokhov hmms, and takes an inventory, placing the items on the table, "Type 1 phaser, tricorder....sonic screwdriver... combadge... Eh? You snapped at me?"
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: "And invisibel is about as powerless as it gets."
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: *smiles
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: "nevermind."
Culama Foxclaw: might you know where doctor Lardener is she hasn't reported in
Malcolm Sholokhov shrugs it off, putting his stuff away, "Alright. I'm sure we'll figure it out... Later, when we get over being freaked out, and maybe after a nap."
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: Ok.
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: "Good night Malcome."
Jaye Jeffries: ::looks across at the nurse "we are trying to retrieve the away team from the Romulan vessel, it appears to have...vanished, taking our team with it"
Malcolm Sholokhov nods, "I'll be in my quarters. maybe I'll wake up and this'll all be a bad dream." He stands up to head out...
Culama Foxclaw: oh my i didnt even know she was off ship....damn medics
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: :: watches malcome leave. Thinks he is a good sort, and a bit hansome as well.
Emberzzz Mendelsohn looks aroudn and starts to notice thngs out of place. Notices a large bio bed near the bar. "How did a biio-bed end up in the bar?"
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: ::Her mind remains occupied. Oh how she wishes she was human sometimes like Malcome, who can just go to sleep, She sits looking into the wine as it drips down teh wall, staining the carpet. This is how it is with thoughts and emotions for someone like her, she thinks....always running, always staining, leaving a mark behind. She thinks back, remembering the rpesencee she felt on the ship.... the voices she heard... the fear that siezed her. Now more than ever, she was trapped alone with her thoughts
Takira Sukra: there is a stool between jaye and culama
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: thanks
Emberzzz Mendelsohn Sits thinking, they can't see, hear, feel or even smell us.... it's like we don't exist. The frustration of this is magnified by her impatience. In some ways I wish I had never seen that Romulan ship she thinks... but what of the crew... Dr Talon said that they may still be on teh vessel, wuld it not be right to try to save them? Yes she thinks, but the logic is contastantly at battel with the emotions inside of her. If only she could make the counselor, or even the nurse hear her thoughts...yes, if only they would understand. She blinks her eyes. looks down at her fingers as tehy brush through the table.
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: "How do you make a mark on the wind?" she whispers.
Culama Foxclaw feels a slight ting of sadness that seems to have permeated the air itself "odd i could have sworn i felt something"
Jaye Jeffries: ::thinks briefly on the missing crew, hoping that the Relliketh will find some way to bring them back home. He tried not to think of the individual members of the away, while at the same time being unable to stop himself, he saw their faces in his minds eyes and felt deeply saddened.
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: ::She drops her head back against the wall, taking a deep breath. Kappler was frustrated with her again...she sensed his dislike for telepaths the day they met. Now he will be even harder to deal with. ..... She stops suddenly jerks her head up and looks at teh nurse intently
Emberzzz Mendelsohn leans closly to her face, just inches from her fragile skin, peering into her vivid eyes.
Culama Foxclaw: gazes off but blinks and looks away
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: "Perhaps there is hope." she says.
Culama Foxclaw leans back rubbing tempels and then tracing the pointed ears
Emberzzz Mendelsohn grows sad over thoughts of the doctors children. ...thinks how scared they must be in quarters below. Then, she remembers the box in medical bay ... the Romulan ship's communications box... if only they could see it.... if only Malcome might be able to get thel log data off.... "but now... i's useless. I'm useless. We all are like this." She looks at Culma, then the captain....
Culama Foxclaw: major what did they go to the ship for anyways?
Emberzzz Mendelsohn reaches out and touches Culama's sholder like a grain of sand sliding through an hourglass.
Jaye Jeffries: "We were under the impression that there were Romulan survivors in distress, our away team went over in a shuttle to provide assistance...but it appears to have backfired on us"
Culama Foxclaw shivers
Culama Foxclaw: feeling a chill
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: :focuses on Culama...."ship...danger...here....ship...here"
Emberzzz Mendelsohn grows weak.
Culama Foxclaw feels a headach comming on
Emberzzz Mendelsohn brushes her hand down the side of Culama's hair, cheek..Shouts "We'er here."
Emberzzz Mendelsohn: :: Falls back in exahustion...fears the sticky space isn't just affecting our physical but also our mental faculties.
Saturday, August 8, 2009
RP 8th August 2009
[20:03] Talon Lardner: An Enlisted man? Good good! I was starting to worry that a newcomer would come in and outrank me... an easy task, considering I'm just a lieutenant... not that I'm bitter or anything..." she admitted, rolling her eyes a bit
[20:03] Unadecal Arado: Ferengi flakes? sounds gross... does ferengi dandruff have any nutritional value?
[20:04] Culama Foxclaw: oh congratulations
[20:04] Xannder Schumann tapped the Officer on the shoulder, "You're releaved"
[20:05] Culama Foxclaw: of course if you find the post dull and boaring...you can as for reassignment
[20:05] Talon Lardner: Allright, and newcomers, I will need to see you all, preferrably one at a time.... I need to make sure that your medical records transferred correctly.
[20:06] Culama Foxclaw: yes
[20:06] Culama Foxclaw: please we do need to make sure that no fungi have been brought aboard
[20:06] Malcolm Sholokhov: Who goes first?
[20:06] Takira Sukra sits on the edge of the bed rubbing her temples. hands a bit shaky, and thinking of what happened during that time
[20:07] Culama Foxclaw: you mr sholokhov
[20:07] Talon Lardner: I'll take volunteers, of course...
[20:07] Culama Foxclaw: dont woryy she is very gental
[20:07] Juile DeCuir: how changes this tag
[20:07] Malcolm Sholokhov: Show me the way?
[20:07] Talon Lardner: Can do... it's just to the stern, by the teleporter, can't miss it.
[20:07] Emberzzz Mendelsohn: Do the rest of us wait here sir?
[20:08] Talon Lardner: Ideally, I'd like you to familiarize yourself with your posts, and I will contact you when it is your turn
[20:08] Culama Foxclaw: yes are there any bajorans in the house tonight?
[20:08] Emberzzz Mendelsohn: I'm part Bejoran
[20:08] Talon Lardner: And this is Sickbay... it's not much, but it gets the job done.
[20:08] Culama Foxclaw: sounds good enough for me
[20:09] Unadecal Arado feels the ridges on his nose "I be Bajoran"
[20:09] Talon Lardner: And on your right, you'll see our talented Counselor, Ms. Sukra. She'll be happy to help you with any problems you have emotionally, spiritually, or mentally. I handle the rest of the stuff
[20:09] Jaye Jeffries passes briefly through the meditation chamber, looking over the new officers/enlisted personnel who had just freshly been picked up from DS9. They looked like a good group, intelligent glean in their eyes, Jeffries had a good feeling about these new additions to the crew
[20:09] Juile DeCuir: i am part Romulan
[20:09] Xannder Schumann kicked the base of the security console with his boot, the screens had been reading a little fuzzy.. and when in doubt, use violence.
[20:09] Culama Foxclaw: im sorry but what post are you again ms...um ms...*looks at crew roster on the PADD* Mendelsohn
[20:10] Talon Lardner: Allright... to start... *she smiles, cueing up a few things on a wall panel* I need your name, rank, and species.
[20:10] Malcolm Sholokhov glances around, "Not exactly Starfleet medical. Oh, hello, councilor." he gives a wink in passing.
[20:10] Malcolm Sholokhov: Oh, yeahh. Petty officer 1st class Malcolm Sholokhov, and human.
[20:11] Emberzzz Mendelsohn: I am a new recruit, I am Angosian/and Bejoran vulcan hybrid
[20:11] Talon Lardner nods politely. "We get by, thankfully. Bajoran medicine is on-par with the federation, and Starfleet tech helps boldster non-Bajoran treatments...." she smiled. "Allright, seems to check out, I think. Any allergies that I should be aware of? Injuries in the past 6 months?"
[20:11] Culama Foxclaw: oh wow another mutt like myself
[20:11] Emberzzz Mendelsohn: yes.
[20:12] Emberzzz Mendelsohn: sir
[20:12] Culama Foxclaw: and what department are you in?
[20:12] Emberzzz Mendelsohn: I've set in on communications and tactical. but only as a shadow recruit
[20:12] Jaye Jeffries makes his way to the bridge, nodding to Nurse Foxclaw
[20:13] Culama Foxclaw nods back
[20:13] Malcolm Sholokhov chuckles "I'm supriised you only asked that after reading my medical records. Well, my Orion hepatitis has cleared up nicely, and I've been sober for almost a year.".
[20:13] Juile DeCuir: sir
[20:13] Emberzzz Mendelsohn: thank you sir
[20:13] Xannder Schumann gave a satisfied nod as the screen cleared up. He picked up a PADD with the latest security reports and began to read over it. Glancing back he gave the Major a nod.
[20:13] Culama Foxclaw: yes *looks to the woman on his right*
[20:13] Juile DeCuir: where i can get changes of clothing
[20:13] Talon Lardner: "I envy the enlisted life..." She admitted with a smile. "I take it you haven't been with Starfleet long, out of idle curiosity. Is this your first posting?"
[20:14] Jaye Jeffries looks sternly at the chief of security, Xannder Schumann, with a slight smile on his face says "Chief, *try* not to hurt any of your new security officers, neh?"
[20:14] Malcolm Sholokhov takes a deep breath, "I've been in the service for 5 years, and you could say I get around quite a bit.".
[20:14] Jaye Jeffries continues speaking to the chief "I know you like to punish them at 5am in the morning with a jog around deck 3, but be gentlre" Jeffries winks
[20:15] Culama Foxclaw: oh and what would you wish to wear
[20:15] Xannder Schumann rolled his shoulders back in a shrug, "If they can keep up and play by my rules.. they won't be hurt. If they can't, they can go back to Starfleet and play it safe." he smirked.
[20:16] Talon Lardner: "Again, I envy the enlisted... 20 + years of service including the academy, on a grand total of four postings... Well, I think everything checks out. Just make sure you keep a head up out here, the Gamma Quadrant isn't as friendly as what you may be used to."
[20:16] Jaye Jeffries shakes his head
[20:16] Jaye Jeffries: "I'll be in my office chief, I plan to acquaint myself with some of the new staff onboard"
[20:16] Jaye Jeffries: "meanwhile, you have the bridge"
[20:17] Malcolm Sholokhov chuckles, "I'm sure it's not. I specialize in the 'less-than-glorious" assignments. Later, Doc.".
[20:17] Culama Foxclaw: well lets get you all to the bridg
[20:17] Jaye Jeffries nods to Dr Lardner, Counsellor Sukra, and the new Relliketh officer "All good Doctor?"
[20:17] Talon Lardner: "Dismissed, sir."
[20:17] Xannder Schumann nodded, he had their data on his PADD and he had already done a little reading about the new personel posing potential security risks on his ship.
[20:17] Culama Foxclaw: and of cousre the galley
[20:17] Talon Lardner: All good so far, Major, I'm ready for the next recruit. *she smiled, clearing the medical records from the screen*
[20:18] Culama Foxclaw: aam mr Arado
[20:18] Juile DeCuir: greeting
[20:18] Jaye Jeffries nods "Excellent, at your discretion as always Doctor"
[20:18] Malcolm Sholokhov wanders over towards the transporter.
[20:18] Unadecal Arado: greetings Foxclaw
[20:18] Juile DeCuir: greeting madam
[20:18] Culama Foxclaw: ensign elide here has been assigned to your science team
[20:18] Jaye Jeffries notices Juile enter sickbay "Ms....DeCuir I believe?" extends his hand to shake hers
[20:18] Talon Lardner nods politely to the newcomer. "Please, please, come in! Can I have your rank, name, and species?"
[20:18] Juile DeCuir: aye
[20:19] Unadecal Arado: excellent, I'll break him in
[20:19] Takira Sukra looks over at the Major deciding on how to greet him after her recovery.
[20:19] Culama Foxclaw grins
[20:19] Culama Foxclaw: then i leave him to your hands
[20:19] Juile DeCuir: i am juile deuir ranke barkeeper and cook and i am part Romulan
[20:19] Juile DeCuir: decuir
[20:19] Culama Foxclaw: good luck mr Eilde
[20:20] Jaye Jeffries nods and smiles to the counsellor as he continues through sickbay
[20:20] Kal Eilde: Thank you, Sir.
[20:20] Jaye Jeffries: "Mr Sholokhov, welcome aboard the Relliketh. How was your transfer from DS9?"
[20:20] Culama Foxclaw: ok ms Mendelsohn i will take you to meet our tactical officer
[20:20] Talon Lardner nods politely, cueing up her medical information on the screen. "Not bad, nice to meet someone who is willing to do the dirty work! Any injuries or allergies I should be aware of?" She asks, seeming to study the newcomer with her reptilian eyes, watching the way she stood
[20:21] Emberzzz Mendelsohn: thank you sir
[20:21] Juile DeCuir: yes kilgon blood
[20:21] Radar: Emberzzz Mendelsohn has entered chat range.
[20:21] Malcolm Sholokhov rubs his chin, "Went pretty well. I left 5 bars of latinum in the hole, but that's better than most of my gambling attempts. You the skipper on this boat?"
[20:21] Radar: Xannder Schumann has entered chat range.
[20:21] Culama Foxclaw: and the man in yellow here is our tactical officer Xannder Shuman
[20:22] Takira Sukra thanks the medical technician after he administers her medication and then heads off to her office to start on her reports
[20:22] Emberzzz Mendelsohn: Thank you sir
[20:22] Emberzzz Mendelsohn: Reporting for duty sir
[20:22] Talon Lardner: "Allergic to, that is?" She asked politely, checking it off on the screen. "And I hope you don't have any fears about me being your medical officer... if there is any problems I can work around it..."
[20:22] Jaye Jeffries smiles and nods at the familiarity in terms coming from a STarfleet officer, and thinks that he might get to like this cremember "yes indeed I am Mr Sholokhov"
[20:22] Juile DeCuir: yes madam
[20:23] Xannder Schumann shot a glance over his shoulder as they entered, he nodded stiffly then glanced down to his PADD scrolling through the names and faces on the screen. "Mendelsohn?" he nodded, "Welcome aboard. And it's Security Chief Schumann *Nurse*" he said with a grunt, "I do more than just fire phasers on this boat."
