Saturday, January 31, 2009

Chatlog 31st January 2009

Culama Foxclaw: hello sir
Jaye Jeffries: Hello Mr Foxclaw
Culama Foxclaw: how are
Jaye Jeffries notices Culama's sash
Jaye Jeffries nods "All well"
Culama Foxclaw: it comes from another otfit
Culama Foxclaw: outfit
Jaye Jeffries pokes his head into sickbay "I see Dr Lardner has fallen asleep at her desk"
Jaye Jeffries: another sleepless night no doubt
Culama Foxclaw: lots of work
Talon Lardner perks up a little, hearing voices in the hall
Culama Foxclaw: little pay
Talon Lardner: "Someone out there?"
Jaye Jeffries: good morning Dr
Culama Foxclaw: this is just a dreaeaeaeam
Talon Lardner: Morning already? *rubs her eyes a bit* Feels more like midnight...
Jaye Jeffries: i imagine those data padds don't make an awfully comfortable pillow
Talon Lardner: Not at a... *rubs her muzzle a little* I guess I haven't been getting much sleep lately, to be honest
Culama Foxclaw notices a facial imprint froma report
Talon Lardner: An empty bed tends to do that to people, I guesss. Maestro's still stuck on that assignment over at Starbase 12
Culama Foxclaw: thats too bad
Jaye Jeffries: Yes, he seems to be enjoying his new posting at the Starbase. Let's hope he returns to us at some point, I"d hate to lose a good officer
Talon Lardner: Eh, what can you do... it's my fault really for not geting in the paperwork about our relationship before he was transfered
Talon Lardner: But I got a crewman come in with a nasty case of a Trellian Flu that had grown resistant to traditional methods of treatment, and I focused on that instead of getting in that note to Starfleet personell
Culama Foxclaw: aww come on whats one life in the face of paper work deadlines?
Jaye Jeffries: Heard from your family lately Talon?
Talon Lardner smirks a little... "Well, us doctors have something called Nurses to shift paperwork too, if we are in the mood."
Talon Lardner: As for my family... still having their squabbles, but overall, we're family; we can't stay mad at each other at the end of the day
Culama Foxclaw: hey you already had my do inventory i fell asleep in a cargo container
Jaye Jeffries raises an eyebrow
Talon Lardner: I think I am all caught up now, though.. and really, this desk isn't that unconfortable to sleep in
Talon Lardner: IT beats having to get a night-shift doc, right Major?
Jaye Jeffries looks over the desk, wondering if there is enough room for a pillow under there
Culama Foxclaw: theres always biobeds
Jaye Jeffries: Well that's true Dr, qualified and experienced Starfleet Doctors aren't easy to come by
Talon Lardner: Qualified, experienced, and willing to relocate
Jaye Jeffries nods
Talon Lardner: As for me, well, my old ship was being decommissioned, so I had no where else to go
Talon Lardner: How about you, Culama, are you fresh from the Academy, or have you served elsewhere?
Talon Lardner 's desk lacks a pillow, though does have a few old cups from the replicator stashed underneath
Culama Foxclaw: i'm fresh from the academy but been working in medicine for what seems like all my life
Talon Lardner: Ah... parents were doctors, I take it?
Culama Foxclaw: actually grandmother
Culama Foxclaw: i was from a smaller colony so my grandma's hospital was the center for health
Talon Lardner: I see. Sorry for all the questions, it's a little tricky getting full personel files transfered to a non-starfleet ship, I'm getting just biological profiles with a lot of the new crew
Culama Foxclaw: i have mine but cant seem to file it
Culama Foxclaw: im a medic not a technician for a reson
Talon Lardner: Yeah, Bajoran computer matricies are just barely different enough to not like taking federation file formats
Culama Foxclaw: pen and paper are comodities i appreciate
Talon Lardner: *nods solemly* Thankfully they didn't destroy it, it's just in a fleet boneyard, taking a well-diserved rest.
Talon Lardner: *deserved
Culama Foxclaw: i'v never had a ship before this assignment but i do miss the hospital
Talon Lardner: You grow fond of your old haunts... I still have dreams set in the runabout that served as my parent's mobile office. They were diplomats, and spent their early days darting around from planet to planet making sure that everything was kosher as far as treaties went
Culama Foxclaw: good day sir
Hladson Kappler: how are things today?
Culama Foxclaw: very well
Talon Lardner: Ah, greetings, Mr. Kapper!
Hladson Kappler: Hi Doc :)
Talon Lardner: how goes things?
Hladson Kappler: just as fine as can be here
Culama Foxclaw: hello maam
Takira Sukra: Hello Culama

Roleplay Part 3 - Borg Encounter
Jaye Jeffries looks over the sphere appraisingly
Jaye Jeffries: It's Romulan technology chief? How did it get here? Is there any way to determine its function?
Hladson Kappler: I'm getting large amounts of Chronitons coming off of it.
Dolamite Giffen wonders if this has anything to do with the Old shuttle...
Hladson Kappler: I'm no expert on Romulan technology though.
Talon Lardner: Gotta love Chronitons. It's the international symbol for "I don't belong here!"
Culama Foxclaw: dont think we need chronitons to know it dont belong
Hladson Kappler nods
Jaye Jeffries: Chief, is there any way to get a more detailed scan of this object? I don't hazard to guess how it may affect 20th century Earth
Dolamite Giffen wonders if we can bring it back to the ship.
Hladson Kappler: well we could attempt to beam it back to the ship and analyze it there
Dolamite Giffen: Question is...
Talon Lardner: Might as well view it where we can get some privacy
Dolamite Giffen: What would happen if we remove it...
Dolamite Giffen: and where is the owners of this place...
Dolamite Giffen: Wouldn't they be kinda mad?
Culama Foxclaw almost tempted to touch it
Jaye Jeffries: I'm kinda mad that an object from the future is out of place
Culama Foxclaw reaches out and touches
Jaye Jeffries: ok, let's attempt to get this back to the ship
Dolamite Giffen: uh oh
Dolamite Giffen: hes touching it