[20:23] Culama Foxclaw: yes of course sir
[20:23] Talon Lardner nods politely, noticing her evading the question somewhat. "Well, I think we're good for now... let me know how things turn out as you settle in, allright?"
[20:23] Malcolm Sholokhov nods, "Well, I was sent here for two reasons. You need engineering techs, and there's no more room on the USS Expendable." he admits.
[20:23] Jaye Jeffries continues "I do hope that you are settling in ok. We have limited space in crewquarters on Relliketh but...we try to make ourselves comfortable. Our bar is more than ample, and I understand our new bartender, Ms Juile DeCuir, has just arrived"
[20:24] Jaye Jeffries nods "Indeed we do need more engineering techs desparately. We'll appreciate your presence onboard"
[20:24] Culama Foxclaw: oh and i should remind you *looking up with a slight glare* your latest phisical has been missed we really have to get to that
[20:24] Emberzzz Mendelsohn: ::glances away.
[20:25] Emberzzz Mendelsohn: Should I report to sick bay sir?
[20:25] Talon Lardner: And Dismissed, Crewman... *she added, noting her slight confusion* If you need any help finding your way around, just let me know.
[20:25] Takira Sukra looks at the computer console unsure exactly what to include in her reports. Decides be best to review crew personnel records.
[20:25] Juile DeCuir: yes madam
[20:25] Malcolm Sholokhov salutes with two fingers, "I doubt it, but thanks. I'll try to be tolerable." he then thinks as an afterthought, "...Sir."
[20:25] Unadecal Arado looks up from his padd and notices the young ensign standing there "ah, Mr Eilde... please follow me to the science station
[20:25] Xannder Schumann waved his PADD in the air with a look of disinterest, "I have more imporant things to do than jump through Doctors hoops.. The internal sensor grid needs realligning in the lower cargo bay.. Or would you like to explain to the Major when we have intruders that don't turn up on scans?"
[20:25] Kal Eilde: Yes, Sir.
[20:26] Jaye Jeffries notices and odd...surlyness in the mans demeanour, not sure if he likes it, but nods politely to Sholokhovs response and continues on his way
[20:26] Talon Lardner: (shoot, misclick...)
[20:26] Culama Foxclaw: smiles i will leave you to get to know eachother *losing some of his earlier confidence* and tell the doctor that you'll be in tomarrow at 06:00
[20:26] Talon Lardner peeks her head onto the bridge. "I'm free for another quick check in..."
[20:27] Culama Foxclaw walks off the bridge be for another word is said
[20:27] Emberzzz Mendelsohn: Shall I see you Sir Lardner?
[20:27] Jaye Jeffries nods to ms Eilde "ms Eilde, I will show you to the bar if you like, I imagine you would like to familiarise yourself with your tools of the trade?"
[20:27] Culama Foxclaw walks in to sick bay noticing the major "oh sir hello
[20:27] Xannder Schumann let out another grunt then turned to the new recruit. "As I was saying.. Welcome aboard. Is this your first tour on board a starship?" he asked, scanning her info on his PADD to answer his question for himself, but waited for her reply anyway.
[20:27] Kal Eilde: Yes. Thank you.
[20:27] Talon Lardner: "Aye..." she smiled, motioning politely for her to follow
[20:28] Emberzzz Mendelsohn: Yes sir
[20:28] Juile DeCuir: sir would like drink
[20:28] Jaye Jeffries: ((Sorry I meant DeCuir ))
[20:28] Emberzzz Mendelsohn: Where shall you want me? sir
[20:28] Culama Foxclaw: oh my this is new i didnt think that nurse included orientator
[20:28] Talon Lardner: (eep, I'm just down the hall, your left)
[20:28] Emberzzz Mendelsohn: :: looks away
[20:28] Jaye Jeffries looks around "I know it's not the biggest bar or...anything like on a Starfleet vessle, but I think ms DeCuir that you'll come to love it"
[20:29] Emberzzz Mendelsohn: ::impatient
[20:29] Talon Lardner peeks back onto the bridge. "Something wrong, officer?" She asks, unsure if she is interrupting something.
[20:29] Juile DeCuir: aye sir just give me nice kitchen i happy be
[20:29] Xannder Schumann pursed his lips together tightly, "For now.." he said in thought. "Just stand there.. and don't touch anything. All my stations are specifically calibrated.. I wouldn't want some recruit mussing them up." he gave a stiff nod. "We'll see how well you can handle yourself before you get to fire the weapons.."
[20:30] Emberzzz Mendelsohn: :shakes her head
[20:30] Jaye Jeffries chuckles and nods "I think that perhaps our engineering department can be encouraged or persuaded to redesign the kitchen area for you, perhaps with some - Romulan Ale?"
[20:30] Xannder Schumann nodded over his shoulder at the station on the view screen, "Hate to have to explain to Commander Sisko why his pylon has holes in it.."
[20:30] Emberzzz Mendelsohn: Do you sitll want me to report to sick bay sir?
[20:30] Juile DeCuir: aye
[20:30] Emberzzz Mendelsohn: I would prefer not to.
[20:30] Radar: Culama Foxclaw has entered chat range.
[20:31] Xannder Schumann looked up to Talon, "Doc.. do you need to see the new kid?"
[20:31] Radar: Culama Foxclaw has entered chat range.
[20:31] Emberzzz Mendelsohn: ::huffs kid
[20:31] Unadecal Arado: Mr Elde,pleaserun a level two diagnostic on the starboard sensor array. it has been producing ghsot readings lately... a sort of telemetry echo since the last time we went through the wormhole
[20:31] Jaye Jeffries recieves a comms from the bridge, informing him of a new mission incoming from Bajor Provision Government
[20:31] Malcolm Sholokhov overhears, "3 bars of latinum I can "Find" you some..." he offers shadily.
[20:31] Kal Eilde: Yes Sir.
[20:31] Talon Lardner: "Ah... first day jitters, then? And yes, I would prefer to see you there... it will only take a minute, I assure you." she promised, then looked up to the Chief. "Yes... I need to see all incoming enlisted, officer, and civilians. Standard procedure."
[20:31] Jaye Jeffries nods "Excuse me ms DeCui" and heads to the bridge
[20:32] Talon Lardner: "I'm sure you can part with her for only a few minutes...."
[20:32] Culama Foxclaw walks down hcorridor to the counsilors office carrying a medbag
[20:32] Kal Eilde checks readins again.
[20:32] Xannder Schumann nodded, "Alright Ms Mendelsohn. Go with the Doc.. don't worry, she won't bite." he smirked, "Then report back to me when you're done."
[20:32] Emberzzz Mendelsohn: Aye sir..
[20:33] Emberzzz Mendelsohn: ::she mightn not but i might
[20:33] Jaye Jeffries taps his armrest console, recieving the new mission orders. He looks around at the bridge crew "Stations everybody, it looks like we are being summoned to a new mission"
[20:33] Kal Eilde: Sir, I am showing no echo but there is a slightly anomolous reading.
[20:33] Xannder Schumann turned back to his station, setting down the PADD and looking to the Major, "What else is new.." he muttered.
[20:33] Kal Eilde runs one further diagnostic.
[20:33] Talon Lardner: "Sorry about the bother, but it's procedure... can I have your rank, name, and species to start?" She asks as she slides into her chair, reading off the screen
[20:33] Jaye Jeffries looks over his shoulder, noticing the new crew at their posts
[20:34] Malcolm Sholokhov wanders back behind his console, tapping at it boredly. It looks like everything was fixed before he got here. Looks like the first day won't be so bad.
[20:34] Unadecal Arado looks over the new man's shoulder "yes, I see that... try to make sense of it so we can make the necessary corrections"
[20:35] Kal Eilde: It seems that the 'echo' may be accounted for by a physical distortion of the antennae, itself.
[20:35] Kal Eilde: I'm retracting it in an attempt
[20:35] Kal Eilde: to recalibrate the readings.
[20:35] Kal Eilde: There.
[20:36] Jaye Jeffries looks over toward Officers Arado and Eilde "found something?"
[20:36] Kal Eilde: I think should clear up any echo.
[20:36] Juile DeCuir: i have fresh pie baked
[20:36] Unadecal Arado: well done Mr elde, looks like I may be able to use you after all
[20:36] Juile DeCuir: would someone like
[20:36] Jaye Jeffries: "hopefully we're all set to get underway? We've been asked to investigate some anomolous readings in spatial grid 14-37"
[20:37] Juile DeCuir: izzy cakes
[20:37] Jaye Jeffries nods to the helmsman, who inputs the coordinates and engages warp. Jeffries looks up as DeCuir walks onto the bridge with a tray of drinks on hand
[20:37] Malcolm Sholokhov hmms, and calls back, "Nothing broke yet."
[20:37] Xannder Schumann frowned, anomolous readings were never good..
[20:37] Kal Eilde: When we get back to base we may want to readjust or replace the third sensor. Until then we need to arrange it at 1^1.02 extension.
[20:37] Jaye Jeffries raises an eyebrow
[20:37] Unadecal Arado looks up, having heard some talk of pie "please save me a piece for later mis... miss... "
[20:38] Juile DeCuir: i have teal ale from V
[20:38] Jaye Jeffries notices Arado stutter, and moans inwardly
[20:39] Unadecal Arado: sorry, I'm so bad with names...
[20:39] Jaye Jeffries: "Teal Ale? Looks interesting" Take a glass from the tray as Juile walks around the bridge handing out drinks
[20:39] Juile DeCuir: aye
[20:39] Juile DeCuir: yes
[20:39] Jaye Jeffries sips from the drink as the Relliketh cruises at Warp 6 to her destination "mmmm, tastes fizzy and quite nice, thanks"
[20:39] Juile DeCuir gave you Mug of Honey Meade.
[20:40] Helm Console: Entering warp
[20:40] Unadecal Arado looks back at the new science officer "make whatever corrections you deem necessary to keep the sensors working until we can conduct proper repairs"
[20:40] Jaye Jeffries frowns slightly "it tastes very....wait....you used real alcohol in this or synthehol?"
[20:40] Malcolm Sholokhov refuses a glass, explaining, "I'm cutting down, thanks."
[20:40] Juile DeCuir: would like some
[20:40] Kal Eilde: Yes, Sir. I think we are good for now.
[20:41] Malcolm Sholokhov blinks, "there's something wrong with the sensors?"
[20:41] Kal Eilde: Just a slight physical distortion in the third sensor.
[20:41] Jaye Jeffries looks up to the crew stations "Reports please, all stations"
[20:42] Juile DeCuir: ale or tea rum sir ?
[20:42] Unadecal Arado smiles inwardly, reluctant to cut the new guy any slack so son
[20:42] Kal Eilde: The resultant echo has been eliminated and the readings corrected by a change in the extension algorythm.
[20:42] Malcolm Sholokhov sighs through pused lips, "The computer says they're working. Are you sure you have it calibrated right?"
[20:42] Juile DeCuir: Vale rum
[20:43] Xannder Schumann pressed a few buttons on his console, "Alls quite so far.." he said with a nod.
[20:43] Xannder Schumann: quiet*
[20:43] Juile DeCuir: nove tea ?
[20:44] Jaye Jeffries sighs at Xannder's usual surly attitude, yet reassured to have him standing at the tactical console
[20:45] Juile DeCuir: tea nova or vale rum teal ale would you like
[20:45] Jaye Jeffries: ::Relliketh arrives at the coordinates where the odd readings had been detected, dropping out of ward::
[20:45] Xannder Schumann leaned in on his station, "Any word on what kind of Anomoly this is supposed to be Major? Or just another 'Go here and risk death' mission..?"
[20:45] Jaye Jeffries: *warp
[20:46] Jaye Jeffries nods at Xannder "The latter - 'go here and risk death' as usual, isn't it always? Feel apprehensive mr Schumann?" Jeffries winks
[20:46] Juile DeCuir: aye
[20:46] Unadecal Arado focuses on the status report, but seems unable to help himself from slightly shaking his head upon hearing Emberzzzz's story
[20:46] Xannder Schumann shrugged, "Just another day at the office.."
[20:46] Juile DeCuir: give her tea
[20:47] Malcolm Sholokhov makes like he's working thinking perhaps this is where Starfleet disposes of it's enlisted these days...
[20:47] Jaye Jeffries looks back to the science officers "Run a scan in the designated area" Jeffries points out toward the viewscreen
[20:47] Juile DeCuir: your weclome
[20:47] Kal Eilde flicks buttons
[20:48] Unadecal Arado: Major, Science reports all normal. we are still dealing with minor sensor issues, but nothing we can't deal with by compensating output levels
[20:48] Xannder Schumann pressed a few keystrokes to bring up the tactical sensors as well.. just in case something out there needed to be locked onto in a hurry..
[20:48] Kal Eilde fingers screens
[20:48] Jaye Jeffries nods "That's great mr arado - but specifically anything on the anomoly out there" Jeffries points again toward the viewscreen "which have been sent to investigate?"
[20:49] Kal Eilde finds no anomolous readings in the near range.
[20:49] Jaye Jeffries: "In the mission request, the Provisional Government reported that a Bolian transport ship disappeared in this region"
[20:49] Jaye Jeffries: "odd"
[20:49] Kal Eilde checking mid-distance
[20:49] Unadecal Arado thinks to himself "yeah... "Heelp! the Paranoids are after me!" and chucles apparently without reason"
[20:50] Radar: Juile DeCuir has entered chat range.
[20:50] Malcolm Sholokhov grubles actually looking at the sensor status... It's still fine. He starts to wonder if Mr. Arado is trying to blame engineering because HE can't properly read the sensors...
[20:50] Juile DeCuir: knock on door
[20:51] Radar: Juile DeCuir has entered chat range.
[20:51] Emberzzz Mendelsohn: :::walks close to malcomes console ... begins to loook over his shoulder
[20:52] Xannder Schumann looked back over his shoulder, "Welcome back." he nodded to Emberzzz, "Guess you're fit for duty then?"
[20:52] Emberzzz Mendelsohn: ::under her breath :: great
[20:52] Jaye Jeffries: ::Relliketh shakes suddenly and quite violently, rocked by tremors and inertial dampeners struggling to compensate, as a shockwave seems to emanate from the anomolous region of space.
[20:53] Malcolm Sholokhov glances over towards Emberzz, and decides she's cute, so he flexes a little as he presses buttons, "Hey there."
[20:53] Jaye Jeffries looks around with concern
[20:53] Jaye Jeffries: Yellow alert
[20:53] Unadecal Arado: Mr Elde, focus all sensors on the anomaly and gather data on all spectral bands
[20:53] Solar Arashi is Online
[20:53] Emberzzz Mendelsohn: Hello
[20:53] Xannder Schumann grabbed hold of his station and frowned turning to look at his own scanners.
[20:53] Malcolm Sholokhov slams into his console, mid pick-up line.
[20:53] Emberzzz Mendelsohn: what are the readings?
[20:53] Jaye Jeffries: "What in the name of the Prophets was *that*?" Looks back at Schumann for answers
[20:53] Emberzzz Mendelsohn: ::smiles
[20:53] Kal Eilde scanning as data pour in.
[20:54] Xannder Schumann shook his head, "Nothing on Tactical scans," he darted his gaze back to the Science station, "Anything?"
[20:54] : Emberzzz Mendelsohn OOC : senses uncomfortable rush of conflicting feelings.
[20:54] Kal Eilde notices several larger than predicted variances but nothing that would account for the shaking...
[20:54] Malcolm Sholokhov: Well, THAT took out a few relays....
[20:54] Kal Eilde: Ch'xhks''n soup is great for old wounds that are acting up.
[20:55] Malcolm Sholokhov figures he'll be busy later....
[20:55] Radar: Talon Lardner has entered chat range.
[20:55] : Emberzzz Mendelsohn OOC : steps back
[20:55] Emberzzz Mendelsohn: ::steps bpack
[20:55] Kal Eilde checks status of all sensors, notices problem with the third sensor.
[20:55] Talon Lardner steps onto the brige, making a quick face tally to see if she had checked in everyone
[20:55] Emberzzz Mendelsohn: (thinks perhaps I disturbed him - serves me right)
[20:55] Unadecal Arado: OK, we are shaking and there is something out there , we have visual.... so why are the sensors not showing much yet/
[20:55] Jaye Jeffries monitors his armrest console as reports come in from some sections of the ship that suffered hull stress
[20:55] Kal Eilde: Sir, the third sensor is agian giving ecoic readings.
[20:56] Radar: Culama Foxclaw has entered chat range.
[20:56] Talon Lardner: "Last call for medical check ins.." She called out. "Anyone I missed will be rescheduled to have their exams taken at 0200 hours."
[20:56] Kal Eilde: However, physical alignment doesn't appear to be a problem.
[20:56] Unadecal Arado: try to bring the faulty sensor off line and recalibrate the rest of the array to compensate
[20:56] Kal Eilde: Yes, Sir.
[20:57] Kal Eilde closes down third sensor .
[20:57] Culama Foxclaw decides to drop in and have some pie before reporting back to the doctor
[20:57] Xannder Schumann took the tactical sensors from their passive scans and began to actively scan the sector for anything that could source that kind of wave energy. At first his search bore little fruit, but after a few moments, ".. I think there's something out there."
[20:58] Emberzzz Mendelsohn: :: senses a presence of many 500 souls
[20:58] Malcolm Sholokhov flicks a few switches, "Sensor #3 is offline. I'll take a look at it, but the computer says it's fine." He starts an in depth troubleshooting.
[20:58] Radar: Takira Sukra has entered chat range.
[20:58] Culama Foxclaw: ah ms DeCuir i thought id take you up on that offer for pie
[20:58] Jaye Jeffries: "What is it Mr Schumann?" Jeffries gets up from his seat, walking around the console to peer eagerly at the lcars screen
[20:58] Kal Eilde recalibrates fifth and seventh sensors to compensate for offline third.
[20:58] Juile DeCuir: sure
[20:58] Juile DeCuir: come right up
[20:58] Unadecal Arado concentrates on his screen, pouring over the readings from the recalibrated sensor array
[20:58] Emberzzz Mendelsohn: looks up, frowns.
[20:58] Kal Eilde: Sir, I've recalibrated the fifth and seventh sensors to compensate for offline third.
[20:59] Talon Lardner peeks curiously over Kal's sholder. "Busy, newcomer?" She asked with a smirk.
[20:59] Malcolm Sholokhov glances over at Emberzz as she starts talking about souls, the sould talk leaving him mildly freaked out.
[20:59] Kal Eilde: So far, so good, I believe. But thank you.
[20:59] Juile DeCuir: give two slice of pice for later
[20:59] Cobramax Mechanique is Offline
[20:59] Xannder Schumann frowned and shook his head, "Didn't see anything at first, had to increase the scan intensity.. and even still, I'm just getting.. an outline. Like an echo." he turned back to Science, "Focus your scans on region 103 mark 45.."
[20:59] Unadecal Arado: :: a sensor pattern begis to emerge, something extremely unusual::
[20:59] Culama Foxclaw: oh wow thank you *smiles*
[21:00] Minipet Erlanger is Online
[21:00] Juile DeCuir: your weclome they both fresh
[21:00] Jaye Jeffries watches as the crew work together to figure out what caused the sudden shockwave, and the nature of the anomoly
[21:00] Culama Foxclaw takes a bite...."mmm this is delicious...is it replicated?
[21:00] Xannder Schumann looked at the Major, "Whatever it is is fading off the sensors again.. but if it spits out any more energy we should be able to lock in on it.."
[21:00] Jaye Jeffries: "Are we in any immediate danger?"
[21:01] Jaye Jeffries: red alert
[21:01] Jaye Jeffries: mute alert
[21:01] Kal Eilde notices an energy 'lumpiness' in near space.
[21:01] Jaye Jeffries: computer mute alert
[21:01] Emberzzz Mendelsohn: Malcome .. go over that region analysis again
[21:01] Talon Lardner just nods. "You can't avoid your exam forever... chief." She spoke as she eyed the rank on your collar. "You luck out this time... but next time, you're mine."
[21:01] Takira Sukra enters the bridge and looks around remember the last time she was on the bridge that it wasn't a very pleasurable event. Decides to linger at the back as the Major puts the ship on red alert
[21:01] Xannder Schumann shook his head, and activated the shields bringing weapons online, "With Shields up.. it'd need to be alot more powerful to dent us this time.."
[21:01] Culama Foxclaw: looks up at the alert "damn i gusse this pie will have to wait
[21:02] Juile DeCuir: aye
[21:02] Juile DeCuir: battle time
[21:02] Culama Foxclaw stands upgrining
[21:02] Pandora Igaly is Offline
[21:02] Malcolm Sholokhov looks back towards Emberzz, "The logs? Ok." He brings up all the sensor data the 'Faulty' sensor recorded. "I still say that sensor array was working fine.".
[21:02] Talon Lardner too backs up to the enterance, wanting to observe the newcomers at their first red-alert situation. "I bet you two rounds at Quark's that one panics." She whispered to the Counselor.
[21:02] Jaye Jeffries looks towards the helmsman "Have us ready to warp out of here at the drop of the Hasperat, mr Slade"
[21:03] Emberzzz Mendelsohn: There is something there.
[21:03] Kal Eilde: Sir, readings indicate concentrations of energy--and adjacent sparseness--for approximately 2,000K
[21:03] Emberzzz Mendelsohn: I feel it
[21:03] Unadecal Arado: Captain... in shape and configuration... the gravimetric pattern of that anomaly suggests it might be a.... a... a subspace anomaly
[21:03] Xannder Schumann looked at the viewer, "I could always shoot a volley of phaser fire into the center of the anomoly.. see what happens.." he smirked.
[21:04] Jaye Jeffries: ::Relliketh rocked more violently this time, the bridge crew shaken around and some sustaining minor injuries::
[21:04] Jaye Jeffries pulls himself up from the floor, using the tactical console as support
[21:04] Malcolm Sholokhov shrugs, and leaves room for Emberss to look over the sensor logs, "Ok, you tell me. I'm no scientist. This is all data-puke to me."
[21:04] Takira Sukra looks over at the doctor trying to block out what happened and smiles slightly and whispers, "I'm not much of a gambler Talon."
[21:04] Culama Foxclaw walks into sick bay calling to the personell to prep for injured running through the normal alert check list
[21:05] Kal Eilde: Low energy electromagnetic, heat, and gravity are clumped to gether in dense packets.
[21:05] Xannder Schumann grunted, "I think it heard me.." he frowned, pulling up a damage report. "Hmm.. no major damage to the ship.. shieds took most of the blast.. but that *was* stronger this time." he said, his fingers running over his scanners to lock down the sorce of the blase. "There!" he pointed on his screen.
[21:05] Kal Eilde: The effect is like an airplane flying through turbulence.
[21:05] Takira Sukra loses her balance and fall backwards to the door and lands on the floor.
[21:05] Kal Eilde: When we hit energy concentrations we bump.
[21:05] Xannder Schumann: blast*
[21:05] Jaye Jeffries looks avidly at the screen as Xannder gives his report, at the same time listening to the science officers provide their report on the anomoly
[21:06] Jaye Jeffries looks over, noticing Dr Lardner help some of the wounded bridge crew
[21:06] Emberzzz Mendelsohn: ::looks closely moves her hand over the data
[21:06] Culama Foxclaw shakes a bit but holds his balence
[21:06] Kal Eilde: When we pass through, our thrust zooms us through the sparse areas.
[21:06] Talon Lardner kneels down by the counselor, politely offering to help the counselor back up. "Whoah... forgot how loose the inertial dampeners were..."
[21:06] Malcolm Sholokhov endus up humping the console again when the ship rocked, but he keeps out of Emberzz way as she does..... some...thing...
[21:06] Jaye Jeffries: "Are you saying it's our own engines causing the shockwaves?"
[21:06] Xannder Schumann nodded, "That area seems to be the source of this energy they're yapping about" he said, poining to his screen again.
[21:06] Emberzzz Mendelsohn: ::looks at malcome
[21:07] Emberzzz Mendelsohn: Thank you
[21:07] Kal Eilde: The anomoly seems to be growing.
[21:07] Takira Sukra holds out her hand to Talon, thankful for the assistance
[21:07] Unadecal Arado: not only that,but we have to do all we can to stay out of the anomaly's path. this type of anomalies are very rare and unpredictable, and if we are engulfed, we may not be able to emerge out of it again
[21:07] Kal Eilde: Lumpy space now extends at least 5,000K in front of us.
[21:08] Jaye Jeffries blows his cheeks outward, feeling slightly exhausted.
[21:08] Kal Eilde: And has expanded at least twice as far behind us as before.
[21:08] Unadecal Arado: we'd be dragged back into an area of subspace where our warp engines would be no use without extensive modifications
[21:08] Juile DeCuir: coming with bleedy green blood
[21:08] Juile DeCuir: in
[21:08] Kal Eilde: The anomoly appears less intense further above the galactic plain.
[21:08] Jaye Jeffries nods
[21:08] Kal Eilde: plane*
[21:09] Culama Foxclaw notices the blood dripping from the chefs hand
[21:09] Emberzzz Mendelsohn: ::asks malcome:: are you worried??
[21:09] Culama Foxclaw: oo thats not good
[21:09] Jaye Jeffries: "Advice? Are our engines affecting the anomoly?"
[21:09] Kal Eilde: However, it will be a bumpy ride in any direction.
[21:09] Talon Lardner pulls the Counselor up, giving her hand a slight conforting squeeze as she helps her back onto her feet. "You're lucky you're smaller than I... I got longer to fall than you."
[21:09] Jaye Jeffries looks briefly over toward Sholokhov, wondering if he would need to perform some major alterations in the short term to get them out of this sticky situation
[21:10] Malcolm Sholokhov looks up , "Wait, are you saying we're surrounded by lumpy space?" he looks back at Emberss, "Yeah, well, kinda. No time to crap my britches on my first day."
[21:10] Juile DeCuir: showing missing fingers
[21:10] Xannder Schumann leaned into his console, "So what's causing all this.. Anti-Energy?"
[21:10] Culama Foxclaw takes the womans hand and wipes off some of the blood with a towel
[21:10] Juile DeCuir: my hand
[21:10] Takira Sukra smiles a bit weakly at the Gorn, "Thank you Doctor. Guess I still a bit unsteady."
[21:10] Emberzzz Mendelsohn: ::feels sympathetic sting in her hand
[21:10] Kal Eilde: Einstein aside, I think the best way to conceive of our situation is lumpy energy,
[21:10] Culama Foxclaw: ok i need a operating tabel NOW *calling to the med staff
[21:10] Unadecal Arado: the anomaly seems attracted to our warp field, since it basically creates a bubble of subspace around the ship... you may view the anomaly as a warp field that occurs naturally when certain energies coalesce
[21:10] Kal Eilde: acting like turbulence.
[21:11] Jaye Jeffries looks toward the helmsman "Mr Slade, disengage the engines, bring us to a full and complete stop"
[21:12] Kal Eilde re-reads near space as the ship is slowed.
[21:12] Culama Foxclaw injects a hypospray synth-o-tonin for the pain
[21:12] Xannder Schumann sighed, "Okay, so we're not going to die in a fight.. just from boredom as we sit here forever."
[21:12] Malcolm Sholokhov hmms, "Ok, so going to warp is out. How far is it to get out of lumpy space? Can we do it at impulse?"
[21:12] Jaye Jeffries: "It looks like we'll have to consider making those engine modifications - unless you can gather more information on this anomoly and some potential ways that we could evade this 'lumpy space'"
[21:12] Jaye Jeffries nods appreciatively at Schumanns comment
[21:12] Talon Lardner blinks with worry as she hears the chirp of her communicator. "Crap... got to go...." She sighed, rubbing her forehead. "Will you be OK, Counselor?"
[21:12] Kal Eilde: Sir, the lumpiness has disapated.
[21:12] Xannder Schumann shrugged and muttered, "I could still try shooting it.."
[21:13] Kal Eilde: It seems we were the cause of our own problem.
[21:13] Takira Sukra nods to the Doctor, "I should be okay Doctor."
[21:13] Jaye Jeffries: "I bet, and yet if we start the engines again what do you expect to happen? It appears we have gotten ourselves into a bit of a trap. Let us analyse the anomoly for furtehr information before taking any action"
[21:13] Talon Lardner nods politely, ducking out to tend to the matter in sickbay
[21:14] Unadecal Arado: are you sthe cause of our own problem? how...?