Dolamite Giffen: oh great
Hladson Kappler: what did you do that for?
Dolamite Giffen: Borg!
Culama Foxclaw looks lost
Hladson Kappler: oh, no no no no no!
Culama Foxclaw: what?
Dolamite Giffen reaches for his phaser
Dolamite Giffen realizes he left it on the table
Jaye Jeffries looks around in consternation
Hladson Kappler looks up at the divice
Hladson Kappler: how are we supposed to reach it now
Dolamite Giffen doesnt like borg...
Culama Foxclaw still dazed
Talon Lardner tries to stay calm, trusting the crew that they know what they are doing....
Dolamite Giffen: We will be assimialated...
Talon Lardner: Easy, crew, easy, let's not panic
Dolamite Giffen searches for his other phaser he keeps in his boot
Banditt Weintraub scans for an interphase generator
Dolamite Giffen pulls it out and realizes it only has about 4 shots left on it
Hladson Kappler: Mr. Giffen, do you understand any of these Borg symbols?
Dolamite Giffen looks at the chief...
Dolamite Giffen regains his composure
Dolamite Giffen: I can attempt to try...
Dolamite Giffen attempts to analyze it...
Dolamite Giffen: It appears we are safe for the time being...
Dolamite Giffen: The borg are in a regenerative cycle
Banditt Weintraub: as long as they don't precieve us as a threat
Dolamite Giffen: They wont awake "hopefully" for about an hour
Dolamite Giffen: Interesting as its a small vessel...only 7 drones onboard
Jaye Jeffries: All crew holster your weapons, we don't want to pose any threat
Banditt Weintraub: aye major
Culama Foxclaw: doc i dont feel so well
Talon Lardner: Just remember, let's keep ourselves well-behaved. We're guests. Let's not give them a reason to assimilate us. I don't want to die wearing this getup....
Dolamite Giffen: Thats about it.
Jaye Jeffries: Do we still have a link with the Relliketh?
Takira Sukra: Some type of scout or survey ship?
Dolamite Giffen attempts to hack into the borg logs.
Hladson Kappler checks his tricorder
Dolamite Giffen is really careful as not to set off any alarms
Dolamite Giffen: Yes it is a cylinder
Dolamite Giffen: Its compliment is very small for a vessel of this size...
Hladson Kappler: I'm getting no signal from the Relliketh
Jaye Jeffries: I more concerned about the presence of a Borg ship in 20th century earth - we *are* still in the 20th century aren't we? In fact, are we still on earth?
Dolamite Giffen: It should have about 60 drones
Dolamite Giffen attempts to get a fix on their location using stellar cartography
Hladson Kappler: I'm not even sure if we are still in the 20th century
Jaye Jeffries calles out "Mr Foxclaw, do *not* touch anything!"
Culama Foxclaw begins to wander
Dolamite Giffen: Hmm Sir...
Talon Lardner: He's just nervous, sir...
Jaye Jeffries frowns at Dr Lardner "Dr, please keep an eye on your staff"
Talon Lardner: Holding up OK, Takira?
Dolamite Giffen: It appears...we are back in our own time...but we are over earth!
Hladson Kappler scanns the ship
Dolamite Giffen is slightly wondering what happened....why is the borg vessel above earth and not destroyed
Takira Sukra: I'm doing fine doctor
Talon Lardner smiles warmly. "Good to hear..."
Hladson Kappler: Sir, I'm getting a Romulan bio reading on this ship
Dolamite Giffen: Maturation chambers...
Jaye Jeffries: It must be that device - perhaps it is a time/space teleportation device?
Dolamite Giffen can never get used to borg babies
Jaye Jeffries: a 'nursery'?
Talon Lardner peers in curiously. "Assuming that there is no retardation of normal developation timelines, it looks about 6 months old
Dolamite Giffen: Sir there are numerous starfleet personnel assimilated.
Dolamite Giffen: Well it looks like 2...
Dolamite Giffen: ㋡
Dolamite Giffen: out of the 7
Talon Lardner perks curiously at the sight of Dolamite's smile
Talon Lardner: What do you think, Major? IT looks that way to me
Dolamite Giffen is getting more and more nervous...Borg really scare him...
Culama Foxclaw: ha
Takira Sukra: Is it possible that the borg have assimilated some of the Romulan technology such as a cloaking device. Could explain why Earth cannot detect us.
Culama Foxclaw: the borg
Talon Lardner: Problem is, I don't read Borg... I don't have a clue on what is going on in this ship...
Talon Lardner: But it does seem a little... dusty
Dolamite Giffen: The romulan lifesign...
Dolamite Giffen: Is up stairs....
Jaye Jeffries: interesting thought counsellor - it would explain why there is an odd combination of Borg and Romulan technology
Takira Sukra: But I believe in our timeline, the borg never reach Romulan space
Jaye Jeffries: I would like to look around further, let us make our way to the top floor
Dolamite Giffen: perhaps we show a visit to him...maybe he can offer some answers...maybe we talk to him/her
Talon Lardner: Can't fault the diplomatic route
Culama Foxclaw: your shirts kinda green
Talon Lardner: Kinda... *smirks*
Culama Foxclaw: there gone
Jaye Jeffries looks down at the Borg drone
Talon Lardner peers nin thought over the ledge, trying not to stare at the drone
Dolamite Giffen wants to get looks like they are in the middle of assimilating him...
Hladson Kappler: \\Romulan Borg wakes to see people standing over him
Jaye Jeffries: Counsellor, can we communicate with him?
Dolamite Giffen backs up a little
Takira Sukra: It could be possible
Hladson Kappler: \\please...
Hladson Kappler: \\kill me, please...
Dolamite Giffen wants to know what that device is
Jaye Jeffries: Tell us... what is that device?
Jaye Jeffries looks with sympathy at the Romulan
Hladson Kappler: \\will you kill me then?
Takira Sukra: Should have the doctor monitor his vitals Major
Jaye Jeffries nods to Takira, turning to Talon
Talon Lardner peers over curiously, resting a hand gently on top of the Romulan's, her other hand checking his vitals. "He's stable... but his vitals are low.
Takira Sukra: What is your name?
Jaye Jeffries: Keep a close eye on that Dr
Hladson Kappler: My name is... ... ...
Talon Lardner: I will, sir... *keeps on holding the Romulan's hand, wanting him to know that he is with friends
Hladson Kappler: I can not remember... this buzzing in my head... kill me...
Takira Sukra: Do you remember how you got here?
Dolamite Giffen: doctor is there any way to calm him and remove the implants?
Jaye Jeffries whispers to Counsellor Sukra "Could he be one of the scientists who worked on that device?"
Hladson Kappler: My partner and I were on a... mission
Hladson Kappler: an attempt to change things...
Dolamite Giffen mutters "typical romulan....tactics...."
Hladson Kappler: ...In the Star Empire's favor
Takira Sukra looks back at the Major and whispers 'Maybe'
Jaye Jeffries leans over the table, listening intently to the Romulans story
Takira Sukra: Change what?
Hladson Kappler: I had just sent our agent back in time...
Talon Lardner: Still stable... I think he could be revived, but we're talking about months of treatments under round the clock care...
Hladson Kappler: When all of earth changed
Hladson Kappler: completely assimilated
Dolamite Giffen: So you made a deal with Borg?
Hladson Kappler: No, never
Hladson Kappler: We would never stoop that far
Takira Sukra: Mr. Giffen, is it possible to get a sensor reading on Earth?
Dolamite Giffen: Hmm
Jaye Jeffries thinks it sounds as though the Borg took advantage of the Romulan technology without the Romulans knowledge
Dolamite Giffen goes back down to see if he can get one.
Dolamite Giffen: i can try counselor
Hladson Kappler: something went wrong. Maybe we weakened the Federation too much...
Dolamite Giffen attempts to activate the sensors on the borg vessel.
Takira Sukra: How many agents did you send back?
Hladson Kappler: One
Takira Sukra: What was his mission?
Dolamite Giffen notices that earth is sending out speradic distress signals..but most of it is emenating a borg signature.
Talon Lardner: "One person in the right place can make all the difference in the world..."
Dolamite Giffen: A few isolated resistence fighters...But most of earth has been assimilated....
Dolamite Giffen says..."those dare they!...