[21:14] Culama Foxclaw gose to work with some specalized tools to reattach the missing fingers "it will be ok the cut was clean the surgery should go fine
[21:14] Malcolm Sholokhov startles, and mutters a few curses, "No WONDER we saw an echo."
[21:14] Talon Lardner: "What did I miss?" The doctor asked as she ducked into sickbay, quickly running her hands through a sterilizer by the door
[21:14] Jaye Jeffries: "Mr Sholokhov, can you work with the science team to devise any potential modifications that may help us out of this situation"
[21:15] Culama Foxclaw: two lopped off fingers doc
[21:15] Malcolm Sholokhov: ?me nods, "Yeah, sure thing. And I'm bringing sensor #3 back online.".
[21:15] Kal Eilde: As you said earlier, the anomaly seems attracted to our warp field--it creates a bubble of subspace around the ship.
[21:15] Emberzzz Mendelsohn he sees it
[21:16] Emberzzz Mendelsohn: excellent malcome
[21:16] Talon Lardner: "Not bad, not bad... and we have said fingers, right?" She asks as she grabs a dermal and bone regenerator from the desk, setting them on the table
[21:16] Malcolm Sholokhov squeezes by Emberzz, "'Scuse me, honey. Gotta go see the science nerds. I'll be back."
[21:16] Kal Eilde: But why now.
[21:16] Kal Eilde: Why here?
[21:16] Jaye Jeffries: ((ok gang, we're going to pause the RP here and continue next week, I don't want to exhaust our newcomers on their first day. Excellent job everybody! Please stay in character and freeform RP as you wish and until you need to leave, we can RP that we are gathering information on the anomoly until next week))
[21:17] Culama Foxclaw: yes holds them up
[21:17] Jaye Jeffries: "it looks as though we will need a number of hours to gather information on this anomoly, I advise people to get some R&R in the next couple hours."
[21:17] Culama Foxclaw: you want to do muscel regen or nerv conection?
[21:18] Talon Lardner nods politely as she gets to work on prepping her hand for surgery. "Don't worry, ma'am, you're among the best..." she promised, working hard to keep up with the repairing of the torn flesh
[21:18] Emberzzz Mendelsohn wishes sleep was an option
[21:18] Kal Eilde adjusts sensors to pick up latest episode of Space Ghost.
[21:18] Jaye Jeffries looks at the new crew "feel free to join me for a Raktajino in the bar, I'm going to see what Juile's drinkmaking skills are like" Jeffries winks
[21:19] Emberzzz Mendelsohn: angosian sour please
[21:19] Jaye Jeffries glances quickly at the science officers who continue to work busily "Join us when you've finished any sensor modifications and run the algorythms through, I'm sure the computer can do part of the work"
[21:19] Kal Eilde gets disappointed; Space Ghost is interviewing Ron Howard, again.
[21:19] Talon Lardner: "I got the bone, can you get muscle?" She asks politely. "And it's almost done..."
[21:19] Xannder Schumann looked about, "I'm going to go align the internal sensors.. the last thing we need is this 'lumpy space' seeping in somewhere and us not knowing it.."
[21:19] Emberzzz Mendelsohn: hello major
[21:19] Kal Eilde: You got it, Sir!
[21:20] Unadecal Arado: aye Major, onour way
[21:20] Culama Foxclaw gets a device from the tray "on it doc
[21:20] Jaye Jeffries: "Hello mr Mendelsohn - how are holding up?"
[21:20] Jaye Jeffries looks around for the barkeep
[21:20] Emberzzz Mendelsohn: well sir. its' a good ship
[21:20] Emberzzz Mendelsohn: I am honored to be here sir
[21:21] Kal Eilde: Hello Sir, Thank you for having me on board. I haven't served on a Bajoran ship before.
[21:21] Emberzzz Mendelsohn: ::sees malcome
[21:21] Radar: Xannder Schumann has entered chat range.
[21:21] Emberzzz Mendelsohn: is this seat taken sir?
[21:21] Jaye Jeffries: "It's just a pleasure to have some fresh officers on board, here - let me buy a round of drinks...as soon as our bartender shows up"
[21:21] Talon Lardner peeks down to check on how the patient is holding up. "Is she sedated?"
[21:22] Culama Foxclaw: no i just gave a pain killer
[21:22] Juile DeCuir: drinker maker would nice
[21:22] Malcolm Sholokhov sighs, and takes a seat. Day #1 and he's not fired yet. Good day. As Emberzz walks up he glances into the empty seat, "Mmm, dosen't look like it."
[21:22] Jaye Jeffries shrugs "Well I've bartended before" and walks around behind the bar
[21:22] Kal Eilde: Anyone want a beer?
[21:22] Emberzzz Mendelsohn: :)
[21:22] Unadecal Arado looks around "any of that pie left?"
[21:22] Culama Foxclaw: with her mixed genes i didn't want to risk it
[21:22] Jaye Jeffries looks down behind the bar "sure is" and pushes some pie across the bar
[21:22] Birdie Ireland is Online
[21:22] Emberzzz Mendelsohn: we have something in common
[21:22] Emberzzz Mendelsohn: We're both new here
[21:23] Takira Sukra walks over to the Major and holds out a PADD, "Major, here is a detail report involving the entity," she shifts a her weight from one foot to the other and back
[21:23] Jaye Jeffries: "So Mr Eilde, I haven't had the chance to read your Starfleet record as yet - where did you transfer from?"
[21:23] Culama Foxclaw puts down the small cylindrical device
[21:23] Jaye Jeffries takes the report from the counsellor "thankyou counsellor...uh...entity?"
[21:23] Malcolm Sholokhov smiles, "Yeah, a lotta fresh meat on this boat. Either there was a fresh round of promotions, or this assignment is going to see more action than I thought."
[21:24] Juile DeCuir: there fresh pie in near back
[21:24] Kal Eilde: I was just graduated from the Academy, Sir.
[21:24] Talon Lardner nods politely, turning off her tool. "And... done!" She smiled. "Thankfully, there should be no lasting damage."
[21:24] Unadecal Arado takes the plate with the slice of pie and tucks in, mmmm-ing and aaaah-inin delight as he eats
[21:24] Culama Foxclaw: ok looks like its just the nerves and blood vessels
[21:24] Emberzzz Mendelsohn: "Perhpas"
[21:24] Kal Eilde: This is my first official posting.
[21:24] Juile DeCuir: vare beer left self
[21:24] Emberzzz Mendelsohn: "what's your poison I'll buy"
[21:24] Culama Foxclaw: there we go all better
[21:24] Talon Lardner pats the crewman's sholder, hearing her start to come to..." Easy, easy, you lost a fair bit of blood..." she warned. "Don't strain yourself..."
[21:25] Jaye Jeffries pushes a Raktajino across the bar "try this Mr Eilde, I'm not sure if you've had a Raktajino before? They're quite popular onboard"
[21:25] Takira Sukra shifts her weight around, "Yes, that is correct Major."
[21:25] Malcolm Sholokhov errs, "just a cup of coffee, thanks". He'd love a bottle of scotch, real, single malt stuff, but he knows it'd put him back into rehab...
[21:25] Kal Eilde: No, I haven't had a Raktajino before. Thank you.
[21:26] Unadecal Arado: you did very well under pressure, Mr elde, looks like we may yet have a use for you in this rust bucket *smiles at Jaye*
[21:26] Kal Eilde picks up the glass and studies it with some aprehension
[21:26] Jaye Jeffries suddenly realises what entity this is in reference to "Oh! I see, yes, I'l just... read about this shortly"
[21:26] Takira Sukra looks at the PADD, "Details of the incident are there with a copy being sent to Star Fleet," pauses trying to think what else to say
[21:26] Kal Eilde: and antici..........pation.
[21:26] Culama Foxclaw: i think she sould be ready for duty by tomarrow what do you think *looking at the gorn*
[21:26] Kal Eilde drinks it
[21:27] Kal Eilde: GWACKKK!!!@!!!!
[21:27] Kal Eilde: Woah!
[21:27] Jaye Jeffries nods in response to Takira's report "Understood. Would you like to join us for a round of drinks, counsellor?"
[21:27] Kal Eilde: I'll need to go a little slower with those Raktajinoes!
[21:27] Talon Lardner: "I think she is good for now... Now, you may feel a bit of numbness in your fingertips, but full feeling will return in a half-hour
[21:27] Emberzzz Mendelsohn: one coffee please, and one angosian sour
[21:27] *HtoH*BartenderBall(BottleDialog): Initialize ...
[21:27] Culama Foxclaw hleps the half romulan of the bed
[21:28] Juile DeCuir: thx you
[21:28] Unadecal Arado looks to his right "Angosian sour? what is that?"
[21:28] Culama Foxclaw sighs
[21:28] Emberzzz Mendelsohn: ::looks down, doesnt wnat to explain::
[21:28] Jaye Jeffries: "Oh ms decuir! Hope you don't mind, I served a quick round of drinks"
[21:28] Takira Sukra looks around briefly, "I think I will have to pass on that Major. I'm still not feeling fully well after the incident and think less stimuli might be best for me"
[21:29] Emberzzz Mendelsohn: make it two coffees
[21:29] Juile DeCuir: where this drink maker ?
[21:29] Kal Eilde: whoa.
[21:29] Malcolm Sholokhov pipes up "Agnosian flame liqor and sour mix."
[21:29] Culama Foxclaw: well finnally went see the counsilor
[21:29] Jaye Jeffries nods "understood counsellor, i hope everything is going well with you"
[21:29] Unadecal Arado notices Emberzzz's reticence and pulls away slightly, leaving her alone
[21:30] Juile DeCuir: would like
[21:30] Kal Eilde: Officers, fellow crew, please excuse me. I have an appointment with my photopractor to realign some pixels.
[21:30] Takira Sukra turns around to leave, stops and pauses slightly looks back at the Major and thinks about something but decides this isn't the place and nods to the the Major, "Thank you Major," then turns and heads out of the room
[21:31] Culama Foxclaw: doc...*looks a bit nervous shifting weight* you were with the changling that took my place quite offten right?
[21:31] Emberzzz Mendelsohn: :: purses lips ... thinks of the penal colony and the argosians there
[21:31] Jaye Jeffries nods to Eilde
[21:31] Talon Lardner: I was.... *She admitted honestly* Why do you ask?
[21:31] Jaye Jeffries takes a seat
[21:32] Xannder Schumann is Offline
[21:32] Jaye Jeffries: A great little game I picked up from a province on Bajor
[21:32] Jaye Jeffries: called Khet
[21:32] Culama Foxclaw: well i ...i haven't been abel to bring myself to really look at the records from that time....i -i dont suppose you could tell me of what happened in my absence?
[21:32] Emberzzz Mendelsohn: ::Tries to avoid it. but must know:: Malcome...How did you know what's in an argosian sour?
[21:32] Xannder Schumann is Online
[21:33] Unadecal Arado continues to watch Emberzzz out of the corner of his eye, noticingher body language and thinks to himself "hmmmm.... tortured soul... handle with care..."
[21:33] Juile DeCuir: arg should be sweet drink
[21:33] Talon Lardner listens quietly as she runs a few sterilization routines, removing the spilled blood from the surgery. "He... was not a good representation of you. He attempted to fill in as your double, but he protrayed you to be an arrogant, impulsive man... which you are clearly not."
[21:33] Jaye Jeffries: "Anybody interested in a game of Bajoran Khet?"
[21:33] Malcolm Sholokhov watches Em as she goes to get the drinks, and looks down at the game board, then back up at Em, "Oh... Uhh, I used to be quite the conniseur of beverages that made me pass out in an alley."
[21:34] Jaye Jeffries: cancel alert
[21:34] Emberzzz Mendelsohn: ::laughs::
[21:34] Emberzzz Mendelsohn: I have not played this game
[21:35] Culama Foxclaw smiles at the comment" well something tells me arrogance didnt cause the medical comunity and most of my friends to turn their backs on me"
[21:35] Jaye Jeffries: "You bounce lasers around using mirror, and try to destroy your opponents pieces. I believe it's supposed to be symoblic of the struggle between the Prophets and the Pah Wraiths"
[21:35] Malcolm Sholokhov: Hmm, looks chess-y. Most of the games I played involved cards, or a dabo wheel.
[21:36] Jaye Jeffries: "Would you both like to play each other? I can show you each how to play"
[21:36] Takira Sukra lights a couple of candles and attempts to engage in some vulcan meditation
[21:36] Emberzzz Mendelsohn: I'm game
[21:36] Juile DeCuir: would like something eat or drink
[21:36] Talon Lardner smiles softly, offering a hand to him. "They're still confused between the difference between you and it.... I know better than that."
[21:36] Jaye Jeffries: ok, just click on the red squares and you should get the menu
[21:36] Emberzzz Mendelsohn: ::looks strongly across the board.
[21:36] Talon Lardner: "You would never poison someone,for instance..."
[21:36] Juile DeCuir: i have fresh vare pie
[21:36] Jaye Jeffries: and if you want to play ember, click on the white squares
[21:37] Culama Foxclaw his smiel drops
[21:37] Malcolm Sholokhov hmms, "Alright."
[21:37] Unadecal Arado nods at DeCuir and smiles "I'll have a slice please. what do you recommend to wash it down with?"
[21:37] Emberzzz Mendelsohn: As always, I play to win
[21:37] Juile DeCuir: i have fresh zeles jusic
[21:37] Culama Foxclaw: doctor......i by training ...a poisontologist
[21:37] Juile DeCuir: or some nova tea
[21:38] Culama Foxclaw: toxicology was one of my main studis
[21:38] Unadecal Arado: oh, nova tea sounds like just the ticket
[21:38] Juile DeCuir: aye give have cup of fresh tea
[21:39] Jaye Jeffries: Ok all should be well now between the Pah Wraiths and Prophets ;)
[21:39] Talon Lardner listens with a bit of confusion, slowly retracting her hand
[21:39] Takira Sukra knows something is off as it is becoming difficult for her to get into a meditation stance especially with the background noise that has returned
[21:39] Culama Foxclaw: if the situation reqired it i would do so....of coures it would have to be some sort of desperat life or death situation...not to mention i wouldnt try to kill
[21:40] Culama Foxclaw: but i have used some paralitic agents.....*stops going on with his rambelings* he didnt kill some one as ....me did he?
[21:40] Juile DeCuir: cul
[21:41] Unadecal Arado lookslifts his cup, takes a sip and smiles "Mmmm... nice, thank you" then notices her injuries for the first time"have you had that seen to?"
[21:41] Talon Lardner: "He tried to..." She admitted honestly. "In a very cowardly manner... it was an away mission gone bad."
[21:41] Juile DeCuir: aye i am new to ship
[21:42] Malcolm Sholokhov: Ahh, there we go.
[21:42] Culama Foxclaw looks away it wasnt some attemt to harm the crew was it i..i couldn't forgive myself if they used my knowlege on poison to ...
[21:43] Takira Sukra sighs as she puts out the candle. She will try tomorrow and decides burying herself in some work might help
[21:44] Culama Foxclaw looks away busying himself with clean up
[21:44] Talon Lardner: "It's OK..." She sighed, herself too avoiding eye contact to clean up. "I... the worse part is, I can see myself killing quite easially... just... not with poison."
[21:45] Culama Foxclaw: i alomst did ...once
[21:45] Jaye Jeffries: careful ;)
[21:45] Culama Foxclaw starts to log in the incident
[21:46] Talon Lardner puts her tools away, still listening
[21:47] Jaye Jeffries smells smoke
[21:47] Culama Foxclaw: but that was befor i was even close to ...being a medic..
[21:47] Talon Lardner: "Past Life?" She asked out of curiosity. "It's OK... you don't have to tell if you don't want to remember."
[21:47] Juile DeCuir: would like price of pie
[21:48] Unadecal Arado continues to stare at the girl's injuries, surprised that a woman of her inclination has not had them healed yet, and shows a worried look on his face
[21:48] Culama Foxclaw: no as my grandmother said you cant ignor the past
[21:48] Culama Foxclaw: he was a doctor at foxclaw general
[21:48] Talon Lardner looks with worry to her nurse. "Mercenery work?"
[21:49] Culama Foxclaw: back on my home
[21:49] Culama Foxclaw: no *chuckels*
[21:49] Culama Foxclaw: im not that bad
[20:03] Unadecal Arado: Ferengi flakes? sounds gross... does ferengi dandruff have any nutritional value?
[20:04] Culama Foxclaw: oh congratulations
[20:04] Xannder Schumann tapped the Officer on the shoulder, "You're releaved"
[20:05] Culama Foxclaw: of course if you find the post dull and boaring...you can as for reassignment
[20:05] Talon Lardner: Allright, and newcomers, I will need to see you all, preferrably one at a time.... I need to make sure that your medical records transferred correctly.
[20:06] Culama Foxclaw: yes
[20:06] Culama Foxclaw: please we do need to make sure that no fungi have been brought aboard
[20:06] Malcolm Sholokhov: Who goes first?
[20:06] Takira Sukra sits on the edge of the bed rubbing her temples. hands a bit shaky, and thinking of what happened during that time
[20:07] Culama Foxclaw: you mr sholokhov
[20:07] Talon Lardner: I'll take volunteers, of course...
[20:07] Culama Foxclaw: dont woryy she is very gental
[20:07] Juile DeCuir: how changes this tag
[20:07] Malcolm Sholokhov: Show me the way?
[20:07] Talon Lardner: Can do... it's just to the stern, by the teleporter, can't miss it.
[20:07] Emberzzz Mendelsohn: Do the rest of us wait here sir?
[20:08] Talon Lardner: Ideally, I'd like you to familiarize yourself with your posts, and I will contact you when it is your turn
[20:08] Culama Foxclaw: yes are there any bajorans in the house tonight?
[20:08] Emberzzz Mendelsohn: I'm part Bejoran
[20:08] Talon Lardner: And this is Sickbay... it's not much, but it gets the job done.
[20:08] Culama Foxclaw: sounds good enough for me
[20:09] Unadecal Arado feels the ridges on his nose "I be Bajoran"
[20:09] Talon Lardner: And on your right, you'll see our talented Counselor, Ms. Sukra. She'll be happy to help you with any problems you have emotionally, spiritually, or mentally. I handle the rest of the stuff
[20:09] Jaye Jeffries passes briefly through the meditation chamber, looking over the new officers/enlisted personnel who had just freshly been picked up from DS9. They looked like a good group, intelligent glean in their eyes, Jeffries had a good feeling about these new additions to the crew
[20:09] Juile DeCuir: i am part Romulan
[20:09] Xannder Schumann kicked the base of the security console with his boot, the screens had been reading a little fuzzy.. and when in doubt, use violence.
[20:09] Culama Foxclaw: im sorry but what post are you again ms...um ms...*looks at crew roster on the PADD* Mendelsohn
[20:10] Talon Lardner: Allright... to start... *she smiles, cueing up a few things on a wall panel* I need your name, rank, and species.
[20:10] Malcolm Sholokhov glances around, "Not exactly Starfleet medical. Oh, hello, councilor." he gives a wink in passing.
[20:10] Malcolm Sholokhov: Oh, yeahh. Petty officer 1st class Malcolm Sholokhov, and human.
[20:11] Emberzzz Mendelsohn: I am a new recruit, I am Angosian/and Bejoran vulcan hybrid
[20:11] Talon Lardner nods politely. "We get by, thankfully. Bajoran medicine is on-par with the federation, and Starfleet tech helps boldster non-Bajoran treatments...." she smiled. "Allright, seems to check out, I think. Any allergies that I should be aware of? Injuries in the past 6 months?"
[20:11] Culama Foxclaw: oh wow another mutt like myself
[20:11] Emberzzz Mendelsohn: yes.
[20:12] Emberzzz Mendelsohn: sir
[20:12] Culama Foxclaw: and what department are you in?
[20:12] Emberzzz Mendelsohn: I've set in on communications and tactical. but only as a shadow recruit
[20:12] Jaye Jeffries makes his way to the bridge, nodding to Nurse Foxclaw
[20:13] Culama Foxclaw nods back
[20:13] Malcolm Sholokhov chuckles "I'm supriised you only asked that after reading my medical records. Well, my Orion hepatitis has cleared up nicely, and I've been sober for almost a year.".
[20:13] Juile DeCuir: sir
[20:13] Emberzzz Mendelsohn: thank you sir
[20:13] Xannder Schumann gave a satisfied nod as the screen cleared up. He picked up a PADD with the latest security reports and began to read over it. Glancing back he gave the Major a nod.
[20:13] Culama Foxclaw: yes *looks to the woman on his right*
[20:13] Juile DeCuir: where i can get changes of clothing
[20:13] Talon Lardner: "I envy the enlisted life..." She admitted with a smile. "I take it you haven't been with Starfleet long, out of idle curiosity. Is this your first posting?"
[20:14] Jaye Jeffries looks sternly at the chief of security, Xannder Schumann, with a slight smile on his face says "Chief, *try* not to hurt any of your new security officers, neh?"
[20:14] Malcolm Sholokhov takes a deep breath, "I've been in the service for 5 years, and you could say I get around quite a bit.".
[20:14] Jaye Jeffries continues speaking to the chief "I know you like to punish them at 5am in the morning with a jog around deck 3, but be gentlre" Jeffries winks
[20:15] Culama Foxclaw: oh and what would you wish to wear
[20:15] Xannder Schumann rolled his shoulders back in a shrug, "If they can keep up and play by my rules.. they won't be hurt. If they can't, they can go back to Starfleet and play it safe." he smirked.
[20:16] Talon Lardner: "Again, I envy the enlisted... 20 + years of service including the academy, on a grand total of four postings... Well, I think everything checks out. Just make sure you keep a head up out here, the Gamma Quadrant isn't as friendly as what you may be used to."
[20:16] Jaye Jeffries shakes his head
[20:16] Jaye Jeffries: "I'll be in my office chief, I plan to acquaint myself with some of the new staff onboard"
[20:16] Jaye Jeffries: "meanwhile, you have the bridge"
[20:17] Malcolm Sholokhov chuckles, "I'm sure it's not. I specialize in the 'less-than-glorious" assignments. Later, Doc.".
[20:17] Culama Foxclaw: well lets get you all to the bridg
[20:17] Jaye Jeffries nods to Dr Lardner, Counsellor Sukra, and the new Relliketh officer "All good Doctor?"
[20:17] Talon Lardner: "Dismissed, sir."
[20:17] Xannder Schumann nodded, he had their data on his PADD and he had already done a little reading about the new personel posing potential security risks on his ship.
[20:17] Culama Foxclaw: and of cousre the galley
[20:17] Talon Lardner: All good so far, Major, I'm ready for the next recruit. *she smiled, clearing the medical records from the screen*
[20:18] Culama Foxclaw: aam mr Arado
[20:18] Juile DeCuir: greeting
[20:18] Jaye Jeffries nods "Excellent, at your discretion as always Doctor"
[20:18] Malcolm Sholokhov wanders over towards the transporter.
[20:18] Unadecal Arado: greetings Foxclaw
[20:18] Juile DeCuir: greeting madam
[20:18] Culama Foxclaw: ensign elide here has been assigned to your science team
[20:18] Jaye Jeffries notices Juile enter sickbay "Ms....DeCuir I believe?" extends his hand to shake hers
[20:18] Talon Lardner nods politely to the newcomer. "Please, please, come in! Can I have your rank, name, and species?"
[20:18] Juile DeCuir: aye
[20:19] Unadecal Arado: excellent, I'll break him in
[20:19] Takira Sukra looks over at the Major deciding on how to greet him after her recovery.
[20:19] Culama Foxclaw grins
[20:19] Culama Foxclaw: then i leave him to your hands
[20:19] Juile DeCuir: i am juile deuir ranke barkeeper and cook and i am part Romulan
[20:19] Juile DeCuir: decuir
[20:19] Culama Foxclaw: good luck mr Eilde
[20:20] Jaye Jeffries nods and smiles to the counsellor as he continues through sickbay
[20:20] Kal Eilde: Thank you, Sir.
[20:20] Jaye Jeffries: "Mr Sholokhov, welcome aboard the Relliketh. How was your transfer from DS9?"
[20:20] Culama Foxclaw: ok ms Mendelsohn i will take you to meet our tactical officer
[20:20] Talon Lardner nods politely, cueing up her medical information on the screen. "Not bad, nice to meet someone who is willing to do the dirty work! Any injuries or allergies I should be aware of?" She asks, seeming to study the newcomer with her reptilian eyes, watching the way she stood
[20:21] Emberzzz Mendelsohn: thank you sir
[20:21] Juile DeCuir: yes kilgon blood
[20:21] Radar: Emberzzz Mendelsohn has entered chat range.
[20:21] Malcolm Sholokhov rubs his chin, "Went pretty well. I left 5 bars of latinum in the hole, but that's better than most of my gambling attempts. You the skipper on this boat?"
[20:21] Radar: Xannder Schumann has entered chat range.
[20:21] Culama Foxclaw: and the man in yellow here is our tactical officer Xannder Shuman
[20:22] Takira Sukra thanks the medical technician after he administers her medication and then heads off to her office to start on her reports
[20:22] Emberzzz Mendelsohn: Thank you sir
[20:22] Emberzzz Mendelsohn: Reporting for duty sir
[20:22] Talon Lardner: "Allergic to, that is?" She asked politely, checking it off on the screen. "And I hope you don't have any fears about me being your medical officer... if there is any problems I can work around it..."
[20:22] Jaye Jeffries smiles and nods at the familiarity in terms coming from a STarfleet officer, and thinks that he might get to like this cremember "yes indeed I am Mr Sholokhov"
[20:22] Juile DeCuir: yes madam
[20:23] Xannder Schumann shot a glance over his shoulder as they entered, he nodded stiffly then glanced down to his PADD scrolling through the names and faces on the screen. "Mendelsohn?" he nodded, "Welcome aboard. And it's Security Chief Schumann *Nurse*" he said with a grunt, "I do more than just fire phasers on this boat."
[20:23] Culama Foxclaw: yes of course sir
[20:23] Talon Lardner nods politely, noticing her evading the question somewhat. "Well, I think we're good for now... let me know how things turn out as you settle in, allright?"
[20:23] Malcolm Sholokhov nods, "Well, I was sent here for two reasons. You need engineering techs, and there's no more room on the USS Expendable." he admits.
[20:23] Jaye Jeffries continues "I do hope that you are settling in ok. We have limited space in crewquarters on Relliketh but...we try to make ourselves comfortable. Our bar is more than ample, and I understand our new bartender, Ms Juile DeCuir, has just arrived"
[20:24] Jaye Jeffries nods "Indeed we do need more engineering techs desparately. We'll appreciate your presence onboard"
[20:24] Culama Foxclaw: oh and i should remind you *looking up with a slight glare* your latest phisical has been missed we really have to get to that
[20:24] Emberzzz Mendelsohn: ::glances away.
[20:25] Emberzzz Mendelsohn: Should I report to sick bay sir?
[20:25] Talon Lardner: And Dismissed, Crewman... *she added, noting her slight confusion* If you need any help finding your way around, just let me know.
[20:25] Takira Sukra looks at the computer console unsure exactly what to include in her reports. Decides be best to review crew personnel records.
[20:25] Juile DeCuir: yes madam
[20:25] Malcolm Sholokhov salutes with two fingers, "I doubt it, but thanks. I'll try to be tolerable." he then thinks as an afterthought, "...Sir."
[20:25] Unadecal Arado looks up from his padd and notices the young ensign standing there "ah, Mr Eilde... please follow me to the science station
[20:25] Xannder Schumann waved his PADD in the air with a look of disinterest, "I have more imporant things to do than jump through Doctors hoops.. The internal sensor grid needs realligning in the lower cargo bay.. Or would you like to explain to the Major when we have intruders that don't turn up on scans?"
[20:25] Kal Eilde: Yes, Sir.
[20:26] Jaye Jeffries notices and odd...surlyness in the mans demeanour, not sure if he likes it, but nods politely to Sholokhovs response and continues on his way
[20:26] Talon Lardner: (shoot, misclick...)