Dolamite Giffen nods
Dolamite Giffen hated the temporal theory classes...
Takira Sukra: Setting a technological advance back by 20 affected major social events
Takira Sukra: Which research facility?
Hladson Kappler: The portal should send you to the same point in time as our agent. You may still...
Hladson Kappler: still...
Hladson Kappler: futile...
Dolamite Giffen: sorry to interrupt but the borg will be awakening soon...Just to let you know...
Hladson Kappler: resistance...
Dolamite Giffen pulls out his phaser fearing the inevitable
Hladson Kappler: resistance is futile
Jaye Jeffries: Dr, can you delay the assimilation??
Hladson Kappler: you will be assimilated
Dolamite Giffen fires his phaser on stun
Takira Sukra: Can you tell us something personal about the agent? Something we can use to convince the agent not to go through with the mission.
Dolamite Giffen ralizes he now has 3 shots left on his phaser
Talon Lardner: Sir! HE's crashing!
Jaye Jeffries: I suggest we get back to the Relliketh
Jaye Jeffries: and try to take that device with us
Takira Sukra reaches out and touches the romulan
Talon Lardner frantically tries to inject various chemcials in hoping that she can stave out the nanite's expansion
Dolamite Giffen really hates romulans...
Jaye Jeffries watches as the Dr does her best
Takira Sukra closes her eyes and concentrates on anything memories the Romulan is holding on to
Hladson Kappler: \\Borg drones begin to wake
Dolamite Giffen: Sir i suggest we get out of here now!
Dolamite Giffen: Tocuh that damn device or something
Talon Lardner grits her teeth, frantically trying to help, then sighs as she pull out one final injection... "Permission to... end his life peacefully, sir..."
Jaye Jeffries: Make it snappy Dr, before he takes away that decision for us
Jaye Jeffries: And immediately following we get the hell out of here, before the other drones start to react to our presence
Dolamite Giffen fires at another borg about to fire some kind of weapon
Takira Sukra concentrates
Talon Lardner nods solemly, gently injecting the Romulan's neck, resting a hand against his chest. "Sleep peacefully, my friend..."
Culama Foxclaw: ill touch it again
Dolamite Giffen: Sir move out now! i cant hold em...they are adapting to my weapon...and i only have one shot...
Jaye Jeffries watches as the away team is swarmed by Borg
Jaye Jeffries: Team prepare for transport!
Talon Lardner: LEt's get out of here, Takira.."
Culama Foxclaw: touches it
Jaye Jeffries looks to Kappler "Chief, throw some sort of transport signal enhancer on the device! Quick!"
Dolamite Giffen fires another shot...