[20:26] Culama Foxclaw: smiles i will leave you to get to know eachother *losing some of his earlier confidence* and tell the doctor that you'll be in tomarrow at 06:00
[20:26] Talon Lardner peeks her head onto the bridge. "I'm free for another quick check in..."
[20:27] Culama Foxclaw walks off the bridge be for another word is said
[20:27] Emberzzz Mendelsohn: Shall I see you Sir Lardner?
[20:27] Jaye Jeffries nods to ms Eilde "ms Eilde, I will show you to the bar if you like, I imagine you would like to familiarise yourself with your tools of the trade?"
[20:27] Culama Foxclaw walks in to sick bay noticing the major "oh sir hello
[20:27] Xannder Schumann let out another grunt then turned to the new recruit. "As I was saying.. Welcome aboard. Is this your first tour on board a starship?" he asked, scanning her info on his PADD to answer his question for himself, but waited for her reply anyway.
[20:27] Kal Eilde: Yes. Thank you.
[20:27] Talon Lardner: "Aye..." she smiled, motioning politely for her to follow
[20:28] Emberzzz Mendelsohn: Yes sir
[20:28] Juile DeCuir: sir would like drink
[20:28] Jaye Jeffries: ((Sorry I meant DeCuir ))
[20:28] Emberzzz Mendelsohn: Where shall you want me? sir
[20:28] Culama Foxclaw: oh my this is new i didnt think that nurse included orientator
[20:28] Talon Lardner: (eep, I'm just down the hall, your left)
[20:28] Emberzzz Mendelsohn: :: looks away
[20:28] Jaye Jeffries looks around "I know it's not the biggest bar or...anything like on a Starfleet vessle, but I think ms DeCuir that you'll come to love it"
[20:29] Emberzzz Mendelsohn: ::impatient
[20:29] Talon Lardner peeks back onto the bridge. "Something wrong, officer?" She asks, unsure if she is interrupting something.
[20:29] Juile DeCuir: aye sir just give me nice kitchen i happy be
[20:29] Xannder Schumann pursed his lips together tightly, "For now.." he said in thought. "Just stand there.. and don't touch anything. All my stations are specifically calibrated.. I wouldn't want some recruit mussing them up." he gave a stiff nod. "We'll see how well you can handle yourself before you get to fire the weapons.."
[20:30] Emberzzz Mendelsohn: :shakes her head
[20:30] Jaye Jeffries chuckles and nods "I think that perhaps our engineering department can be encouraged or persuaded to redesign the kitchen area for you, perhaps with some - Romulan Ale?"
[20:30] Xannder Schumann nodded over his shoulder at the station on the view screen, "Hate to have to explain to Commander Sisko why his pylon has holes in it.."
[20:30] Emberzzz Mendelsohn: Do you sitll want me to report to sick bay sir?
[20:30] Juile DeCuir: aye
[20:30] Emberzzz Mendelsohn: I would prefer not to.
[20:30] Radar: Culama Foxclaw has entered chat range.
[20:31] Xannder Schumann looked up to Talon, "Doc.. do you need to see the new kid?"
[20:31] Radar: Culama Foxclaw has entered chat range.
[20:31] Emberzzz Mendelsohn: ::huffs kid
[20:31] Unadecal Arado: Mr Elde,pleaserun a level two diagnostic on the starboard sensor array. it has been producing ghsot readings lately... a sort of telemetry echo since the last time we went through the wormhole
[20:31] Jaye Jeffries recieves a comms from the bridge, informing him of a new mission incoming from Bajor Provision Government
[20:31] Malcolm Sholokhov overhears, "3 bars of latinum I can "Find" you some..." he offers shadily.
[20:31] Kal Eilde: Yes Sir.
[20:31] Talon Lardner: "Ah... first day jitters, then? And yes, I would prefer to see you there... it will only take a minute, I assure you." she promised, then looked up to the Chief. "Yes... I need to see all incoming enlisted, officer, and civilians. Standard procedure."
[20:31] Jaye Jeffries nods "Excuse me ms DeCui" and heads to the bridge
[20:32] Talon Lardner: "I'm sure you can part with her for only a few minutes...."
[20:32] Culama Foxclaw walks down hcorridor to the counsilors office carrying a medbag
[20:32] Kal Eilde checks readins again.
[20:32] Xannder Schumann nodded, "Alright Ms Mendelsohn. Go with the Doc.. don't worry, she won't bite." he smirked, "Then report back to me when you're done."
[20:32] Emberzzz Mendelsohn: Aye sir..
[20:33] Emberzzz Mendelsohn: ::she mightn not but i might
[20:33] Jaye Jeffries taps his armrest console, recieving the new mission orders. He looks around at the bridge crew "Stations everybody, it looks like we are being summoned to a new mission"
[20:33] Kal Eilde: Sir, I am showing no echo but there is a slightly anomolous reading.
[20:33] Xannder Schumann turned back to his station, setting down the PADD and looking to the Major, "What else is new.." he muttered.
[20:33] Kal Eilde runs one further diagnostic.
[20:33] Talon Lardner: "Sorry about the bother, but it's procedure... can I have your rank, name, and species to start?" She asks as she slides into her chair, reading off the screen
[20:33] Jaye Jeffries looks over his shoulder, noticing the new crew at their posts
[20:34] Malcolm Sholokhov wanders back behind his console, tapping at it boredly. It looks like everything was fixed before he got here. Looks like the first day won't be so bad.
[20:34] Unadecal Arado looks over the new man's shoulder "yes, I see that... try to make sense of it so we can make the necessary corrections"
[20:35] Kal Eilde: It seems that the 'echo' may be accounted for by a physical distortion of the antennae, itself.
[20:35] Kal Eilde: I'm retracting it in an attempt
[20:35] Kal Eilde: to recalibrate the readings.
[20:35] Kal Eilde: There.
[20:36] Jaye Jeffries looks over toward Officers Arado and Eilde "found something?"
[20:36] Kal Eilde: I think should clear up any echo.
[20:36] Juile DeCuir: i have fresh pie baked
[20:36] Unadecal Arado: well done Mr elde, looks like I may be able to use you after all
[20:36] Juile DeCuir: would someone like
[20:36] Jaye Jeffries: "hopefully we're all set to get underway? We've been asked to investigate some anomolous readings in spatial grid 14-37"
[20:37] Juile DeCuir: izzy cakes
[20:37] Jaye Jeffries nods to the helmsman, who inputs the coordinates and engages warp. Jeffries looks up as DeCuir walks onto the bridge with a tray of drinks on hand
[20:37] Malcolm Sholokhov hmms, and calls back, "Nothing broke yet."
[20:37] Xannder Schumann frowned, anomolous readings were never good..
[20:37] Kal Eilde: When we get back to base we may want to readjust or replace the third sensor. Until then we need to arrange it at 1^1.02 extension.
[20:37] Jaye Jeffries raises an eyebrow
[20:37] Unadecal Arado looks up, having heard some talk of pie "please save me a piece for later mis... miss... "
[20:38] Juile DeCuir: i have teal ale from V
[20:38] Jaye Jeffries notices Arado stutter, and moans inwardly
[20:39] Unadecal Arado: sorry, I'm so bad with names...
[20:39] Jaye Jeffries: "Teal Ale? Looks interesting" Take a glass from the tray as Juile walks around the bridge handing out drinks
[20:39] Juile DeCuir: aye
[20:39] Juile DeCuir: yes
[20:39] Jaye Jeffries sips from the drink as the Relliketh cruises at Warp 6 to her destination "mmmm, tastes fizzy and quite nice, thanks"
[20:39] Juile DeCuir gave you Mug of Honey Meade.
[20:40] Helm Console: Entering warp
[20:40] Unadecal Arado looks back at the new science officer "make whatever corrections you deem necessary to keep the sensors working until we can conduct proper repairs"
[20:40] Jaye Jeffries frowns slightly "it tastes very....wait....you used real alcohol in this or synthehol?"
[20:40] Malcolm Sholokhov refuses a glass, explaining, "I'm cutting down, thanks."
[20:40] Juile DeCuir: would like some
[20:40] Kal Eilde: Yes, Sir. I think we are good for now.
[20:41] Malcolm Sholokhov blinks, "there's something wrong with the sensors?"
[20:41] Kal Eilde: Just a slight physical distortion in the third sensor.
[20:41] Jaye Jeffries looks up to the crew stations "Reports please, all stations"
[20:42] Juile DeCuir: ale or tea rum sir ?
[20:42] Unadecal Arado smiles inwardly, reluctant to cut the new guy any slack so son
[20:42] Kal Eilde: The resultant echo has been eliminated and the readings corrected by a change in the extension algorythm.
[20:42] Malcolm Sholokhov sighs through pused lips, "The computer says they're working. Are you sure you have it calibrated right?"
[20:42] Juile DeCuir: Vale rum
[20:43] Xannder Schumann pressed a few buttons on his console, "Alls quite so far.." he said with a nod.
[20:43] Xannder Schumann: quiet*
[20:43] Juile DeCuir: nove tea ?
[20:44] Jaye Jeffries sighs at Xannder's usual surly attitude, yet reassured to have him standing at the tactical console
[20:45] Juile DeCuir: tea nova or vale rum teal ale would you like
[20:45] Jaye Jeffries: ::Relliketh arrives at the coordinates where the odd readings had been detected, dropping out of ward::
[20:45] Xannder Schumann leaned in on his station, "Any word on what kind of Anomoly this is supposed to be Major? Or just another 'Go here and risk death' mission..?"
[20:45] Jaye Jeffries: *warp
[20:46] Jaye Jeffries nods at Xannder "The latter - 'go here and risk death' as usual, isn't it always? Feel apprehensive mr Schumann?" Jeffries winks
[20:46] Juile DeCuir: aye
[20:46] Unadecal Arado focuses on the status report, but seems unable to help himself from slightly shaking his head upon hearing Emberzzzz's story
[20:46] Xannder Schumann shrugged, "Just another day at the office.."
[20:46] Juile DeCuir: give her tea
[20:47] Malcolm Sholokhov makes like he's working thinking perhaps this is where Starfleet disposes of it's enlisted these days...
[20:47] Jaye Jeffries looks back to the science officers "Run a scan in the designated area" Jeffries points out toward the viewscreen
[20:47] Juile DeCuir: your weclome
[20:47] Kal Eilde flicks buttons
[20:48] Unadecal Arado: Major, Science reports all normal. we are still dealing with minor sensor issues, but nothing we can't deal with by compensating output levels
[20:48] Xannder Schumann pressed a few keystrokes to bring up the tactical sensors as well.. just in case something out there needed to be locked onto in a hurry..
[20:48] Kal Eilde fingers screens
[20:48] Jaye Jeffries nods "That's great mr arado - but specifically anything on the anomoly out there" Jeffries points again toward the viewscreen "which have been sent to investigate?"
[20:49] Kal Eilde finds no anomolous readings in the near range.
[20:49] Jaye Jeffries: "In the mission request, the Provisional Government reported that a Bolian transport ship disappeared in this region"
[20:49] Jaye Jeffries: "odd"
[20:49] Kal Eilde checking mid-distance
[20:49] Unadecal Arado thinks to himself "yeah... "Heelp! the Paranoids are after me!" and chucles apparently without reason"
[20:50] Radar: Juile DeCuir has entered chat range.
[20:50] Malcolm Sholokhov grubles actually looking at the sensor status... It's still fine. He starts to wonder if Mr. Arado is trying to blame engineering because HE can't properly read the sensors...
[20:50] Juile DeCuir: knock on door
[20:51] Radar: Juile DeCuir has entered chat range.
[20:51] Emberzzz Mendelsohn: :::walks close to malcomes console ... begins to loook over his shoulder
[20:52] Xannder Schumann looked back over his shoulder, "Welcome back." he nodded to Emberzzz, "Guess you're fit for duty then?"
[20:52] Emberzzz Mendelsohn: ::under her breath :: great
[20:52] Jaye Jeffries: ::Relliketh shakes suddenly and quite violently, rocked by tremors and inertial dampeners struggling to compensate, as a shockwave seems to emanate from the anomolous region of space.
[20:53] Malcolm Sholokhov glances over towards Emberzz, and decides she's cute, so he flexes a little as he presses buttons, "Hey there."
[20:53] Jaye Jeffries looks around with concern
[20:53] Jaye Jeffries: Yellow alert
[20:53] Unadecal Arado: Mr Elde, focus all sensors on the anomaly and gather data on all spectral bands
[20:53] Solar Arashi is Online
[20:53] Emberzzz Mendelsohn: Hello
[20:53] Xannder Schumann grabbed hold of his station and frowned turning to look at his own scanners.
[20:53] Malcolm Sholokhov slams into his console, mid pick-up line.
[20:53] Emberzzz Mendelsohn: what are the readings?
[20:53] Jaye Jeffries: "What in the name of the Prophets was *that*?" Looks back at Schumann for answers
[20:53] Emberzzz Mendelsohn: ::smiles
[20:53] Kal Eilde scanning as data pour in.
[20:54] Xannder Schumann shook his head, "Nothing on Tactical scans," he darted his gaze back to the Science station, "Anything?"
[20:54] : Emberzzz Mendelsohn OOC : senses uncomfortable rush of conflicting feelings.
[20:54] Kal Eilde notices several larger than predicted variances but nothing that would account for the shaking...
[20:54] Malcolm Sholokhov: Well, THAT took out a few relays....
[20:54] Kal Eilde: Ch'xhks''n soup is great for old wounds that are acting up.
[20:55] Malcolm Sholokhov figures he'll be busy later....
[20:55] Radar: Talon Lardner has entered chat range.
[20:55] : Emberzzz Mendelsohn OOC : steps back
[20:55] Emberzzz Mendelsohn: ::steps bpack
[20:55] Kal Eilde checks status of all sensors, notices problem with the third sensor.
[20:55] Talon Lardner steps onto the brige, making a quick face tally to see if she had checked in everyone
[20:55] Emberzzz Mendelsohn: (thinks perhaps I disturbed him - serves me right)
[20:55] Unadecal Arado: OK, we are shaking and there is something out there , we have visual.... so why are the sensors not showing much yet/
[20:55] Jaye Jeffries monitors his armrest console as reports come in from some sections of the ship that suffered hull stress
[20:55] Kal Eilde: Sir, the third sensor is agian giving ecoic readings.