Dolamite Giffen notices the beam come back to hit him after he is transported away....
Dolamite Giffen falls to the floor
Talon Lardner pounds her fist against the wall in anger. "I could have saved that Romulan!"
Jaye Jeffries looks out the window in horror
Takira Sukra feels a bit lightheaded
Dolamite Giffen is on the ground....
Takira Sukra leans up agains the wall
Culama Foxclaw begins to shake
Talon Lardner: Folks, our job isn;t over yet! Nurse! Prep a bed, stat!
Hladson Kappler: where are we, when are we!
Talon Lardner kneels down to pick up Dolamite
Culama Foxclaw: ...yes
Culama Foxclaw: follows slowly
Talon Lardner: Right here, Nurse! Get me a dermal regenerator!
Jaye Jeffries looks out the window, to see the Relliketh surrounded by a Borg ship
Culama Foxclaw: y-yes
Dolamite Giffen is laying down on the bed.... ㋡
Hladson Kappler: did we not make it back to the past sir?
Culama Foxclaw hands over the device
Jaye Jeffries shakes his head in bafflement
Talon Lardner rips open Dolamite's wound to survey the wound, reaching out behind her to take the tool
Takira Sukra clears her mind and then leaves the transporter room
Jaye Jeffries: it would appear not - the Relliketh is here and so is... this Borg ship
Jaye Jeffries: Computer, Stardate please
computer: Stardate 49182.3
Talon Lardner: Come on... *Grits her teet has she places a neural stabilizer against her forehead. "We need to shock his heart..."
Jaye Jeffries: It's our present alright
Jaye Jeffries: But what is a Borg ship doing in Earth orbit?
Culama Foxclaw: oh y-yes doc
Culama Foxclaw retrives equi[pment
Talon Lardner glares up to the nurse in slight annoyance, of his fear, not realizing that the nurse is still shocked
Talon Lardner: Let's get a sterile field up here, pronto!
Hladson Kappler wonders why the Relliketh is inside a Borg ship and yet not assimilated
Culama Foxclaw: on it
Talon Lardner: me frantically rigs up a quick shock against Dol's heart to start it.... "CLEAR!"
Culama Foxclaw sets up field
Jaye Jeffries: computer red alert
Dolamite Giffen moves slightly
Jaye Jeffries: shields up
Takira Sukra: Major, I was able to get a name from the Romulan.
Hladson Kappler: Sir I'll see if I can get the Romulan portal beamed onto our ship
Talon Lardner: Come on... *Grits her teeth as she clears out some more burnt flesh* Clear!
Takira Sukra: Sel'tal
Hladson Kappler: we will need it if we are to go back to undo all this mess
Talon Lardner breathes a sigh of relief as Dolamite's heart re-starts
Jaye Jeffries: Agreed chief. Counsellor? You got a name from that Romulan scientist?
Talon Lardner: Culama, we need an injection of 4 ccs of dextratine
Takira Sukra: Sel'tal. not sure if it was the scientist name or the agent's name
Culama Foxclaw gets hypo and injects it
Talon Lardner adjusts a few settings on Dolamite's neural stabilizer before beginning to heal more of his chest
Talon Lardner: There we go... let's let his body recover, but we aren't out of the woods yet...
Takira Sukra: I couldn't get any more than that besides feelings of anguish, dispair and anger
Culama Foxclaw wounders about the effect of touching that device
Talon Lardner: Nurse... release the restraints... *runs her hands over with a sterilizer before finishing up the shrinking burn scars on his chest. "He's gonna make it...."
Jaye Jeffries: Sel'tal? Hmmm, Mr Arado, can you run his name through the Relly's database
Culama Foxclaw: released maam
Talon Lardner: And one last thing... *looks up to her nurse* You did a good job... Thanks for keeping a calm head
Unadecal Arado: Sel'tal... indeed
Culama Foxclaw: t-thank you... but still alittle foggy
Jaye Jeffries looks towards Kappler "Chief, were we able to secure the device?"
Talon Lardner: I know... we all are... go get some rest...
Hladson Kappler: aye sir. I beamed it into one of the side rooms for now
Unadecal Arado takes his station, searching for the name... unsuccessfully
Culama Foxclaw: yes maam *truns to leav*
Dolamite Giffen starts to stir...
Unadecal Arado tries again, visibly frustrated
Dolamite Giffen opens his eyes
Dolamite Giffen sees the gorn standing over him
Jaye Jeffries: Let's hope that we continue to go unnoticed by this Borg cube we appear to be inside - perhaps if we don't pose a threat in much the same was as person-borg entcounter they won't notice us?
Unadecal Arado: (comm): Captain, I can't find a single reference to that name on the relliketh database. I have tried all possible cross-referencing
Dolamite Giffen attempts to get up...
Talon Lardner gently injects a small dosage to wake him up further
Dolamite Giffen: Ahh doctor...what happened...
Talon Lardner: Easy, theres... you're gonna still be sore...
Talon Lardner: Don't know... but you were quite close to kicking the bucket...
Dolamite Giffen feels compelled to get to the bridge....
Dolamite Giffen: may i return to duties doc...?
Talon Lardner: Aye... butyou're on restricted duty. Four hours on, two off, and no strenuous physical duty, understand?
Dolamite Giffen stands up and gives her a hug. "Thanks Doc!"
Dolamite Giffen: Understood... ㋡
Jaye Jeffries: ok crew, to the conference lounge
Talon Lardner hugs the officer tightly back, thankful that she at least saved a life to make up for taking one
Talon Lardner hugs the officer tightly back, thankful that she at least saved a life to make up for taking one
Unadecal Arado: aye sir
Dolamite Giffen checks his chest..and feels the burn in the uni...
Dolamite Giffen: **rather shirt*
Hladson Kappler stares out the window at the borg structure
Jaye Jeffries: ok crew, our current situation before we proceed
Jaye Jeffries: We have successfully acquired the Romulan/Borg device
Hladson Kappler nods
Jaye Jeffries: Chief I want you to analyse the device and see if you can reverse-engineer her after we finish here
Dolamite Giffen wonders what happened...and how they got onto the Relly...but decides not to ask...
Hladson Kappler: Aye sir, although I think that's what the Federations ship did which caused her to disapear
Jaye Jeffries: Proceed with caution chief. Mr Giffen, attempt to contact Earth *glances out window* But I'm guessing, that there may be no response.
Dolamite Giffen notes that there were a few pockets of resistance
Hladson Kappler nods
Dolamite Giffen: Majority of earth has been assimilated...maybe that would explain the lack of drones ON the borg vessel
Jaye Jeffries looks towards Arado "Mr Arado, work with chief kappler - and determine where or...when we are. I want to know if this could be....possibly...a parallel future? Perhaps one where the Borg have assimilated Earth
Unadecal Arado: aye sir
Dolamite Giffen: I think we took out 3 of there is only 3 or 4 left on the vessel.
Dolamite Giffen raises his hand
Jaye Jeffries: Dr - I imagine you will need to have your department at full readyness before we proceed
Unadecal Arado: we will have a huge problem when all those earth drones transport back... we need to act fast
Jaye Jeffries looks towards Giffen
Talon Lardner nods politely. "Aye sir... I just wish I could have saved that Romulan..."
Dolamite Giffen: Sir, did we find anything about who was the romulan responsible?
Jaye Jeffries: I'm guessing the scientist we discovered onboard the Borg vessel - but we weren't able to find his name in the database
Dolamite Giffen: May i ask what his/her name was?
Jaye Jeffries looks towards Counsellor Sukra " I can't quite recall..."
Takira Sukra: Sel'tal
Takira Sukra: I'm not sure if it a person's name or something else
Dolamite Giffen gasps softly
Dolamite Giffen: Did you say...Sel'Tal?
Takira Sukra: That is correct
Dolamite Giffen: Oh my...Major...if she is involved...this could be very tricky
Dolamite Giffen: actually Sel'tal, is a who is against the federation/Vulcan Alliance.
Dolamite Giffen: She has attempted to "subvert" us before...
Unadecal Arado: oh? why didn't that come up in my search?
Dolamite Giffen: So far she has failed, no one knows exactly where she is...and all efforts to track her have proven in vain
Culama Foxclaw: yes ive herd of her from my grand mother
Dolamite Giffen: But if she is behind this...that might explain...the current scenario.
Dolamite Giffen: Mr Arado...somethings...are privy to certain people...
Hladson Kappler: do you think she may have done all this on purpose?
Dolamite Giffen smiles softly
Dolamite Giffen: Given her psychological profile in the past she has gone to great lengths...So its not beyond her capability...i suspect she found that scientist...and she made that device
Dolamite Giffen: Probably promised him some kind of promise int he romulan senate.
Dolamite Giffen: but yea...other then that i dont have a clue on how to find her.
Culama Foxclaw: / me wonders if his grand mother would know anything about her
Dolamite Giffen: But if she is involved this is dangerous
Dolamite Giffen: and highly calculated
Jaye Jeffries: thankyou for that update Mr Giffen
Dolamite Giffen always wondered what his previous position was useful for... ㋡
Dolamite Giffen: No problm Major
Unadecal Arado: Major... I donot want to seem too fatalistic...
Jaye Jeffries: Go ahead Mr Arado
Hladson Kappler: well if we headd back to the past, we may be able to track her by her lifesigns. Not many copper blooded humans around on earth at that time.
Dolamite Giffen: THat device might be the key.... ㋡ If we can control where and when it goes...we might have a chance?
Hladson Kappler: We should even be able to track her by orbit
Unadecal Arado: but if she is as dangerous as we are led to believe, and while we are here, surrounded by the Borg cube...
Hladson Kappler thinks of the damage of the Relliketh apearing in a New York apartment
Jaye Jeffries: I'm going to make a leap here - but I'm assuming we can safely bet that the information contained on the crashed shuttle core we retrieved, was information on the construction/development of that device we have just retrieved
Unadecal Arado: we have a battle on two fronts, and not enogh resources for both
Dolamite Giffen would be really excited...if we could capture her...Starfleet Intelligence and the Vulcan Counsel would really be interested in her capture...
Hladson Kappler: I have a feeling that if we take on the Borg, we will fail
Jaye Jeffries: ok crew!
Dolamite Giffen: Maybe we can...disable the transport of the drones
Jaye Jeffries: Let's determine where we stand, assess the device, and prepare ourselves for the coming eventualities
Dolamite Giffen: they only have 4 drones...
Jaye Jeffries: I want a report from each station by 06:00
Dolamite Giffen: if we diasble the ability to get the other drones onto the vessel we might have a chance.
Jaye Jeffries: Dismissed
Jaye Jeffries: aaaand... END RP ^.^