[20:56] Radar: Culama Foxclaw has entered chat range.
[20:56] Talon Lardner: "Last call for medical check ins.." She called out. "Anyone I missed will be rescheduled to have their exams taken at 0200 hours."
[20:56] Kal Eilde: However, physical alignment doesn't appear to be a problem.
[20:56] Unadecal Arado: try to bring the faulty sensor off line and recalibrate the rest of the array to compensate
[20:56] Kal Eilde: Yes, Sir.
[20:57] Kal Eilde closes down third sensor .
[20:57] Culama Foxclaw decides to drop in and have some pie before reporting back to the doctor
[20:57] Xannder Schumann took the tactical sensors from their passive scans and began to actively scan the sector for anything that could source that kind of wave energy. At first his search bore little fruit, but after a few moments, ".. I think there's something out there."
[20:58] Emberzzz Mendelsohn: :: senses a presence of many 500 souls
[20:58] Malcolm Sholokhov flicks a few switches, "Sensor #3 is offline. I'll take a look at it, but the computer says it's fine." He starts an in depth troubleshooting.
[20:58] Radar: Takira Sukra has entered chat range.
[20:58] Culama Foxclaw: ah ms DeCuir i thought id take you up on that offer for pie
[20:58] Jaye Jeffries: "What is it Mr Schumann?" Jeffries gets up from his seat, walking around the console to peer eagerly at the lcars screen
[20:58] Kal Eilde recalibrates fifth and seventh sensors to compensate for offline third.
[20:58] Juile DeCuir: sure
[20:58] Juile DeCuir: come right up
[20:58] Unadecal Arado concentrates on his screen, pouring over the readings from the recalibrated sensor array
[20:58] Emberzzz Mendelsohn: looks up, frowns.
[20:58] Kal Eilde: Sir, I've recalibrated the fifth and seventh sensors to compensate for offline third.
[20:59] Talon Lardner peeks curiously over Kal's sholder. "Busy, newcomer?" She asked with a smirk.
[20:59] Malcolm Sholokhov glances over at Emberzz as she starts talking about souls, the sould talk leaving him mildly freaked out.
[20:59] Kal Eilde: So far, so good, I believe. But thank you.
[20:59] Juile DeCuir: give two slice of pice for later
[20:59] Cobramax Mechanique is Offline
[20:59] Xannder Schumann frowned and shook his head, "Didn't see anything at first, had to increase the scan intensity.. and even still, I'm just getting.. an outline. Like an echo." he turned back to Science, "Focus your scans on region 103 mark 45.."
[20:59] Unadecal Arado: :: a sensor pattern begis to emerge, something extremely unusual::
[20:59] Culama Foxclaw: oh wow thank you *smiles*
[21:00] Minipet Erlanger is Online
[21:00] Juile DeCuir: your weclome they both fresh
[21:00] Jaye Jeffries watches as the crew work together to figure out what caused the sudden shockwave, and the nature of the anomoly
[21:00] Culama Foxclaw takes a bite...."mmm this is delicious...is it replicated?
[21:00] Xannder Schumann looked at the Major, "Whatever it is is fading off the sensors again.. but if it spits out any more energy we should be able to lock in on it.."
[21:00] Jaye Jeffries: "Are we in any immediate danger?"
[21:01] Jaye Jeffries: red alert
[21:01] Jaye Jeffries: mute alert
[21:01] Kal Eilde notices an energy 'lumpiness' in near space.
[21:01] Jaye Jeffries: computer mute alert
[21:01] Emberzzz Mendelsohn: Malcome .. go over that region analysis again
[21:01] Talon Lardner just nods. "You can't avoid your exam forever... chief." She spoke as she eyed the rank on your collar. "You luck out this time... but next time, you're mine."
[21:01] Takira Sukra enters the bridge and looks around remember the last time she was on the bridge that it wasn't a very pleasurable event. Decides to linger at the back as the Major puts the ship on red alert
[21:01] Xannder Schumann shook his head, and activated the shields bringing weapons online, "With Shields up.. it'd need to be alot more powerful to dent us this time.."
[21:01] Culama Foxclaw: looks up at the alert "damn i gusse this pie will have to wait
[21:02] Juile DeCuir: aye
[21:02] Juile DeCuir: battle time
[21:02] Culama Foxclaw stands upgrining
[21:02] Pandora Igaly is Offline
[21:02] Malcolm Sholokhov looks back towards Emberzz, "The logs? Ok." He brings up all the sensor data the 'Faulty' sensor recorded. "I still say that sensor array was working fine.".
[21:02] Talon Lardner too backs up to the enterance, wanting to observe the newcomers at their first red-alert situation. "I bet you two rounds at Quark's that one panics." She whispered to the Counselor.
[21:02] Jaye Jeffries looks towards the helmsman "Have us ready to warp out of here at the drop of the Hasperat, mr Slade"
[21:03] Emberzzz Mendelsohn: There is something there.
[21:03] Kal Eilde: Sir, readings indicate concentrations of energy--and adjacent sparseness--for approximately 2,000K
[21:03] Emberzzz Mendelsohn: I feel it
[21:03] Unadecal Arado: Captain... in shape and configuration... the gravimetric pattern of that anomaly suggests it might be a.... a... a subspace anomaly
[21:03] Xannder Schumann looked at the viewer, "I could always shoot a volley of phaser fire into the center of the anomoly.. see what happens.." he smirked.
[21:04] Jaye Jeffries: ::Relliketh rocked more violently this time, the bridge crew shaken around and some sustaining minor injuries::
[21:04] Jaye Jeffries pulls himself up from the floor, using the tactical console as support
[21:04] Malcolm Sholokhov shrugs, and leaves room for Emberss to look over the sensor logs, "Ok, you tell me. I'm no scientist. This is all data-puke to me."
[21:04] Takira Sukra looks over at the doctor trying to block out what happened and smiles slightly and whispers, "I'm not much of a gambler Talon."
[21:04] Culama Foxclaw walks into sick bay calling to the personell to prep for injured running through the normal alert check list
[21:05] Kal Eilde: Low energy electromagnetic, heat, and gravity are clumped to gether in dense packets.
[21:05] Xannder Schumann grunted, "I think it heard me.." he frowned, pulling up a damage report. "Hmm.. no major damage to the ship.. shieds took most of the blast.. but that *was* stronger this time." he said, his fingers running over his scanners to lock down the sorce of the blase. "There!" he pointed on his screen.
[21:05] Kal Eilde: The effect is like an airplane flying through turbulence.
[21:05] Takira Sukra loses her balance and fall backwards to the door and lands on the floor.
[21:05] Kal Eilde: When we hit energy concentrations we bump.
[21:05] Xannder Schumann: blast*
[21:05] Jaye Jeffries looks avidly at the screen as Xannder gives his report, at the same time listening to the science officers provide their report on the anomoly
[21:06] Jaye Jeffries looks over, noticing Dr Lardner help some of the wounded bridge crew
[21:06] Emberzzz Mendelsohn: ::looks closely moves her hand over the data
[21:06] Culama Foxclaw shakes a bit but holds his balence
[21:06] Kal Eilde: When we pass through, our thrust zooms us through the sparse areas.
[21:06] Talon Lardner kneels down by the counselor, politely offering to help the counselor back up. "Whoah... forgot how loose the inertial dampeners were..."
[21:06] Malcolm Sholokhov endus up humping the console again when the ship rocked, but he keeps out of Emberzz way as she does..... some...thing...
[21:06] Jaye Jeffries: "Are you saying it's our own engines causing the shockwaves?"
[21:06] Xannder Schumann nodded, "That area seems to be the source of this energy they're yapping about" he said, poining to his screen again.
[21:06] Emberzzz Mendelsohn: ::looks at malcome
[21:07] Emberzzz Mendelsohn: Thank you
[21:07] Kal Eilde: The anomoly seems to be growing.
[21:07] Takira Sukra holds out her hand to Talon, thankful for the assistance
[21:07] Unadecal Arado: not only that,but we have to do all we can to stay out of the anomaly's path. this type of anomalies are very rare and unpredictable, and if we are engulfed, we may not be able to emerge out of it again
[21:07] Kal Eilde: Lumpy space now extends at least 5,000K in front of us.
[21:08] Jaye Jeffries blows his cheeks outward, feeling slightly exhausted.
[21:08] Kal Eilde: And has expanded at least twice as far behind us as before.
[21:08] Unadecal Arado: we'd be dragged back into an area of subspace where our warp engines would be no use without extensive modifications
[21:08] Juile DeCuir: coming with bleedy green blood
[21:08] Juile DeCuir: in
[21:08] Kal Eilde: The anomoly appears less intense further above the galactic plain.
[21:08] Jaye Jeffries nods
[21:08] Kal Eilde: plane*
[21:09] Culama Foxclaw notices the blood dripping from the chefs hand
[21:09] Emberzzz Mendelsohn: ::asks malcome:: are you worried??
[21:09] Culama Foxclaw: oo thats not good
[21:09] Jaye Jeffries: "Advice? Are our engines affecting the anomoly?"
[21:09] Kal Eilde: However, it will be a bumpy ride in any direction.
[21:09] Talon Lardner pulls the Counselor up, giving her hand a slight conforting squeeze as she helps her back onto her feet. "You're lucky you're smaller than I... I got longer to fall than you."
[21:09] Jaye Jeffries looks briefly over toward Sholokhov, wondering if he would need to perform some major alterations in the short term to get them out of this sticky situation
[21:10] Malcolm Sholokhov looks up , "Wait, are you saying we're surrounded by lumpy space?" he looks back at Emberss, "Yeah, well, kinda. No time to crap my britches on my first day."
[21:10] Juile DeCuir: showing missing fingers
[21:10] Xannder Schumann leaned into his console, "So what's causing all this.. Anti-Energy?"
[21:10] Culama Foxclaw takes the womans hand and wipes off some of the blood with a towel
[21:10] Juile DeCuir: my hand
[21:10] Takira Sukra smiles a bit weakly at the Gorn, "Thank you Doctor. Guess I still a bit unsteady."
[21:10] Emberzzz Mendelsohn: ::feels sympathetic sting in her hand
[21:10] Kal Eilde: Einstein aside, I think the best way to conceive of our situation is lumpy energy,
[21:10] Culama Foxclaw: ok i need a operating tabel NOW *calling to the med staff
[21:10] Unadecal Arado: the anomaly seems attracted to our warp field, since it basically creates a bubble of subspace around the ship... you may view the anomaly as a warp field that occurs naturally when certain energies coalesce
[21:10] Kal Eilde: acting like turbulence.
[21:11] Jaye Jeffries looks toward the helmsman "Mr Slade, disengage the engines, bring us to a full and complete stop"
[21:12] Kal Eilde re-reads near space as the ship is slowed.
[21:12] Culama Foxclaw injects a hypospray synth-o-tonin for the pain
[21:12] Xannder Schumann sighed, "Okay, so we're not going to die in a fight.. just from boredom as we sit here forever."
[21:12] Malcolm Sholokhov hmms, "Ok, so going to warp is out. How far is it to get out of lumpy space? Can we do it at impulse?"
[21:12] Jaye Jeffries: "It looks like we'll have to consider making those engine modifications - unless you can gather more information on this anomoly and some potential ways that we could evade this 'lumpy space'"
[21:12] Jaye Jeffries nods appreciatively at Schumanns comment
[21:12] Talon Lardner blinks with worry as she hears the chirp of her communicator. "Crap... got to go...." She sighed, rubbing her forehead. "Will you be OK, Counselor?"
[21:12] Kal Eilde: Sir, the lumpiness has disapated.
[21:12] Xannder Schumann shrugged and muttered, "I could still try shooting it.."
[21:13] Kal Eilde: It seems we were the cause of our own problem.
[21:13] Takira Sukra nods to the Doctor, "I should be okay Doctor."
[21:13] Jaye Jeffries: "I bet, and yet if we start the engines again what do you expect to happen? It appears we have gotten ourselves into a bit of a trap. Let us analyse the anomoly for furtehr information before taking any action"
[21:13] Talon Lardner nods politely, ducking out to tend to the matter in sickbay
[21:14] Unadecal Arado: are you sthe cause of our own problem? how...?
[21:14] Culama Foxclaw gose to work with some specalized tools to reattach the missing fingers "it will be ok the cut was clean the surgery should go fine
[21:14] Malcolm Sholokhov startles, and mutters a few curses, "No WONDER we saw an echo."
[21:14] Talon Lardner: "What did I miss?" The doctor asked as she ducked into sickbay, quickly running her hands through a sterilizer by the door
[21:14] Jaye Jeffries: "Mr Sholokhov, can you work with the science team to devise any potential modifications that may help us out of this situation"
[21:15] Culama Foxclaw: two lopped off fingers doc
[21:15] Malcolm Sholokhov: ?me nods, "Yeah, sure thing. And I'm bringing sensor #3 back online.".
[21:15] Kal Eilde: As you said earlier, the anomaly seems attracted to our warp field--it creates a bubble of subspace around the ship.
[21:15] Emberzzz Mendelsohn he sees it
[21:16] Emberzzz Mendelsohn: excellent malcome
[21:16] Talon Lardner: "Not bad, not bad... and we have said fingers, right?" She asks as she grabs a dermal and bone regenerator from the desk, setting them on the table
[21:16] Malcolm Sholokhov squeezes by Emberzz, "'Scuse me, honey. Gotta go see the science nerds. I'll be back."
[21:16] Kal Eilde: But why now.
[21:16] Kal Eilde: Why here?
[21:16] Jaye Jeffries: ((ok gang, we're going to pause the RP here and continue next week, I don't want to exhaust our newcomers on their first day. Excellent job everybody! Please stay in character and freeform RP as you wish and until you need to leave, we can RP that we are gathering information on the anomoly until next week))
[21:17] Culama Foxclaw: yes holds them up
[21:17] Jaye Jeffries: "it looks as though we will need a number of hours to gather information on this anomoly, I advise people to get some R&R in the next couple hours."
[21:17] Culama Foxclaw: you want to do muscel regen or nerv conection?
[21:18] Talon Lardner nods politely as she gets to work on prepping her hand for surgery. "Don't worry, ma'am, you're among the best..." she promised, working hard to keep up with the repairing of the torn flesh
[21:18] Emberzzz Mendelsohn wishes sleep was an option
[21:18] Kal Eilde adjusts sensors to pick up latest episode of Space Ghost.