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Chatlog 21st January 2009

Jaye Jeffries: I hope everybody has had a good week
Jaye Jeffries: I've been enjoying some holo novels
Culama Foxclaw: just finished the beowulf program myself
Hladson Kappler: You know me, I relax best working on the warpcore
Jaye Jeffries looks towards Foxclaw "how was it? I"ve heard good things about it"
Takira Sukra: I had the opportunity to attend several anthropological, psychological and linguistic seminars on Vulcan. It was refreshing
Culama Foxclaw: twisted ankel scraps and bruses, and a lecture from the doc
Culama Foxclaw: yeah it was awsome!
Jaye Jeffries: Best to be careful with those safety protocols, especially with a program like that
Culama Foxclaw: haha that was with the safties on
Jaye Jeffries doubles blinks
Culama Foxclaw: i know
Jaye Jeffries: I'll have to borrow that program from you sometime!
Culama Foxclaw: sure thing
Jaye Jeffries: We still need to setup your new office counsellor, it should make your role a whole lot easier and confidential
Hladson Kappler: Please excuse me for a minute, I'll be in Engineering
Takira Sukra: Yes. Just need to get some furniture in there
Jaye Jeffries: I'm not sure if everybody has realised - but chief kappler recently setup an LCARS near the transporter room with crew profiles
Culama Foxclaw: cool
Jaye Jeffries: If you could submit your crew profile (Character bio) at some, we can input the data it into the LCARS
Takira Sukra: Has it been updated since Nov?
Jaye Jeffries: No counsellor, yours was the last I recieved
Takira Sukra nods
Culama Foxclaw: how do we submit it
Jaye Jeffries hands Foxclaw a data padd
Jaye Jeffries: You can use the COunsellor's as a template - fill it in with your own information and return to me
Culama Foxclaw: i shall review it
Jaye Jeffries nods
Jaye Jeffries: We'll begin the debrief in 10
Takira Sukra: Are we going to get a LCARs or something along that line for medical and counseling soon?
Jaye Jeffries nods "I'm hoping to have the crew profile's finalised first - but we can start setting up the counselling LCARS if you like"
Takira Sukra nods
Takira Sukra: but also think Talon might like one for medical also
Jaye Jeffries: We just need to acquire the information from our crew ;o)
Takira Sukra: provide a predesigned form for everyone and let them fill it out or modify it
Jaye Jeffries nods
Jaye Jeffries: Hello Mr Giffen
Dolamite Giffen nods
Dolamite Giffen: Greetings Major

Hladson Kappler places the shuttle computer core on the conference table
Jaye Jeffries clears his throat
Jaye Jeffries taps his PADD
Jaye Jeffries: I understand that you have been working on retrieving/decoding the information from the crashed shuttles computer core chief
Hladson Kappler nods
Hladson Kappler: Aye sir
Jaye Jeffries looks up at the core "Have there been some problems? Would you like to give us an update?"
Hladson Kappler: The science team and I have been able to access portions of the core, but the majority of the data is heavily encripted
Jaye Jeffries: Heavily encrypted? That's odd, why would the shuttle crew have encrypted the computer core?
Hladson Kappler: I've had experience breaking encription back in the resistance, but this Federation code makes the Cardassian programming look like a child's toy
Dolamite Giffen: perhaps the crew encytped it so the people on the planet couldnt access it
Jaye Jeffries rubs his chin "Possibly..."
Hladson Kappler: that makes some sense, but what bothers me is that only portions are encripted
Dolamite Giffen wonders if his knowledge of starfleet intelligence would actually help in this case.
Dolamite Giffen dismisses the idea as quickly as it came
Dolamite Giffen: Interesting
Jaye Jeffries takes a sip from his luke-warm Raktajino, placing it back carefully on the table
Hladson Kappler: Obviously we could send it back to the Fed's
Hladson Kappler: I'm sure they could decode it easily
Dolamite Giffen: Perhaps i could take a crack at it?
Hladson Kappler: by all means. I am hitting a brick wall here
Dolamite Giffen grins
Culama Foxclaw: sir might i assit
Dolamite Giffen: Well my knowledge of encryptions is "extensive" Although i cant tell ya why ?
Dolamite Giffen nods
Dolamite Giffen: By all means Mr Foxclaw
Culama Foxclaw: i've some training
Dolamite Giffen: Perhaps we should take it to the lab?
Dolamite Giffen: So we can hook it up to the computer?
Culama Foxclaw: would be a start
Jaye Jeffries nods "It's certainly worth a try"
Hladson Kappler nods
Dolamite Giffen: Aye sir
Hladson Kappler picks up the core
Hladson Kappler places the core on the science station table