[21:18] Jaye Jeffries looks at the new crew "feel free to join me for a Raktajino in the bar, I'm going to see what Juile's drinkmaking skills are like" Jeffries winks
[21:19] Emberzzz Mendelsohn: angosian sour please
[21:19] Jaye Jeffries glances quickly at the science officers who continue to work busily "Join us when you've finished any sensor modifications and run the algorythms through, I'm sure the computer can do part of the work"
[21:19] Kal Eilde gets disappointed; Space Ghost is interviewing Ron Howard, again.
[21:19] Talon Lardner: "I got the bone, can you get muscle?" She asks politely. "And it's almost done..."
[21:19] Xannder Schumann looked about, "I'm going to go align the internal sensors.. the last thing we need is this 'lumpy space' seeping in somewhere and us not knowing it.."
[21:19] Emberzzz Mendelsohn: hello major
[21:19] Kal Eilde: You got it, Sir!
[21:20] Unadecal Arado: aye Major, onour way
[21:20] Culama Foxclaw gets a device from the tray "on it doc
[21:20] Jaye Jeffries: "Hello mr Mendelsohn - how are holding up?"
[21:20] Jaye Jeffries looks around for the barkeep
[21:20] Emberzzz Mendelsohn: well sir. its' a good ship
[21:20] Emberzzz Mendelsohn: I am honored to be here sir
[21:21] Kal Eilde: Hello Sir, Thank you for having me on board. I haven't served on a Bajoran ship before.
[21:21] Emberzzz Mendelsohn: ::sees malcome
[21:21] Radar: Xannder Schumann has entered chat range.
[21:21] Emberzzz Mendelsohn: is this seat taken sir?
[21:21] Jaye Jeffries: "It's just a pleasure to have some fresh officers on board, here - let me buy a round of drinks...as soon as our bartender shows up"
[21:21] Talon Lardner peeks down to check on how the patient is holding up. "Is she sedated?"
[21:22] Culama Foxclaw: no i just gave a pain killer
[21:22] Juile DeCuir: drinker maker would nice
[21:22] Malcolm Sholokhov sighs, and takes a seat. Day #1 and he's not fired yet. Good day. As Emberzz walks up he glances into the empty seat, "Mmm, dosen't look like it."
[21:22] Jaye Jeffries shrugs "Well I've bartended before" and walks around behind the bar
[21:22] Kal Eilde: Anyone want a beer?
[21:22] Emberzzz Mendelsohn: :)
[21:22] Unadecal Arado looks around "any of that pie left?"
[21:22] Culama Foxclaw: with her mixed genes i didn't want to risk it
[21:22] Jaye Jeffries looks down behind the bar "sure is" and pushes some pie across the bar
[21:22] Birdie Ireland is Online
[21:22] Emberzzz Mendelsohn: we have something in common
[21:22] Emberzzz Mendelsohn: We're both new here
[21:23] Takira Sukra walks over to the Major and holds out a PADD, "Major, here is a detail report involving the entity," she shifts a her weight from one foot to the other and back
[21:23] Jaye Jeffries: "So Mr Eilde, I haven't had the chance to read your Starfleet record as yet - where did you transfer from?"
[21:23] Culama Foxclaw puts down the small cylindrical device
[21:23] Jaye Jeffries takes the report from the counsellor "thankyou counsellor...uh...entity?"
[21:23] Malcolm Sholokhov smiles, "Yeah, a lotta fresh meat on this boat. Either there was a fresh round of promotions, or this assignment is going to see more action than I thought."
[21:24] Juile DeCuir: there fresh pie in near back
[21:24] Kal Eilde: I was just graduated from the Academy, Sir.
[21:24] Talon Lardner nods politely, turning off her tool. "And... done!" She smiled. "Thankfully, there should be no lasting damage."
[21:24] Unadecal Arado takes the plate with the slice of pie and tucks in, mmmm-ing and aaaah-inin delight as he eats
[21:24] Culama Foxclaw: ok looks like its just the nerves and blood vessels
[21:24] Emberzzz Mendelsohn: "Perhpas"
[21:24] Kal Eilde: This is my first official posting.
[21:24] Juile DeCuir: vare beer left self
[21:24] Emberzzz Mendelsohn: "what's your poison I'll buy"
[21:24] Culama Foxclaw: there we go all better
[21:24] Talon Lardner pats the crewman's sholder, hearing her start to come to..." Easy, easy, you lost a fair bit of blood..." she warned. "Don't strain yourself..."
[21:25] Jaye Jeffries pushes a Raktajino across the bar "try this Mr Eilde, I'm not sure if you've had a Raktajino before? They're quite popular onboard"
[21:25] Takira Sukra shifts her weight around, "Yes, that is correct Major."
[21:25] Malcolm Sholokhov errs, "just a cup of coffee, thanks". He'd love a bottle of scotch, real, single malt stuff, but he knows it'd put him back into rehab...
[21:25] Kal Eilde: No, I haven't had a Raktajino before. Thank you.
[21:26] Unadecal Arado: you did very well under pressure, Mr elde, looks like we may yet have a use for you in this rust bucket *smiles at Jaye*
[21:26] Kal Eilde picks up the glass and studies it with some aprehension
[21:26] Jaye Jeffries suddenly realises what entity this is in reference to "Oh! I see, yes, I'l just... read about this shortly"
[21:26] Takira Sukra looks at the PADD, "Details of the incident are there with a copy being sent to Star Fleet," pauses trying to think what else to say
[21:26] Kal Eilde: and antici..........pation.
[21:26] Culama Foxclaw: i think she sould be ready for duty by tomarrow what do you think *looking at the gorn*
[21:26] Kal Eilde drinks it
[21:27] Kal Eilde: GWACKKK!!!@!!!!
[21:27] Kal Eilde: Woah!
[21:27] Jaye Jeffries nods in response to Takira's report "Understood. Would you like to join us for a round of drinks, counsellor?"
[21:27] Kal Eilde: I'll need to go a little slower with those Raktajinoes!
[21:27] Talon Lardner: "I think she is good for now... Now, you may feel a bit of numbness in your fingertips, but full feeling will return in a half-hour
[21:27] Emberzzz Mendelsohn: one coffee please, and one angosian sour
[21:27] *HtoH*BartenderBall(BottleDialog): Initialize ...
[21:27] Culama Foxclaw hleps the half romulan of the bed
[21:28] Juile DeCuir: thx you
[21:28] Unadecal Arado looks to his right "Angosian sour? what is that?"
[21:28] Culama Foxclaw sighs
[21:28] Emberzzz Mendelsohn: ::looks down, doesnt wnat to explain::
[21:28] Jaye Jeffries: "Oh ms decuir! Hope you don't mind, I served a quick round of drinks"
[21:28] Takira Sukra looks around briefly, "I think I will have to pass on that Major. I'm still not feeling fully well after the incident and think less stimuli might be best for me"
[21:29] Emberzzz Mendelsohn: make it two coffees
[21:29] Juile DeCuir: where this drink maker ?
[21:29] Kal Eilde: whoa.
[21:29] Malcolm Sholokhov pipes up "Agnosian flame liqor and sour mix."
[21:29] Culama Foxclaw: well finnally went see the counsilor
[21:29] Jaye Jeffries nods "understood counsellor, i hope everything is going well with you"
[21:29] Unadecal Arado notices Emberzzz's reticence and pulls away slightly, leaving her alone
[21:30] Juile DeCuir: would like
[21:30] Kal Eilde: Officers, fellow crew, please excuse me. I have an appointment with my photopractor to realign some pixels.
[21:30] Takira Sukra turns around to leave, stops and pauses slightly looks back at the Major and thinks about something but decides this isn't the place and nods to the the Major, "Thank you Major," then turns and heads out of the room
[21:31] Culama Foxclaw: doc...*looks a bit nervous shifting weight* you were with the changling that took my place quite offten right?
[21:31] Emberzzz Mendelsohn: :: purses lips ... thinks of the penal colony and the argosians there
[21:31] Jaye Jeffries nods to Eilde
[21:31] Talon Lardner: I was.... *She admitted honestly* Why do you ask?
[21:31] Jaye Jeffries takes a seat
[21:32] Xannder Schumann is Offline
[21:32] Jaye Jeffries: A great little game I picked up from a province on Bajor
[21:32] Jaye Jeffries: called Khet
[21:32] Culama Foxclaw: well i ...i haven't been abel to bring myself to really look at the records from that time....i -i dont suppose you could tell me of what happened in my absence?
[21:32] Emberzzz Mendelsohn: ::Tries to avoid it. but must know:: Malcome...How did you know what's in an argosian sour?
[21:32] Xannder Schumann is Online
[21:33] Unadecal Arado continues to watch Emberzzz out of the corner of his eye, noticingher body language and thinks to himself "hmmmm.... tortured soul... handle with care..."
[21:33] Juile DeCuir: arg should be sweet drink
[21:33] Talon Lardner listens quietly as she runs a few sterilization routines, removing the spilled blood from the surgery. "He... was not a good representation of you. He attempted to fill in as your double, but he protrayed you to be an arrogant, impulsive man... which you are clearly not."
[21:33] Jaye Jeffries: "Anybody interested in a game of Bajoran Khet?"
[21:33] Malcolm Sholokhov watches Em as she goes to get the drinks, and looks down at the game board, then back up at Em, "Oh... Uhh, I used to be quite the conniseur of beverages that made me pass out in an alley."
[21:34] Jaye Jeffries: cancel alert
[21:34] Emberzzz Mendelsohn: ::laughs::
[21:34] Emberzzz Mendelsohn: I have not played this game
[21:35] Culama Foxclaw smiles at the comment" well something tells me arrogance didnt cause the medical comunity and most of my friends to turn their backs on me"
[21:35] Jaye Jeffries: "You bounce lasers around using mirror, and try to destroy your opponents pieces. I believe it's supposed to be symoblic of the struggle between the Prophets and the Pah Wraiths"
[21:35] Malcolm Sholokhov: Hmm, looks chess-y. Most of the games I played involved cards, or a dabo wheel.
[21:36] Jaye Jeffries: "Would you both like to play each other? I can show you each how to play"
[21:36] Takira Sukra lights a couple of candles and attempts to engage in some vulcan meditation
[21:36] Emberzzz Mendelsohn: I'm game
[21:36] Juile DeCuir: would like something eat or drink
[21:36] Talon Lardner smiles softly, offering a hand to him. "They're still confused between the difference between you and it.... I know better than that."
[21:36] Jaye Jeffries: ok, just click on the red squares and you should get the menu
[21:36] Emberzzz Mendelsohn: ::looks strongly across the board.
[21:36] Talon Lardner: "You would never poison someone,for instance..."
[21:36] Juile DeCuir: i have fresh vare pie
[21:36] Jaye Jeffries: and if you want to play ember, click on the white squares
[21:37] Culama Foxclaw his smiel drops
[21:37] Malcolm Sholokhov hmms, "Alright."
[21:37] Unadecal Arado nods at DeCuir and smiles "I'll have a slice please. what do you recommend to wash it down with?"
[21:37] Emberzzz Mendelsohn: As always, I play to win
[21:37] Juile DeCuir: i have fresh zeles jusic
[21:37] Culama Foxclaw: doctor......i by training ...a poisontologist
[21:37] Juile DeCuir: or some nova tea
[21:38] Culama Foxclaw: toxicology was one of my main studis
[21:38] Unadecal Arado: oh, nova tea sounds like just the ticket
[21:38] Juile DeCuir: aye give have cup of fresh tea
[21:39] Jaye Jeffries: Ok all should be well now between the Pah Wraiths and Prophets ;)
[21:39] Talon Lardner listens with a bit of confusion, slowly retracting her hand
[21:39] Takira Sukra knows something is off as it is becoming difficult for her to get into a meditation stance especially with the background noise that has returned
[21:39] Culama Foxclaw: if the situation reqired it i would do so....of coures it would have to be some sort of desperat life or death situation...not to mention i wouldnt try to kill
[21:40] Culama Foxclaw: but i have used some paralitic agents.....*stops going on with his rambelings* he didnt kill some one as ....me did he?
[21:40] Juile DeCuir: cul
[21:41] Unadecal Arado lookslifts his cup, takes a sip and smiles "Mmmm... nice, thank you" then notices her injuries for the first time"have you had that seen to?"
[21:41] Talon Lardner: "He tried to..." She admitted honestly. "In a very cowardly manner... it was an away mission gone bad."
[21:41] Juile DeCuir: aye i am new to ship
[21:42] Malcolm Sholokhov: Ahh, there we go.
[21:42] Culama Foxclaw looks away it wasnt some attemt to harm the crew was it i..i couldn't forgive myself if they used my knowlege on poison to ...
[21:43] Takira Sukra sighs as she puts out the candle. She will try tomorrow and decides burying herself in some work might help
[21:44] Culama Foxclaw looks away busying himself with clean up
[21:44] Talon Lardner: "It's OK..." She sighed, herself too avoiding eye contact to clean up. "I... the worse part is, I can see myself killing quite easially... just... not with poison."
[21:45] Culama Foxclaw: i alomst did ...once
[21:45] Jaye Jeffries: careful ;)
[21:45] Culama Foxclaw starts to log in the incident
[21:46] Talon Lardner puts her tools away, still listening
[21:47] Jaye Jeffries smells smoke
[21:47] Culama Foxclaw: but that was befor i was even close to ...being a medic..
[21:47] Talon Lardner: "Past Life?" She asked out of curiosity. "It's OK... you don't have to tell if you don't want to remember."
[21:47] Juile DeCuir: would like price of pie
[21:48] Unadecal Arado continues to stare at the girl's injuries, surprised that a woman of her inclination has not had them healed yet, and shows a worried look on his face
[21:48] Culama Foxclaw: no as my grandmother said you cant ignor the past
[21:48] Culama Foxclaw: he was a doctor at foxclaw general
[21:48] Talon Lardner looks with worry to her nurse. "Mercenery work?"
[21:49] Culama Foxclaw: back on my home
[21:49] Culama Foxclaw: no *chuckels*
[21:49] Culama Foxclaw: im not that bad
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