Dolamite Giffen: Mt foxclaw run encryption protocal giffen 2
Culama Foxclaw: running
Jaye Jeffries watches as the crew run tests on the core
Culama Foxclaw: hmm
Dolamite Giffen: Ms loire watch for any "odd" readings
Snowhite Loire: yes sir
Dolamite Giffen looks over the analyzation
Dolamite Giffen: **after 10 mins of this...** ?
Dolamite Giffen: Ms Loire anything?
Culama Foxclaw: wow quite the encryption
Snowhite Loire: wait
Dolamite Giffen has been able to get a little but of info...
Snowhite Loire: it seems some pattern is repeating
Dolamite Giffen: Try switching to giffen 5
Dolamite Giffen: That might clear this pattern up
Snowhite Loire: if we modify the algorythm like this...
Culama Foxclaw: runnining
Dolamite Giffen: **another 6 minutes go by**
Snowhite Loire: oh look
Culama Foxclaw: this can't federation
Snowhite Loire: it's deleting itself!
Dolamite Giffen: it is interesting..
Snowhite Loire: we did something wrong here
Dolamite Giffen: Stop anaylsis now
Snowhite Loire: it is reacting
Culama Foxclaw: im saving data!
Dolamite Giffen corrects the error just in time
Dolamite Giffen finds the data puzzling
Dolamite Giffen: I think i understand now...
Hladson Kappler quickly places a firewall between the core and the Relliketh's computer
Dolamite Giffen: Major, I believe i have an answer...that is both good and not so good.
Jaye Jeffries: Go ahead Mr Giffen...what have you found?
Dolamite Giffen: The good is the encyption algorithm ran has determined that when the crew landed they did a basic encyrption. But the bad news is someone else has encrypted it farther and its not a federation encryption
Dolamite Giffen: I do know a person who can de-encrypt anything however.
Dolamite Giffen: Its a ferengi...Not sure how you feeel about dealing with them.
Hladson Kappler sighs at the thought of dealing with the Ferengi
Dolamite Giffen: His name is Damon Parg
Dolamite Giffen: I suggest we look for him.
Dolamite Giffen happens to know where he is at the moment.
Jaye Jeffries: Agreed. I would earnestly like to know what information lies inside that core.
Dolamite Giffen: I think i have a good idea where he might be.
Dolamite Giffen: He spends a lot of time in this certain system
Dolamite Giffen: Maybe we begin the search there
Dolamite Giffen: Mr foxclaw keep an eye on the core until we arrive...if you find anything useful let me know. ?
Jaye Jeffries nods "You have the helm as always, Mr Giffen. Input coordinates directly, and take us there"
Dolamite Giffen nods
Dolamite Giffen: Aye sir
Culama Foxclaw: i'm on it
Dolamite Giffen looks up the star charts, and plots a course to a planetary system not many in the federation know exists.
Hladson Kappler: Sir I'll be in Engineering if you need me
Dolamite Giffen: What you are about to see Major has been restricted to top level clearence.
Jaye Jeffries nods
Dolamite Giffen: So i would be careful on gathering senor data.
Dolamite Giffen: Suggest turning off the main sensor array.
Jaye Jeffries nods "If necessary, then make it so"
Dolamite Giffen will continue to monitor the navigational sensors to make sure nothing happens.
Dolamite Giffen: Aye sir
Dolamite Giffen: Course plotted.
Helm Console: Entering warp
Jaye Jeffries: What *is* our course Mr Giffen?
Dolamite Giffen: Ummm...Sir...please dont ask me to divulge that information...please trust me...If you order me to ill have to...but id rather not
Jaye Jeffries: I see
Talon Lardner pats her hands together, shaking her head a bit in frustration. "Sorry about that, had a little trouble with a lab test."
Jaye Jeffries: Trust me when I say Mr Giffen.. that you walk a very fine line
Dolamite Giffen nods....
Jaye Jeffries: but so be it
Dolamite Giffen: Yes, major i understand...
Dolamite Giffen sighs softly.
Culama Foxclaw: doctor
Jaye Jeffries: So we travel to an undisclosed location, to meet a person who may know how to decrypt the information on this computer core?
Talon Lardner: Hello Culama. I hope you are doing well this evening. Got all those reports done?
Dolamite Giffen notes that we are appx 1 day away from the system.
Culama Foxclaw: yes
Culama Foxclaw: some of the crew had minor irratation with the desert sand
Jaye Jeffries looks towards Counsellor Takira, wondering if he should have a chat with her about Giffen's psychological profile
Talon Lardner: Understandable... I predict that their systems cleared up in a day?
Takira Sukra conducts some cross referencing
Culama Foxclaw: yes
Culama Foxclaw: no lasting issuse
Takira Sukra: Major, according records Damon Parg is your standard Ferengi when it comes to greed and profit
Jaye Jeffries: ETA Mr Giffen?
Talon Lardner: Glad to hear... I also see you are wearing the new starfleet uniform. It seems my measurements have gotten lost in some Quartermaster's inbox, so I haven't gotten a new pattern yet to replicate a uniform off of.
Takira Sukra: But he his known for his 'excesses'
Dolamite Giffen notes appx 3 mins
Jaye Jeffries nods "Be sure to stock up on the gold pressed latinum counsellor... do we have any onboard?"
Talon Lardner: If I don't get it soon, I'm gonna have to go back to DS9 and get Garak to make me one the old fashioned way!
Dolamite Giffen: That is what they want you to fact he is an old friend of mine. We have had a few dealings and close calls together.
Takira Sukra: Appears that Damon Parg likes to over indulge in food and drinks of other cultures
Culama Foxclaw: haha
Dolamite Giffen: Now that part is true :P
Culama Foxclaw: it's the best way
Jaye Jeffries watches as the Relliketh pulls into orbit around a planet that looks entirely unfamiliar to him
Talon Lardner: I agree.... replicated uniforms don't last long at all... the seams unravel, they get torn at the slightest poke....
Dolamite Giffen enters in standard orbit, and masks our signature.
Dolamite Giffen: Standard orbit sir.
Talon Lardner: Eh, what can we do, it's not like we can drag a tailor along every ship
Jaye Jeffries taps his comm badge "Jeffries to senior crew, please report to the transporter bay. Prepare for planetside teleport"
Takira Sukra: It appears, what ever business Damon Parg is running, it isn't the acquisition of material wealth
Culama Foxclaw: maby there sould be a star fleet dept. for it
Talon Lardner: I think it just falls under a Quartermaster's duties...
Takira Sukra: that is measured in gold press latnimum
Culama Foxclaw: chief clothing officer has a better ring
Jaye Jeffries waits for the crew to gather
Culama Foxclaw: thats us
Dolamite Giffen: Mr foxclaw bring the core with you
Talon Lardner hears a chirp on the comms. "Well... let's hope better luck on this one
Culama Foxclaw: i cant get it
Talon Lardner: Oops, one sec, let me turn that field off...
Jaye Jeffries: Energize!
Talon Lardner: Sorry, forgot I had that on, I was running a few tests
Culama Foxclaw: *takes core*
Jaye Jeffries: AFter you Doc
Jaye Jeffries motions to the beam

Takira Sukra looks awkard
Jaye Jeffries: an impressive view, and yet I still can figure where we are
Dolamite Giffen: Wow pretty city, eh?
Dolamite Giffen: No scans plz
Jaye Jeffries nods "As Mr Giffen scans"
Snowhite Loire: I forgot Sir
Talon Lardner: No harm, no foul.... quite a view, though...
Dolamite Giffen: Hmm
Dolamite Giffen: Intriguing he isnt here...either.
Dolamite Giffen: elusive little fellow
Jaye Jeffries: Perhaps patch through a comms
Culama Foxclaw: arnt all ferengi
Dolamite Giffen nods...
Dolamite Giffen: Its possible Major...
Dolamite Giffen takes off his combadge, and adjusts it to an encrypted signal
Dolamite Giffen taps the combadge and requests to speak with the Damon
Dolamite Giffen requests he meet his team at the usual spot
Talon Lardner slumps down her frame on a nearby seat, rubbing her forehead in thought
Jaye Jeffries looks around as Ferengi materialises
Dolamite Giffen: Ahhh Damon Prag...
Hladson Kappler: Well if it isn't Giff.
Dolamite Giffen: Long time no see.
Talon Lardner gestures over her shoulder. "There he is, sir..." she smirks, amused by the sudden appearance
Hladson Kappler: One of the few hoomans I don't mind seeing from time to time
Dolamite Giffen grins
Dolamite Giffen: Yes its been a long time. And the pleasure is mine ?
Jaye Jeffries hopes that they can trust Damon Parg to decipher the information without recording it
Hladson Kappler: What's happened to your uniform. You seem to be missing some jewlery ::looking at his rank pips::
Dolamite Giffen notes the shhh symbol....
Dolamite Giffen: ummm
Dolamite Giffen: Its uhhh nothing. ?
Dolamite Giffen gets a little nervous hoping the rest dont remember this part...
Jaye Jeffries looks towards Foxclaw "The Computer core Mr Foxclaw - let Damon parg take a look at it"
Dolamite Giffen: I have something that requires your unique talents.
Dolamite Giffen points to the computer core.
Culama Foxclaw: here you go *passes comp core*
Hladson Kappler: You brought more than just a computer core this time?
Dolamite Giffen: It has an encryption that i can not crack...
Dolamite Giffen grins
Hladson Kappler: something like the three bars of gold pressed latnum?
Hladson Kappler looks at the core
Dolamite Giffen looks at the Major
Jaye Jeffries looks towards Counsellor Sukra
Dolamite Giffen: We were hoping you could tell us what it contains.
Hladson Kappler: Standard federation shuttle core...
Hladson Kappler: hmmmm
Talon Lardner sighs... "Crap, there goes my new uniform from Garak's shop... take it from my off-shore quota..."
Hladson Kappler: let's head down to my workshop
Dolamite Giffen nods
Jaye Jeffries nods
Hladson Kappler: use this telepad here, but watch yourselves, it's a long way down.

Hladson Kappler: /Parg hooks the core up to the computer
Jaye Jeffries: An impressive workshop Damon
Hladson Kappler: I'm surprised you weren't able to handle a simple Federation code Giff.... oh I see...
Dolamite Giffen nods
Dolamite Giffen: Yes now you see my problem...
Hladson Kappler: This is some work
Culama Foxclaw: not so simple
Dolamite Giffen: It is impressive...
Hladson Kappler: obviously not your standard encription....
Jaye Jeffries: Can you decrypt it?
Hladson Kappler: Can I... Bajoran, I've seen worse...
Dolamite Giffen: Wait...
Dolamite Giffen: there is something...
Hladson Kappler: You remember the Borg encription Giff? That was a challenge
Dolamite Giffen grins
Dolamite Giffen: Oh yes....
Jaye Jeffries raises an eyebrow "you've decrypted Borg code??"
Jaye Jeffries looks incredulous
Hladson Kappler: oh, a trap door, almost missed it
Dolamite Giffen: Did you know that my team was finally ab le to crack the encryption done by Cmdr data?
Culama Foxclaw: borg? i am impressed
Dolamite Giffen: Yes, i dont know why i missed it must be cuase your lab is setup for this
Dolamite Giffen: ?
Dolamite Giffen: From what i hear that borg encryption wojuld have cost thousands of vessels btw.
Dolamite Giffen: They actually attempted to take over our vessels remotely...
Jaye Jeffries begins to look impatient
Dolamite Giffen: Dang they were crazy...
Hladson Kappler: This is interesting... I'm almost positive this is the work of Romulans
Dolamite Giffen raises an eyebrow.
Hladson Kappler: Where did you get this thing again?
Jaye Jeffries: Romulans? Coding a crashed Starfleet warpcore?
Dolamite Giffen: What would romulans want with a crashed starfleet core...
Dolamite Giffen: Does it have any information on it at all?
Dolamite Giffen: Llike maybe a message?
Dolamite Giffen: Perhaps we beat the pickup....
Hladson Kappler: parts of it were erased when you attempted to break the encription. I can access the shuttle's logs and flight data...
Hladson Kappler: There does seem to be another message
Hladson Kappler: let me see if I can break through
Dolamite Giffen nods
ALERT shouts: 30
ALERT shouts: 29
ALERT shouts: 28
ALERT shouts: 27
ALERT shouts: 26
ALERT shouts: 25
ALERT shouts: 24
Hladson Kappler: DAMN
Dolamite Giffen: Whoa!
ALERT shouts: 23
ALERT shouts: 22
ALERT shouts: 21
ALERT shouts: 20
ALERT shouts: 19
ALERT shouts: 18
ALERT shouts: 17
Jaye Jeffries: What?!
ALERT shouts: 16
ALERT shouts: 15
ALERT shouts: 14
ALERT shouts: 13
ALERT shouts: 12
ALERT shouts: 11
Dolamite Giffen: What did you jsut do?
ALERT shouts: 10
Jaye Jeffries: Relliketh emergency transport
ALERT shouts: 9
Talon Lardner: Allright, which one of you hit the wrong button!
Jaye Jeffries: belay that
Hladson Kappler: those Romulans....
Dolamite Giffen grins to the doctors comment


Jaye Jeffries looks worried about the effect of the power stream on the away team
Talon Lardner: Everyone cool? No one's half-blinded or whatnot from that lgiht now, I hope
Hladson Kappler: This is going to take a while to reset
Dolamite Giffen nods
Hladson Kappler: it triggered an overload of all of my systems
Culama Foxclaw: some kind of viruse?
Hladson Kappler: you didn't notice any problems on your ship did you
Jaye Jeffries shakes his head
Dolamite Giffen: Luckily our engineer put upa firewall as a precaution
Dolamite Giffen: i think it might have spared us.
Hladson Kappler: Virus, no. But just as damaging
Hladson Kappler: here...
Vaj Vultee is Offline
Hladson Kappler: okay I'm back online
Jaye Jeffries looks with apprehension at the power stream
Dolamite Giffen rubs his uni where some burn marks are.
Snowhite Loire wishes she could have her tricorder
Jaye Jeffries: Doctor, can you make sure we have suffered no effects from radiation?
Hladson Kappler: There is a message embedded in the core. My guess is it's hard locked. Any tampering triggers the defence protocol
Dolamite Giffen: intended for on user with a remote access query system
Dolamite Giffen: Interesting
Hladson Kappler: I can crack it, but I'm going to need to set up some extra securities
Dolamite Giffen: one*
Hladson Kappler: I'm thinking the Romulans intended to retreave whatever is on it.
Culama Foxclaw: *looks over the major*
Hladson Kappler: They may have already now that I think of it.
Jaye Jeffries considers the implications of a crashed Starfleet shuttle, and a Romulan encoded computer core
Culama Foxclaw: this would be easier with at least a gigercounter
Dolamite Giffen grins
Jaye Jeffries: You can use your medical tricorder if necessary, but only on the crew
Hladson Kappler: One of you with a scanner thingie, check for chroniton particles on the core
Jaye Jeffries motions towards Ms Loire
Snowhite Loire: chroniton particles??
Snowhite Loire: I would be very surprised if...
Snowhite Loire: this is really strange
Jaye Jeffries: what is it ms loire?
Snowhite Loire: yeah there's a concentration of chroniton particles inside the core
Talon Lardner peeks over to study Foxclaw's results
Jaye Jeffries: What are the implicaitons of that? Why would there be chroniton particles inside a computer core?
Talon Lardner: I can confirm that... shouldn't be harmful, though, unless you were in contact with it for long periods of time
Jaye Jeffries: And do they pose any risk?
Culama Foxclaw: not exactly the proverbial apple
Hladson Kappler: They are usually caused by cloaking devices or phased distortions
Dolamite Giffen grins
Hladson Kappler: harmless to most hoomanoids
Dolamite Giffen nods
Talon Lardner: Well, no risk if you take your standard code 5 Hazmat policies, which amounts to basically "Don't sleep with it like a teddy bea, and you'll be fine.":
Jaye Jeffries: ok do what you can
Culama Foxclaw: hehe
Snowhite Loire: it seems some part of the core is shielded by a distortion
Snowhite Loire: of time space
Snowhite Loire: really crazy
Jaye Jeffries: hmmmm
Snowhite Loire: if we can penetrate it with a tachyon scanner
Snowhite Loire: we might be able to complete the puzzle
Hladson Kappler: The chronitons may be the key. if the core can only be unlocked on a cloaked ship, the Romulans would know it wouldn't be able to be unlocked by the Federation
Dolamite Giffen nods
Jaye Jeffries: Is there any possible way to bypass the Chroniton proteciton Damon?
Hladson Kappler: Do you have a cloaking device handy? I don't have that much latnum to buy one
Dolamite Giffen grins
Jaye Jeffries sighs heavily
Hladson Kappler: There is a possibility...
Snowhite Loire: a small cloaking device would be enough
Snowhite Loire: to set a probe in phase with the shielded part of the core
Jaye Jeffries eyes the computer core suspiciously
Hladson Kappler: Chronitons are not usually found in nature in high ammounts, but if you don't mind flying close to a singularity...
Jaye Jeffries: Flying close to a singularity? Is this necessary? It sounds particularly dangerous...
Hladson Kappler: and by close I mean as close to the event horizon as you can, you'd be flying through a chroniton field
Jaye Jeffries: Unless... we used the Bajoran wormhole!
Hladson Kappler: I'm just thinking through ideas
Hladson Kappler: no, that one doesn't produce chronitons. I'm not sure why.
Jaye Jeffries nods
Dolamite Giffen ponders on thsi for a while...
Hladson Kappler: I've done a bit of research on the subject... The Ferengi's would love to get their hands on a Romulan Cloaking device
Hladson Kappler: Imagine the untapped market, all the latnum...
Jaye Jeffries looks towards Dolamite and Snowhite "Are you able to complete the procedure if we find the right singularity?"
Dolamite Giffen nods it is possible yes
Snowhite Loire: I agree
Hladson Kappler hands Dolamite a disk
Jaye Jeffries: Good, then I believe it is time we returned to Relliketh. Thankyou Damon, we will send down the latinum shortly.
Dolamite Giffen grins
Hladson Kappler: This is what you will need to unlock it while in the field
Hladson Kappler: and if I'm wrong you can forget about the three bars you owe me.
Jaye Jeffries: Let's hope you're not wrong Damon
Jaye Jeffries indicates the core "If you wouldn't mind Mr Foxclaw?"
Jaye Jeffries: Crew prepare to return to teh Relliketh
Hladson Kappler: but now... how would you like to pay for todays service?
Jaye Jeffries: We'll send down the latinum shortly Damon
Jaye Jeffries: Beamed directly
Hladson Kappler looks at Dolamite
Dolamite Giffen nods
Hladson Kappler: I can trust him?
Dolamite Giffen: yes he is alright.
Jaye Jeffries: Sure, as much as we trust you Damon!

emDash: Entering Baekje
Jaye Jeffries: Mr Giffen, set course for the closest singularity. Maximum warp.
Dolamite Giffen nods
Jaye Jeffries looks back at Kappler and Snowhite "Make sure the computer core is hooked up in the lab and ready"
Hladson Kappler: Aye sir
Helm Console: Entering warp
Talon Lardner leans against the wall, her mind busy in thougth
Snowhite Loire: yes Sir
Jaye Jeffries: ETA to singularity Mr Giffen?
Snowhite Loire: now we need to get the ship in a chroniton field
Dolamite Giffen: Appx 1 minute sir...
Dolamite Giffen turns on main sensors again
Dolamite Giffen: Sorry sir for the secrecy...
Jaye Jeffries: As necessary Mrs Loire
Jaye Jeffries: Forward deflectors at your disposal
Jaye Jeffries: Everybody at their stations
Jaye Jeffries: yellow alert
Hladson Kappler: I'm diverting power to shields and deflectors
Dolamite Giffen: we are arriving
Talon Lardner ducks off to sickbay to prepare
Dolamite Giffen looks over the system
Dolamite Giffen notes the music...
Jaye Jeffries: All non essential system power to helm
Hladson Kappler: Aye sir
Snowhite Loire: well
Dolamite Giffen: Sir, the anomaly is odd...but we should be alright.
Snowhite Loire: now keep an orbit around the horizon of event
Hladson Kappler stands up, ready to dash to engineering if anything goes wrong
Snowhite Loire: we should be at exactly the right distance
Dolamite Giffen attempts to keep us in orbit rght here
Jaye Jeffries takes a seat, prepared for a rough flight
Snowhite Loire: so that the phase of the ship and the core's phase will interact
Dolamite Giffen start shaking a little as the inertial compensators are pushed to their limit
Jaye Jeffries grips the armrests of his chair
Snowhite Loire: we should keep getting closer as I monitor the image
Relliketh begins to shake violently
Hladson Kappler: Sir the core is indeed reacting to the field
Dolamite Giffen: Sir the anomaly is acting strange to us being seems to be attracted to our specific Engines...
Takira Sukra holds on to the armrests
Snowhite Loire: ok keep this orbit
Dolamite Giffen: Correction...
Dolamite Giffen: It is reacting to the warp core from the shuttle...
Dolamite Giffen: I cant keep orbit sir...
Snowhite Loire: I am taking an image of the core now
Dolamite Giffen attempts to break off, and
Jaye Jeffries: *Relliketh rocks violently as she is thrown off of her projected course*
Snowhite Loire: it's blurring now
Hladson Kappler: Sir I'm reading a massive power buildup from the shuttle and it's core
Jaye Jeffries: Chief??
Snowhite Loire: what the?
Dolamite Giffen cant get her to move, and then he is thrown from his chair, and hits the other console!
Snowhite Loire: chronitones are being emited by the core!
Jaye Jeffries: *Crew of the Relliketh all fall unconscious for an unknown period of time*
Snowhite Loire: it's creating another anomaly inside our ship
Snowhite Loire: ...
Snowhite Loire: zzzz
Culama Foxclaw: sir
Dolamite Giffen stands up slowly as a light emits across the vessel...

Jaye Jeffries: *Crew awaken groggily*
Hladson Kappler stands up shaking his head
Jaye Jeffries: What happened?
Snowhite Loire climbs up to the console again
Jaye Jeffries: Where is the singularity?
emDash Radar: Talon Lardner has entered chat range.
Dolamite Giffen is back in his chair....
Snowhite Loire: last thing recorded was...
Dolamite Giffen: Sir i cant find the sinularity at all on main sensors...
Dolamite Giffen: What was that light?
Jaye Jeffries: What is our location long were we unconscious?
Dolamite Giffen rubs his head...
Snowhite Loire: the core of the shuttle contained not only information, but actually a device
Dolamite Giffen attempts to check the computer logs...
Snowhite Loire: that was activated as we entered in phase with it
Dolamite Giffen: Sir...we are right where we were before...but...this is strange...
Jaye Jeffries: Strange?
Jaye Jeffries: Explain
Dolamite Giffen: we are now...appx 300 yearsbefore....starfleet doesnt exist!
Dolamite Giffen: I cant belive this...
Dolamite Giffen: this cant be right...
Jaye Jeffries peers over Dolamite's shoulder
Dolamite Giffen hears no communication at all.
Culama Foxclaw: *medic buzzes around*
Jaye Jeffries: END RP